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Фрагмент инструкции
The following issues were fixed in the version 10.5 software:
After upgrading to 10.0, storage system login failed due to a corrupted password file. In 10.0,
the password file format was changed to support Active Directory and after the 10.0 upgrade,
the older file format may still be used. The fix ensures that when upgrading from 9.x to 10.5, the
password file format is changed to the newer file format. If you experienced this issue upgrading
to 10.0, HP Support must manually fix the issue and you can then successfully upgrade to 10.5.
If a communication disruption with the global database occurs when an iSCSI initiator is logging
in to a volume, the operation to lock the volume for this connection may fail. (The volume lock
guarantees that only one storage system services a volume at any time.) As a result, it may look
like the volume is locked by another storage system, which could persist for an extended period
of time. The LeftHand OS software now ensures a retry of global database operations after
communication is restored to prevent volumes from becoming locked.
If the VSA for Hyper-V configuration is running version 9.5 or later, only disk 1 can be used if
you are using physical disk pass-thru on any Dell server (multiple VHDs can be used). This issue
is resolved with an updated Linux kernel, which will be included in Patch 10145. This patch is
scheduled for release shortly after the release of 10.5. Resolving this issue requires upgrading to
the 10.5 VSA and installing patch 10145. However, you should not upgrade to the 10.5 VSA
until patch 10145 is available.
When an upgrade reboots a storage system, the iSCSI sessions are typically restored immediately
to other storage systems. However, when the SAN is being accessed by highly sensitive
applications, these applications may occasionally experience interruption in volume access. This
is due to the iSCSI sessions being rebalanced for multiple volumes in quick succession after the
upgraded storage system is back online. To resolve this issue, the timing of the iSCSI session
rebalancer was changed so that the initial rebalance does not occur until 30 minutes after the
upgrade or reboot of the storage system and volumes are rebalanced in 5 minute intervals.
After upgrading to the 10.0 Application Aware Snapshot Manager, creating application managed
snapshots of VMware volumes caused vCenter CPU utilization to reach 100%. This issue is fixed
in 10.5.
The version 10.0 CLI command getperformancestats failed when a Failover Manager was
added to a version 9.5 or 10.0 management group. The fix to the CLI code in version 10.5
prevents this failure.
A memory leak that could cause volume unavailability is fixed in version 10.5.
A security vulnerability in the version 10.0 SANIQ_CIM_SERVER that uses an untrusted path to
the binary was reported while building a Windows 2012 Server. The vulnerability is fixed in
version 10.5.
The customer support ID field in the CMC was limited to 8 characters, which was not enough
characters to accommodate the Service Agreement ID. The field length has been extended to 40
In certain cases of sparse I/O workloads or network configurations using bridging or routing
(common in Multi-Site SAN configurations), 40ms latency on writes may be reported by
performance monitoring tools such as the CMC performance monitor, Windows perfmon, or
VMware performance tools. This is most noticeable after upgrading from version 9.0 to 9.5. The
TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) issue is resolved in LeftHand OS version 10.0.
Some Windows configurations using MS Clusters, Hyper-V volumes, and the associated SAN
volumes experienced faster failover using the MS DSM rather than the DSM for MPIO. Some
customer reports indicated that connectivity to the SAN volumes might be lost at times. Previous
releases of the DSM for MPIO used nonstandard registry settings that affect how applications
detect lost connections, retry accessing the data, and when the application decides to fail a
connection and perform a failover. The DSM for MPIO installer now sets these registry values to
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