Фрагмент инструкции
Place the contact surface next to your skin directly under your heart to pick up the pulse signals from your heart. The heart rate transmitter strap is an optional purchase and not included with this treadmill. To use the contact heart rate, place your hands gently but firmly around the contact se n so rs on th e h an dl eb ars. № vernents i n t he ha nd s may cau se d ifficu It y for the treadmill to pick up the signal properly. When signal is picked up, the LED light next to the pulse display window will light up and flash to the rate of your heart beat. Owner’s Manual Please note that some fibers used in clothes (e .g. polyester, polyamide) create static e lectri city wh ich rna y pre vent reli ab le h ea ft rate me a sure me rit. Also, note that mob ile phone, television and other electrical appliances form an electro-magnetic field around them, which may also cause problems in heart rate measurement. PAUSE FUNCTION When ST OP button is pressed during wo tkout, program is suspended. fufessage ce rite r will f la sh "W ORK 0 UT PAUS ED'\ After th e m nn ¡ng be It h as com e to a co rnp lete sto p, dot matrix di spla y wi nd ow wil I cou rit do wri from 3:00. During pa use mode, only START and STOP buttons mill function. If START is pressed within three minutes during the pause mode, tread mil I will bring the running belt movement back to the speed at which the treadmill was paused. Workout values wiill resume counting and continue where it was left off. If ST 0 P is p resse d d urin g th e pa use mod e, prog ram wiill en d. After three m inutes if no button is pressed, tread mill will automatically end the workout program. END OF WORKOUT STATS When you hav« completed your workout or if you have ended your workout, the d isp lay wil I rep ort yo ur wo rfco ut stats. After the mn ni ng b elt ha s come to a com plete stop, the message center wiill display total time, total distance, total calories and a ve rag e sp eed twice. Th en th e di spla y wiill go to id le mo de, re a dy for the ne xt u ser workout setup. If you wish to skip the workout stats report, simply press the ST OP button, which will skip display to the idle mode. UNIT CONVERSION To change from metric to English or English to metric, you must be in the idle mode, whe re th e dot rn atrix win do w disp la ys a f la shi ng h ea rt. Fol low the ste ps b elo w to make the unit conversion. 1. Sirnu Itan eo usly p ress b oth the ST 0 P a nd S LO W b utton s to geth e r. 2. Th e me ssag e ce riter wi II sho w Km to Mi o r M to Km. 3. Simp ly press ST ART to confirm. Notice that ft e LED light next to the distance display window on the upper right comer will have changed the measurement unit accordingly. Owner's Manual PRESET PROGRAMS QUICK START Once be power is on and be safety teber key is secured h place, simply press be START button, and after bree second count down treadmill wil activate and m ant ah the Rjnnhgbelt at QUICK START Once the power is turned on and the safety key is secured in place, simply press the QUICK START button. Treadmill will activate at 1.0 Krn/H. You may increase or decrease speed or elevation at any tirre during your workout. To end workout, sirrply press the STOP button to stop the treadmill. During workout, time will count up. 1. Turn power on 2. Check safety key secured to treadrrill and clip secured to user clothing 3. Press STA RT to be gi n w or ko ut SPEED PROGRAMS Once the power is turned on and the safety key is secured in place, you may press the numeric button 0 or 1 to choose one of the two pre-set speed programs, SPEED IN TE RVAL or A E RO Bl C. fvte ssa ge cente r wi II p rornpt use r to set up wo r kout du rati o n, and intensity level based on max speed value. Once you have made your selection, press START key to activate the treadmill. During workout, treadrrill will automatically adjust speed according to pre-set program settings. User rray still be able to adjust speed if the preset is not appropriate. The entire rernaining prograrn wiII seale up or down accordingly. During workout, user may adjust elevation level at will. To end workout, sirrply press the STOP button to stop the treadmill. During workout, time counts down from target workout time. 1. Turn power on 2. Check safety key secured to treadrrill and clip secured to user clothing 3. Press 0 for SPEED INTERVAL program or 1 for AEROBIC program 4. Display will show program selected 5. Press ENTER to confirm 6. Use numeric buttons to input workout duration 7. Press ENTER to confirm Use numeric buttons to input intensity level based on maximum speed 9. Press ENTER to confirm 10. Press START to begin workout ELEVATION PROGRAMS Once the power is turned on and the safety key is secured in place, you rnay press the numeric buttons 2 or 3 to choose one of the two pre-set elevation programs, WEIGHT LOSS or HILL CLIMB, fvfessage center will prompt user to set up workout duration, and intensity Ievel based on ma...
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