Производитель: Radio Shack
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Фрагмент инструкции
10 ]bs d=0 .loz The PS 100 b a quality eifectoni: digitalscaüe w ih m any featmes and fimctbns.P!fease isad thÉ m anualcara filly to enpy the pmduct Operating IistzuctiDns SCALE SPECFEATDNS Range Tare A ccuracy Calibration Resolution M ilia um W eight M in .Add -on W t. Power W aim -up tin e D ispüay Auto O fE Tem perature Case & Püatfoim Load CeUTechnoibgy Load CeUBody 0 ~ 10t»s M echanialoverbad piotectbn Unlin ted to the totalcapaciy of the sca!fe ± 0.1 % of leadiig ± 1 digit Fourpoiits of Autom atb C albratbn lb rgieater accuracy 0 J. oz 0 J. oz 0 J. oz AC Adaptor: 9 V ,100m A Suppled) Batteiy:9 V Alcalne batteiy (jNTotsupplfed) 1 m iiutE or!fess 7 segm entLC D w ih 3 + 2 half digits Auto offafiBr5 m iiutES of non-use ii batteiy operatbn G ood perfom ance w ihii 20 degiees to 110 degises F File textuiedABS püastb Fouroptin alpüaced siigüe strail gages w ih tem peratme com pensatbn H igh Tensife S ttenglh Alim iium A3by Unpacking and assembling the scale Unpack the scat and remove the pieces of shock protector inserted between the pktform and the scat. U sing the scale w ith a battery R em ove the battery com partm entcoverundemeath the scale. Inserta 9V alkaline battery and connect to the battery snap. Replace the battery com partm ent cover. Using the scale with the power adapter Connectthe supplied poweradapterto the inputsocketatthe rearofthe scat and plug itinto the power supply, a: is advisable to rem ove the battery when using the poweradapter. Scale startup Press the key. iO l wilLappearbrief^ in the LCD window as the scale perform s a self-check/feeroing routine, afterwhich nn U,U. I wilLappearii the LCD window .w ait60 seconds forthe scale to warm up. Your scat is now ready to weigh. w hatis the function ofTARE Key? You can tare feet to zero) any article used as a container forsm alLiem s in the following way. I the scat is sw itched off press the 1 key and waitfor ;I3M to display. Pfece the containeronto the p&tform , and then press the nn key. The dispky wiELshow _pkce the item to be weighed into the container,on the pktform .The scale wiHnow show the weightofthe item , excluding the weightofthe container. Be sure tii at tii e scale is operated on a flat surface n order to opeiatE correctly, tiie scat m ustbe installed on a firm , fht surface. tis advisable to turn the scale on 1 to 2 m iiutES prbrto use. ErrorM essages EE The weight capacity of the scat has been exceeded. J ft LU w hen the battery voltage Is less than 7V, LO appears in the LCD at the scale's startup - replace battery oruse AC adapter. M ake sure to rem ove exhausted battery as old batteries leak. Lin ibed w arranty This Postalscale Is warranted to be fee ofdefects ii parts and workm anshp fora perbd of one yearfrom the tin e ofpurchase by the orgiialowner. M any problem s can be solved by yourselfwhen you read the detailed instructions on ourwebsite. I this product is found to be defective, M otbn M arketing wiD.repairorrep!bce defective parts atno charge, sublet to the following conditions: 1.) 0 wnerm ustrequesta return authorization from M otbn M arketing - please fin.up the webform located at www jnotbnmarketinqiinc.com 2 .) 0 wnerm ust include verification of the date ofpurchase when requesting Lin ited w arranty S ervice. Copy of Dated Sales R eceptR equired) www m otbnm aiketiicfiic.com em alb seivr:e@ m otbnm a ike thcfiic.com Phone Num ber: 913-631^1402...