Инструкция по эксплуатации Universal, модель POWER PAK 003-3818091510B
Производитель: Universal Размер: 1.17 mb Название файла: UNI.Power-Pak445.OM.EN.pdf
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+01-360-859-5180, technics-APLA@nautilus.com | Printed in China | © 2010 Nautilus, Inc., All rights reserved. ™ and ® indicate a trademark or registered trademark. Nautilus, Inc. (trademarks include NAUTILUS®, BOWFLEX®, SCHWINN® and UNIVERSAL® and respective logos. Other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. T TTTo ooovalidate validatevalidatevalidatewarranty warrantywarrantywarrantysupport, support,support,support,keep keepkeepkeepthe thethetheoriginal originaloriginaloriginalproof proofproofproofof ofofofpurchase purchasepurchasepurchaseand andandandrecord recordrecordrecordthe thethethefollowing followingfollowingfollowinginformation: information:information:information: Serial SerialSerialSerialNumber NumberNumberNumber__________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________Serial SerialSerialSerialNumber NumberNumberNumber_________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Date DateDateDateof ofofofPurchase PurchasePurchasePurchase____________________ ____________________________________________________________ T TTTo oooregister registerregisterregisteryour youryouryourproduct productproductproductwarranty warrantywarrantywarranty, ,,,go gogogoto: to:to:to:www wwwwww.UniversalHomeFitness.com/register.UniversalHomeFitness.com/register.UniversalHomeFitness.com/registerOr OrOrOrcall callcallcall1 111(800) (800)(800)(800)605–3369. 605–3369.605–3369.605–3369. If IfIfIfyou youyouyouhave havehavehavequestions questionsquestionsquestionsor orororproblems problemsproblemsproblemswith withwithwithyour youryouryourproduct, product,product,product,please pleasepleasepleasecall callcallcall1 111(800) (800)(800)(800)NAUTILUS NAUTILUSNAUTILUSNAUTILUS(628–8458). (628–8458).(628–8458).(628–8458). Para obtener este manual en Espanol Latino Americano vaya a: Important ImportantImportantImportantSafety SafetySafetySafetyInstructions InstructionsInstructionsInstructions This icon means a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury. Before BeforeBeforeBeforeusing usingusingusingthis thisthisthisequipment, equipment,equipment,equipment,obey obeyobeyobeythe thethethefollowing followingfollowingfollowingwarnings: warnings:warnings:warnings: • Read and understand the complete Owner’s Manual. Keep Owner’s Manual for future reference • Read and understand all warnings on this machine. If at any time the Warning stickers become loose, unreadable or dislodged, contact Nautilus® Customer Service for replacement stickers. • Children must not be let on or near to this machine. Moving parts and other features of the machine can be dangerous to children. • Consult a physician before starting an exercise program. Stop exercising if you feel pain or tightness in your chest, become short of breath, or feel faint. Contact your doctor before you use the machine again. • This machine is for home use only. • Periodically inspect and test the locking mechanism for correct function. Follow the test procedures included in this manual. • Do not operate this machine outdoors or in moist or wet locations. • Before you start your workout, make sure that your surroundings are free from possible interference and third parties. • Do not over exert yourself during exercise. Operate the machine in the manner described in this manual. • Do not try to force the Adjustment Knob to turn when the Dumbbell has been removed from the Dumbbell base. • Do not let the Dumbbells fall freely to the ground. Damage to the product and possible personal injury can occur. • Do not let the Dumbbells forcefully hit together during operation. Damage to the product and possible personal injury can occur. • Do not try to disassemble your Dumbbell handles, or base assembly. The product is not designed to be serviced by the customer. Contact Nautilus® Customer Service for repair information. • The Dumbbells are very heavy. If you are not using the optional Dumbbell Stand, put the Dumbbell assembly directly on the floor for best support. Safety SafetySafetySafetyW WWWarning arningarningarningLabels LabelsLabelsLabelsand andandandSerial SerialSerialSerialNumber NumberNumberNumber 2 222 T TTType ypeypeypeDescription DescriptionDescriptionDescription A AAAW WWWARNING ARNINGARNINGARNING • Do not allow Children to use this product. • Inspect product before use. • Do not use if any parts are in need of repair. • Use Caution when using this equipment. • Injury or death is possible if Caution is not used. • Read and understand the Owners Manual prior to use. • Replace this or other CAUTION, WARNING, or DANGER Labels if they become damaged or illegible or removed. • This product is for Residential use only. B BBBSerial SerialSerialSerialNumber NumberNumberNumber Record serial number in the Serial Number field at the beginning of ...
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