К этому устройству также есть другие инструкции:
Фрагмент инструкции
By using Compatible FlashCopy or Compatible FlashCopy SE, you can also specify the scope of
the copy and establish a relationship. This scope is called an extent. When you specify only a part
of a volume to be the scope of a copy (the extent), it does not matter if the capacities of the copy
destination and the copy source are different. You can specify a copy source and a copy destination
that are both in the same volume. You can also copy data from one source to multiple destinations.
HP XP7 Business Copy User Guide and HP XP7 Business Copy for
Mainframe Systems User Guide
Business Copy and Business Copy Z create a replica (secondary volume) of a logical volume in a
storage system without going through the server (host). By using replicas, you can perform parallel
processing, such as taking backups or executing batch processing, without affecting the running
applications. You can link Business Copy and Business Copy Z with many other program products
to share a volume. By combining the functionality of Business Copy or Business Copy Z with that
of other products, various backup strategies become available.
For example, by sharing a volume between Business Copy and Fast Snap, you can define a
configuration to manage both duplication and snapshot data of the volume.
HP XP7 Continuous Access Synchronous User Guide and HP XP7
Continuous Access Synchronous for Mainframe Systems User Guide
Continuous Access Synchronous and Continuous Access Synchronous Z create a replica volume
in a remote storage system without going through the server (host), and then copy data to the
remote storage system by synchronizing the remote storage system with data write operations of
the local storage system. The synchronous-copy functionality updates the remote site volume by
synchronizing the update processing of the remote site volume with the update processing of the
local storage system volume. Therefore, data in the primary volume and the secondary volume is
always the same.
This provides faster disaster recovery for data centers and faster data transfer to remote data
centers when data centers are relocated or consolidated. The recovery or transfer processing runs
independently of the host. In addition, you can use this functionality in combination with Business
Copy and Continuous Access Journal. By combining data-copy program products features, you
can recover important data from all kinds of failures.
For example, by sharing a volume between Continuous Access Synchronous and Business Copy,
you can define a configuration to manage volume duplication both within the storage system and
with another remote storage system. By defining such a configuration, when recovering a storage
system, you can select from multiple duplicated volumes according to the scale of the failure.
HP XP7 Continuous Access Journal User Guide and HP XP7 Continuous
Access Journal for Mainframe Systems User Guide
Continuous Access Journal and Continuous Access Journal Z create a duplicate volume in a remote
storage system bypassing the server (host). The function then copies data from the host’s primary
storage volume (P-VOL) in the local storage system to a remote storage system. The volume in the
remote system is the secondary volume (S-VOL) and is an asynchronous block-for-block copy of the
local storage volume. The copied data remains consistent with local data and is therefore available
for use in recovery of the local volume.
Asynchronous replication stores journal data (that is, a history of changes) in a hard disk, transfers
the journal data to a remote site, and then updates the remote site asynchronously with updates
to the main site according to the update sequence. This provides faster disaster recovery for data
centers and faster data transfer to remote data centers when data centers are relocated or
consolidated. The recovery or transfer processing runs independently of the host. In addition, you
can use this functionality in combination with Business Copy/Snapshot or Continuous Access
HP XP7 Business Copy User Guide and HP XP7 Business Copy for Mainframe Systems User Guide