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Фрагмент инструкции
OK MARK FAV • Press the M MME EEN NNU UU button to return to normal TV viewing. • Press the R RRE EET TTU UUR RRN NN button to move to the previous menu screen. ENERGY SAVING It reduces the TV’s power consumption. The default factory setting complies with the E EEn nne eer rrg ggy yy S SSt tta aar rr requirements and is adjusted to the comfortable level to be viewed at home. You can increase the brightness of your screen by adjusting the E EEn nne eer rrg ggy yy S SSa aav vvi iin nng gg l lle eev vve eel ll or by setting the P PPi iic cct ttu uur rre ee M MMo ood dde ee. When adjusting Energy Saving in MHEG mode, the Energy Saving setting is applied after MHEG is finished. Selecting ‘S SSc ccr rre eee een nn O OOf fff ff’ while tuned to a radio station channel will reduce power consumption. OKMove Aspect Ratio : 16:9 Picture Wizard Picture Mode : Standard • Backlight • Contrast • Brightness • Sharpness PICTURE E Energy Saving : Off Minimum Medium Maximum Screen Off Off OKMove Aspect Ratio : 16:9 Picture Wizard Picture Mode : Standard • Backlight 70 • Contrast 90 • Brightness 50 • Sharpness 70 PICTURE E Energy Saving : Off 1MENU 2 OK 3 OK Select P PP I II C CC T TT U UU R RR E EE . Select E EE n nn e ee r rr g gg y yy S SS a aa v vv i ii n nn g gg . Select O OO f ff f ff , ,, M MM i ii n nn i ii m mm u uu m mm , ,, M MM e ee d dd i ii u uu m mm , ,, M MM a aa x xx i ii m mm u uu m mm or S SS c cc r rr e ee e ee n nn O OO f ff f ff . • Press the M MM E EE N NN U UU button to return to normal TV viewing. • Press the R RR E EE T TT U UU R RR N NN button to move to the previous menu screen. PICTURE CONTROL • When selecting Screen off, display is turned off after 3 seconds. • If you adjust “E EEn nne eer rrg ggy yy S SSa aav vvi iin nng gg- --M MMi iin nni iim mmu uum mm, M MMe eed ddi iiu uum mm, M MMa aax xxi iim mmu uum mm”, B BBa aac cck kkl lli iig ggh hht tt feature will not work. • You can also adjust this feature by selecting E EEn nne eer rrg ggy yy S SSa aav vvi iin nng gg button on the remote control. PICTURE CONTROL PRESET PICTURE SETTINGS Picture Mode-Preset V VV i ii v vv i ii d dd Strengthen the contrast, brightness, colour and sharpness for vivid picture. S SS t tt a aa n nn d dd a aa r rr d dd The most general screen display status. N NN a aa t tt u uu r rr a aa l ll The most natural screen display status. C CC i ii n nn e ee m mm a aa Optimizes video for watching movies. S SS p pp o oo r rr t tt Optimizes video for watching sports events. G GG a aa m mm e ee Optimizes video for playing games. OKMove Aspect Ratio : 16:9 Picture Wizard Energy Saving : Off • Backlight • Contrast • Brightness • Sharpness PICTURE E Picture Mode : Standar Vivid Natural Cinema Sport Game Expert1 Expert2 Standard OKMove Aspect Ratio : 16:9 Picture Wizard Energy Saving : Off • Backlight 80 • Contrast 90 • Brightness 50 • Sharpness 60 PICTURE E Picture Mode : Standard PICTURE CONTROL 1 MENU OK Select P PPI IIC CCT TTU UUR RRE EE. 2 Select P PPi iic cct ttu uur rre ee M MMo ood dde ee. 3 OK Select V VVi iiv vvi iid dd, S SSt tta aan nnd dda aar rrd dd, N NNa aat ttu uur rra aal ll, C CCi iin nne eem mma aa, S SSp ppo oor rrt tt or G GGa aam mme ee. • P PPi iic cct ttu uur rre ee M MMo ood dde ee adjusts the TV for the best picture appearance. Select the preset value in the P PPi iic cct ttu uur rre ee M MMo ood dde ee menu based on the programme category. • You can also adjust P PPi iic cct ttu uur rre ee M MMo ood dde ee in the Q QQ. .. M MMe een nnu uu. MANUAL PICTURE ADJUSTMENT Picture Mode-User option B BBa aac cck kkl lli iig ggh hht tt To control the brightness of the screen, adjust the brightness of LCD panel. Adjusting the backlight when setting the brightness of the set is recommended. C CCo oon nnt ttr rra aas sst tt Adjusts the signal level between black and white in the picture. You may use Contrast when the bright part of the picture is saturated. B BBr rri iig ggh hht ttn nne ees sss ss Adjusts the base level of the signal in the picture. S SSh hha aar rrp ppn nne ees sss ss Adjusts the level of crispness in the edges between the light and dark areas of the picture. The lower the level, the softer the image. C CCo ool llo oou uur rr Adjusts intensity of all colours. T TTi iin nnt tt Adjusts the balance between red and green levels. OKMove Aspect Ratio : 16:9 Picture Wizard Energy Saving : Off • Backlight • Contrast • Brightness • Sharpness PICTUREOKMove Aspect Ratio : 16:9 Picture Wizard Energy Saving : Off • Backlight 70 • Contrast 90 • Brightness 50 • Sharpness 70 PICTURE Picture Mode : StandardPicture Mode : Standard E E Vivid Natural Cinema Sport Game Expert1 Expert2 Standard 1MENU 3 2 OK OK 4 OK 5 OK Select P PP I II C CC T TT U UU R RR E EE . Select P PP i ii c cc t tt u uu r rr e ee M MM o oo d dd e ee . • B BB e ee n nn e ee f ff i ii t tt s ss o oo f ff u uu s ss i ii n nn g gg B BB a aa c cc k kk l ll i ii g gg h hh t tt -The electricity consumption is reduced by up to 60%. -The black brightness is ...
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