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You can also set the picture mode by selecting Tools > Picture Mode. Cell Light / Contrast / Brightness / Sharpness / Colour / Tint (G/R) Your television has several setting options that allow you to control the picture quality. Cell Light: Increases or decreases the light being emitted from the panel with bright images, giving you more depth to the picture. Contrast: Increases or decreases the brightness in white areas of the picture. Too little contrast and the picture may seem dark; too much contrast and the picture will lose details in white images. Brightness: Increases or decreases the overall brightness of the picture, but best used to adjust the black level of the image. Too little brightness and shadow detail will be lost; too much brightness and blacks will be gray and washed out. Sharpness: Increases or decreases the apparent detail in the picture. Too little sharpness and the image might look soft. Too much sharpness can add false edges to objects or can make noise more noticeable. Colour: Increases or decreases colour saturation levels in the picture. Too little colour and the image will be black and white (undersaturated); too much colour and the image will look oversaturated and cartoonish. Tint (G/R): Changes the picture hue from reddish to a greenish appearance. When you make changes to Cell Light, Contrast, Brightness, Sharpness, Colour or Tint (G/R), the OSD will be adjusted accordingly. The adjusted values are saved for each picture mode. In Analogue TV, Ext., AV modes of the PAL system, you cannot use the Tint Function. In PC mode, you can only make changes to Cell Light, Contrast and Brightness. Each adjusted setting will be stored separately according to its input mode. The energy consumed during use can be significantly reduced if the level of brightness of the picture is reduced, and then this will reduce the overall running cost. Advanced Settings You can adjust the advanced settings for your screen including the colour and contrast. Advanced Settings is available in Standard or Movie mode. In PC mode, you can only make changes to Dynamic Contrast, Gamma and White Balance from among the Advanced Settings items. Black Tone .. ...... .... .... .... >. ...... .... .... .... Off / Dark / Darker / Darkest You can enhance the picture depth by adjusting the black colour density. Dynamic Contrast .. ...... .... ....... >. . .. ..O..ff. / Low.. /. Medium / H..ig..h.. You can adjust the screen contrast so that the optimal contrast is provided. Gamma You can adjust the primary colour (Red, Green, Blue) Intensity. Colour Space Colour Space is a colour matrix composed of red, green and blue colours. Select your favourite Colour Space to experience the most natural colour. Auto: The TV will choose the colour range that is closest to the range used during TV and movie production. Native: Display’s the most enhanced, vibrant colours possible. Custom: Provides precise saturation and Colour point adjustment of Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, Cyan, and Magenta. Recommended for advanced users only. Customizing the Colour Space - Adjusts the Colour range to suit your preference. Colour is available when Colour Space is set to Custom. - Colour ..>. Red / Green / Blue / Yellow / Cyan / Magenta - Red / Green / Blue: In Colour, you can adjust the RGB values for the selected colour. - Reset: Resets the colour space to the default values. Mode : Standard > Cell Light : 7 Contrast : 95 Brightness : 45 Sharpness : 50 Colour : 50 Tint (G/R) : G50/R50 Advanced Settings Picture Colour : 50 Tint (G/R) : G50/R50 Advanced Settings > Picture Options Picture Reset Picture Continued... White Balance You can adjust the colour temperature for more natural picture colours. R-Offset / G-Offset / B-Offset / R-Gain / G-Gain / B-Gain: Changing the adjustment value will refresh the adjusted screen. Reset: Resets the default white balance. Flesh Tone You can emphasize the pink flesh tone in the picture. Changing the adjustment value will refresh the adjusted screen. Edge Enhancement .. ...... ... >. ...... ... Off / On You can emphasize object boundaries in the picture. xvYCC > Of / On Setting the xvYCC mode to on increases detail and colour space when watching movies from an external device (i.e. DVD player). xvYCC is available when the picture mode is set to Movie, and the external input is set to HDMI or Component mode. If xvYCC function is active, PIP cannot be selected. Picture Options You can customize the additional picture settings to suit your preference. In PC mode, you can only make changes to the Colour Tone, Size and Screen Burn Protection from among the items in Picture Options. Colour Tone .. .... .. .. .... .. .. .... >. .... .. .. .... .. .. .... Cool / Normal / Warm1 / Warm2 / Warm3 You can select the most comfortable colour tone to your eyes. The adjusted values are stored according to the selected Picture mode. Warm1, Warm2, or Warm3 is only activated when the picture mode is Movie. Size > Auto Wide / 16:9 / Wide ...