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English - 52 INTErNET@TV If you have some problems while using a widget service, please contact to content provider. In the widget, press the green button and get information of contact or refer to help website for widget provider information. NN English may be only supported in widget service depending on region. This function may not be supported depending on your country. (Not available in all locations) getting Started with Internet@TV ¦ Internet@TV provides an integrated Internet and television experience powered by the Yahoo!® Widget Engine. You can monitor financial stocks, share photos with friends and family, and track news and weather all through the TV using power button. After your network is operational, the Internet@TV software guides you through a step-by-step setup wizard. 1. Press the MENu button. Press the ^ or Ў button to select Application, then press the ENTErE button. 2. Press the ^ or Ў button to select Internet@TV, then press the ENTErE button. . Accepting the Yahoo!® TV Widget System Terms of Service is required to use Internet@TV. ADWelcometoYahoo!®TVWidgets! Yahoo!TVWidgetsbringthebestoftheinternettoyourTV!Youcangetupdatedweatherconditionsorsportsscores,getupdatedinformationonstocks,orevenviewfull-screenphotosandvideo! Wejustneedtogetafewthingssetup,andyou’llbeonyourway! Let’sgetstarted!Exitsetup1What’syourname? EachpersoninthehousewhousestheTVcanhavetheirownpersonalizedsetofwidgets. We’llkeeptrackoftheseindividualwidgetprofilesbythenameyouenter,EnterthenameYOUwanttousenow. Savethisname5SkipthisstepExitsetup television. NN When running Internet@TV for the first time, the basic settings proceed automatically. NN Internet@TV starts. Press the INTErNET@ button on the remote control to display the Internet@TV menu. NO 3. The general Disclaimer is displayed on the screen. Select I accept or I do not accept. For more information on the general Disclaimer, refer to the ‘Legal Notice’. N 4. The ‘welcome screen’ is the starting point of the Internet@TV guided setup. If you select Exit Setup, this step is resumed when you press the INTErNET@ button. Select Let’s get started! NN 5. Choosing your location allows TV Widgets to use localized content. Select your country from the list provided. N 6. Accepting the Yahoo!® TV Widget Engine Privacy Policy is required to use Internet@TV. Select ok, I Accept. N Select ok, I Accept. N . Enter your name to setup your profile. Each profile has its own list of widgets. You can create a profile for each person who uses Internet@TV. Enter your name and select Save this name. For more information, refer to Using the Profile Widget’. NN . Internet@TV tests the network connection. If the test fails, configure your network again. For more information, refer to ‘Setting the Network’. NN 10. The guided setup is complete. A tutorial on how to use Internet@TV is next. NNN Select Continue to view the tutorial. Select Exit setup to start using Internet@TV now. To run the tutorial again, select Profile Widget > System Setting > Repeat Tutorial. 11. Press the INTErNET@ button on the remote control to display the Internet@TV user interface. English - 53 . Screen display ¦ Dock mode 1 A welcome banner is shown with your profile name in the top right corner. N This banner disappears after a short delay. 3WEATHERWidgetGalleryFINANCESignedinasJohnHelloJohn! 5:15AMMonJanuary19thViewportEditSnippet123 2 The banner highlights two remote control shortcuts. NN If you press the blue button (Viewport) on your remote control, the display is toggled between ‘Viewport mode’ and ‘Overlay mode’. In Viewport mode, the TV or video plays in a scaled-down area with graphics outside. In overlay mode, the graphics are displayed on top of the TV or video. If you press the yellow button (Edit Snippet) on your remote control, a help window is displayed and the snippet with focus can be edited. 3 Press the INTErNET@ button on the remote control to begin. N NNNNNNNNNN The horizontal list at the bottom of your TV screen is called ‘the dock’. The items in the list are called ‘snippets’. A snippet is a shortcut which launches a TV Widget. A TV Widget is an Internet application designed to run on your TV. Move between snippets by pressing the < or > buttons on the remote control. Focus is located in the left most region (highlighted in blue). The dock slides snippets under that focal point. Launch a TV Widget by pressing the ENTErE button on the remote control when its snippet is in focus. When you add snippets, they form a stack which you can navigate by pressing the ^ or Ў buttons. Two special TV Widgets appear in the dock: the Profile Widget and the gallery Widget. These cannot be deleted. The dock will slide off screen after a timeout period. The bottom toolbar includes colour buttons that correspond to the red, green, yellow and blue buttons on the remote control. ADMyStocksToremoveastockssymbol,pleaseselectitfromthelistbelow. DisplayFormat ValueAboutYahoo!Finance... FINANCE . PAGE1OF2 . ^DJI^I...
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