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EH880-90945 Knightsbridge posterPage 1 23/10/07 15:36:46
3 Software installation, discovery and
6 Backup software
For backup and restore to the HP D2D Backup System, you need software that supports
HP tape autoloaders. This will enable you to configure tape rotation schemes to meet
There are three stages to installation:
your backup requirements. For example scenarios see the "User Guide" on the HP
• Install all the required drivers.
StorageWorks CD-ROM.
• Discover the HP D2D Backup System on the network and, if DHCP is not supported,
Always refer to www.hp.com/go/connect, to ensure that you are running supported
assign network settings.
software and install any recommended updates.
• Create a base configuration to get started.
• A separate CD-ROM, containing HP Data Protector Express software, is supplied with
Dynamic (DHCP) network addressing is enabled by default on the HP D2D. If your network
your HP D2D Backup System. If you wish to use this backup software, install it now.
supports DHCP, all the required network parameters will be set automatically. If your
• HP D2D Backup System may also be used with the major backup applications from HP,
network uses static IP addressing, you will need to manually assign network settings - IP
Symantec, EMC and Computer Associates.
address, subnet mask and gateway. Make sure that you have these ready before you start
NOTE: The "Windows Backup" utility that comes as part of the Windows Operating
Windows users:
System is not supported for use with HP D2D Backup System.
The recommended way to set up your HP D2D Backup System network is to run the
Installation wizard from the HP StorageWorks CD-ROM supplied with your product. The
Installation wizard can be run on all hosts that are to be backed up to the HP D2D
Backup System.
1. Power on your HP D2D Backup System. (The power but on is on the front of the unit.)
2. Insert the CD-ROM into the host machine and the Installation wizard will auto run. In
most instances the installation completes all three stages detailed above successfully.
7 Transferring data to tape
For more detailed information about what happens during each stage and about
There are two ways of moving data from the HP D2D Backup System to physical tape for
iSCSI, please refer to the "User Guide" on the HP StorageWorks CD-ROM.
offsite storage:
3. Run the Installation wizard on the other hosts that are to be backed up – up to a
maximum of six.
• At ach an HP Ultrium tape drive directly to the HP D2D Backup System
• At ach a supported tape drive to a host machine on the storage network
Linux users:
Download the latest patches for your operating system. For configuration instructions,
Tape drive attached to HP D2D
please refer to the "Linux Configuration Guide” on the HP StorageWorks CD-ROM.
Two methods are provided for archiving data directly to an attached tape drive; these are
Copy and Export.
• Copy retains the data cartridge on the HP D2D Backup System and creates an exact
copy onto a physical cartridge in the attached tape drive.
• Export removes the data cartridge from the autoloader on the HP D2D Backup System
Web Management Interface
once data has been successfully copied to the physical cartridge in the attached tape
To run the Web Management Interface:
Each method has advantages and disadvantages, as described in the "HP D2D Backup
• From a Windows host server or PC: Use the desktop shortcut created by the Installation
System User Guide" on the CD-ROM. However, as a general recommendation, Copy is
the easier of the two options to use because it does not remove data from the HP D2D
• From any machine connected to the network: Enter the IP address or name of the HP
Backup System and can be managed completely from the Web Management Interface.
D2D Backup System into the web browser.
Export (and Import) require additional steps in the backup application. Only use the
The default Sign On is Administrator with a password of Admin. Both names are case
Export option, if you need to free up some disk space on the HP D2D Backup System.
sensitive. (The password can be changed after installation.)
Tape drive attached to host
Tape drives can also be connected to other host machines on the storage network. It is
then possible to use the backup application to offload data to tape. For this to work the
backup application must support the copying of data between devices.
NOTE: For further information about both methods, please refer to the "HP D2D
Backup System User Guide" on the CD-ROM.
8 Understanding the LEDs
The device created during installation will appear to the backup software on your host
server or PC as a locally-attached backup device. This backup device can be seen only
by the host and not by any other devices on the network.
Use the Web Management Interface to:
• Monitor the status and health of the HP D2D Backup System and all configured
backup devices.
During power on the LEDs will perform a self test sequence, all LEDs with the exception of
• Change the number of cartridge slots or create additional autoloaders, or stand-alone
the status LED will then be extinguished until the boot sequence is completed.
tape drives, for a host.
• Manage movement of data to and from a physical Tape Drive attached to the HP D2D
1. Disk Activity LED
5. Network LED
(if one has been installed).
Flashing Green = Disk activity in progress.
Off = No network connection or network
not configured
2. Disk Status LED
NOTE: To power off your HP D2D Backup System always use the Web Management
Solid Green = All disks are working
Solid Green = A Gigabit Ethernet
Interface, as described in the "User Guide" on the HP StorageWorks CD-ROM.
connection is made.
Flashing Orange = A disk has failed.
Solid Orange = A 10/100Base-T
connection is made.
3. Disk Capacity LED
6. Power LED
Solid Green = Normal operation and disk
space is available.
Solid Green = Power on.
Solid Orange = Disk threshold capacity
exceeded, device is nearly full.
Beacon Mode
Detailed help is available while running the Installation wizard. If you encounter
This is selected from the Web
problems during any of the the installation phases, it will advise you what steps to take.
4. Status LED
Management Interface. It flashes all LEDs.
Solid Green = System is booted and
For more troubleshooting information, refer to the “User Guide” on the HP StorageWorks
operating normally.
CD-ROM. This guide also contains reference information about iSCSI and RAID. If you
Firmware Upgrade
cannot resolve problems, contact HP Support at www.hp.com/support.
Flashing Green = System is powering up
or shutting down.
During a firmware upgrade all LEDs apart
For the latest information about computer, OS and software compatibility, see
from the Power LED flash with an alternate
Flashing Orange = System has failed.
green and orange.