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Инструкция по эксплуатации Horizon Fitness, модель CSE2

Производитель: Horizon Fitness
Размер: 2.01 mb
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The most important maintenance step is to simply wipe your perspiration off the trainer after each use. H HHO OOW WW D DDO OO I II C CCL LLE EEA AAN NN M MMY YY E EEL LLL LLI IIP PPT TTI IIC CCA AAL LL? ?? Clean with soap and water cleaners only. Never use solvents on plastic parts. Cleanliness of your elliptical and its operating environment will keep maintenance problems and service calls to a minimum. For this reason, Horizon Fitness recommends that the following preventive maintenance schedule be followed. Turn off the elliptical with the on/off switch, and unplug the power cord from the wall outlet. AAFFTTEERR EEAACCHH UUSSEE ((DDAAIILLYY)) WWAARRNNIINNGG!! TIPSCAUTION! WARNINGWARNING To remove power from the elliptical, the power cord must be disconnected from the wall outlet. (CSE3HR Only) • •• Wipe down the elliptical with a damp cloth. Never use solvents, as they can cause damage to the elliptical. • •• Inspect the power cord. If the power cord is damaged, contact Horizon Fitness. • •• Make sure the power cord is not underneath the elliptical or in any other area where it can become pinched or cut. E EEV VVE EER RRY YY W WWE EEE EEK KK Clean underneath the elliptical, following these steps: • •• Turn off the elliptical with the on/off switch. • •• Then unplug the power cord at the wall outlet. (CSE3HR Only) • •• Move the elliptical to a remote location. • •• Wipe or vacuum any dust particles or other objects that may have accumulated underneath the elliptical. • •• Return the elliptical to its previous position. E EEV VVE EER RRY YY M MMO OON NNT TTH HH • •• Inspect all assembly bolts and pedals on the machine for proper tightness. • •• Clean any debris off of the pedal arm wheels and guide rails. 2 220 00 Your Horizon Fitness elliptical is designed to be reliable and maintenance free. However, if you do experience problems with your elliptical, please reference the troubleshooting guide listed below. P PPR RRO OOB BBL LLE EEM MM: :: There is no display on the console. S SSO OOL LLU UUT TTI IIO OON NN: :: Remove the console and verify that the console cable is attached properly, making sure that the cable is securely inserted into the console. On the (CSE3HR), check power cords to ensure they are properly plugged in. P PPR RRO OOB BBL LLE EEM MM: :: The elliptical makes a squeaking or chirping noise. S SSO OOL LLU UUT TTI IIO OON NN: :: Loosen all bolts attached during the assembly process, grease the threads and tighten again. P PPR RRO OOB BBL LLE EEM MM: :: The resistance levels seem to be incorrect, seeming too hard or too easy. S SSO OOL LLU UUT TTI IIO OON NN: :: Reset the console and allow the resistance to reset to the default position. Restart the console and retry the resistance levels. P PPR RRO OOB BBL LLE EEM MM: :: Roller wheels appear to be leaving particles on the guide rails. S SSO OOL LLU UUT TTI IIO OON NN: :: This is considered normal wear of the elliptical wheels. To remove, simply wipe off the roller wheels and guide rails with a damp cloth. H HHE EEA AAR RRT TT R RRA AAT TTE EE T TTR RRO OOU UUB BBL LLE EES SSH HHO OOO OOT TTI IIN NNG GG P PPR RRO OOB BBL LLE EEM MM: :: There is no heart rate reading S SSO OOL LLU UUT TTI IIO OON NN: :: Remove the console and verify that the heart rate cables are attached properly, making sure that the cables are securely inserted into the console. S SSO OOL LLU UUT TTI IIO OON NN: :: If you are using the chest strap, there may be a poor connection between the electrodes and the skin. Remoisten the electrodes with water. S SSO OOL LLU UUT TTI IIO OON NN: :: The chest strap may not be positioned properly. Reposition the chest strap. It may be necessary to experiment with the fit and position of the chest strap. S SSO OOL LLU UUT TTI IIO OON NN: :: Verify that the distance between the chest strap and the console is not beyond the recommended range of 36 inches. S SSO OOL LLU UUT TTI IIO OON NN: :: The battery in the chest strap may be dead. Take the chest strap to a jewelry store or return to Horizon Fitness for a battery replacement. P PPR RRO OOB BBL LLE EEM MM: :: Erratic or Inconsistent Readout. S SSO OOL LLU UUT TTI IIO OON NN: :: This is often caused by dry electrodes or a loose chest strap. (CSE3HR only) Moisture on the rubber electrodes is required for proper operation. Try a more generous coating of water on the electrodes and tightening the chest strap. 2 221 11 Check your exercise environment for sources of interference such as high power lines, large motors, etc. Y YYO OOU UU M MMA AAY YY E EEX XXP PPE EER RRI IIE EEN NNC CCE EE A AAN NN E EER RRR RRA AAT TTI IIC CC R RRE EEA AAD DDO OOU UUT TT U UUN NND DDE EER RR T TTH HHE EE F FFO OOL LLL LLO OOW WWI IIN NNG GG C CCO OON NND DDI IIT TTI IIO OON NNS SS: :: • •• Gripping the heart rate handlebars too tight. Try to maintain moderate pressure while holding onto the heart rate handlebars. • •• Constant movement and vibration due to constantly holding the heart rate grips while exercis...

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