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T h e f u t u r e o f w e l d i n g i s h e r e . ® TECHNOLOGY 6/8Waveform Control Technology TECHNOLOGY 6/8Waveform Control Technology Process Controls Pulse-On-PulseTM Unlike standard pulse welding, which uses a singlepulse wave shape, Pulse-On-Pulse uses a sequence ofvarying pulse wave shapes to produce a GTAW-likebead appearance to readily produce top qualityaluminum welds with excellent appearance, little spatter, and good bead shape. The waveform control in Pulse- On-Pulse welding is frequency modulation. Frequencymodulation controls the spacing of the ripples in theweld. Use low values for slow travel speeds and widewelds, and high values for fast travel speeds andnarrower welds. STT® STT uses current controls to adjust the heat, so changesin electrode extension do not affect heat input. TheWaveform Controls associated with STT welding arePeak Current, Background Current, and Tail-Out. Peakcurrent controls the arc length, which affects the shapeof the root face; Background current controls heat input, which affects the back bead; Tailout current also contributes to control of heat input. Power ModeTM The Power Mode uses Power (V x I = W) to regulate thearc length. The preset power setpoint is the maincontrol. Increasing the power setpoint forces the powersource to adjust BOTH voltage and current to maintainthe watt energy programmed for that setpoint. Increasing the power setpoint will increase voltage anddecrease current simultaneously. Tandem MIG Tandem MIG uses two independently generated arcscontributing to the same weld puddle. Tandem MIG canoperate in one of two configurations: a lead CV arc witha pulsed trail, or two synchronized pulsed arcs. TheWaveform Controls for Tandem MIG are pulsefrequency, background current and trim, which controlheat input and arc stiffness. AC/DC Submerged Arc Submerged Arc welding involves as many as fiveindependently generated arcs contributing to the sameweld puddle, under a blanket of flux. Waveform Controlallows for infinite phase shifting of the AC waveformthrough the frequency modulation control. Also, ultimatecontrol of deposition and penetration can be obtained byadding positive or negative DC offsets to the waveform. The STT Waveform controls heat input and reduces spatter and fume The Tandem MIG relies on Waveform Control to synchronize its dual arc system AC/DC Submerged Arc uses Waveform control for infinite phase-shifting to accommodate up to 5 arcs without arc blow T h e f u t u r e o f w e l d i n g i s h e r e . ® TECHNOLOGY 7/8Waveform Control Products TECHNOLOGY 7/8Waveform Control Products Power Wave 455M Power Wave 455M/STT These Power Waves are designed to be part of amodular, multi-process welding system. • The Power Wave 455M and 455M/STT are highperformance, digitally controlled inverter weldingpower sources capable of complex, high-speedwaveform control. • Digital Communications enable the Power Wave toconnect seamlessly to robot controllers and hardautomation PLCs. Semi-automatic applications arealso supported. • Optional DeviceNet and Ethernet communicationmodules providenetworking capabilitiesand allow process andproduction monitoring. • Software-based controls can be upgraded as newfeatures become available. Power Wave 655R The Power Wave 655R was designed for Robotic and Hard Automation applications that require extra power (650 Amps at 100% Duty Cycle) • Digital Communications enable the Power Wave to connect seamlessly to robot controllers and hard automation PLCs. Semi-automatic applications are also supported. • The Ethernet/DeviceNet Gateway provides networkingcapabilities and allowsprocess and productionmonitoring. • Software-based controls can be upgraded as newfeatures become available. • The Power Wave 655R has an output range of20 to 880 Amps. Power Wave 355/Power FeedTM 10M The Power Wave 355 is the smaller, lighter version of thePower Wave 455M – same machine, just leaner and lighter. • The Power Wave 355/Power Feed™ 10M welding systemis factory-programmed with over 60 standard weldingprograms to optimize the arc for a variety of materials orapplications, including steel, stainless steel, aluminum, nickel alloys and others. • ArcLink Digital Communication between componentsallows unprecedented waveform control and expansioncapability. Simply select a program and you have the rightarc characteristics for your application. • The software is upgradeable, so your Power Wave 355will grow with yourbusiness. If you wantto reduce costs bybuying a versatilemachine that will do multiple jobs and lastfor years to come, thehigh efficiency PowerWave 355 delivers. Power MIG 300 The Power MIG 300 – a single phase, multi-process, synergic power source/wire feeder combinationwelding package for the professional welder. The Power MIG 300 offers: • Superior multi-process welding. • Synergic design for ultimate control over the arc, by automaticallyaligning wire feedspeed and voltage. • Top-quality aluminumwelds with push-pullwire feed capabil...
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