Инструкция по эксплуатации Continental Electric, модель CE23121
Avocd eonlacl wilh water ar> sl&Qm 3. Once all ihs water has be«* drained tn Step 2, not" upon ovsr sink wllh Ihe soieplate ("it ing down Remaining drops o1 water will drain through Hie solvate vent&. Place the tot tior on rts heel aest so tha| any foenaming moisture will evaporate 4 Do not store iron unlil the Mleplate Is comp^tel^ coot 5 Loop cord loowly around iron when storing. Ort» Hi» sdeplal* has coded tomplelely: * Wipe lint ouitiw oi rhe iron and strieplate wilh a damp clctn Never u$a ahwave cieanacs * To prevent scralChing Ihe soleplate do nol allow soleplate to direeHy contact abrasive object* such as iippers and hullont Instead. cover Ihe area wilh a oreis cloth and lhan iron 7 SfrH-Ctoaning 1 Fill the water rank 2 Plug iron into ^lectnctil outlet 3 Turn temperature diai ciocKwist to trie maximum temperature setung 4. &?= ifOn On he”! rest and wmt until ready light turns on indicating the soleplalc has reaunsd the maximum tAfnp*Ealij re. 5. As $oon as ready light furjif ¿m. turn temperature dial 10 OFF 6. Unplug iron From electrical outlet 7. KoJd iron over sink with soiepJ&lfl feetfij may from you 0 Turn steam system dial to 'f-" Sleam will Flaw through the vents. ConMnus this operation uniil the water tank w vcmpletfliy amply. 0. Whefi all tfia wste* has been remwed in Step 3, hold iron ovor sink with to* soleptate feeing down. Remaining drops of water will drain though the soteplata vanis. Place me hot iron on its heel rest St that ¿ny remaining maistuie will evaporatF...