К этому устройству также есть другие инструкции:
Фрагмент инструкции
safety information
To reduce the risk of fi re or explosion:
WARNING • Do not wash items that have been washed, soaked, or treated with gasoline, dry
cleaning solvents, or other fl ammable or explosive substances. They give off vapors that
could ignite or explode. Rinse by hand any material that has been exposed to cleaning
solvent or other fl ammable liquids or solids before putting in your washer. Be sure that
all traces of such liquids, solids, and fumes have been removed. Dangerous substances
include acetone, denatured alcohol, gasoline, kerosene, certain liquid household
cleaners and spot removers, turpentine, waxes, and wax removers.
• Do not put gasoline, dry cleaning solvents, or other fl ammable or explosive substances
into the washer.
• Under certain conditions, hydrogen gas may be produced in a hot water system–such
as your hot water heater-- that has not been used for two weeks or more. HYDROGEN
GAS IS EXPLOSIVE. If your hot water system has not been used for two weeks or
more, turn on all hot water faucets in your home, and let the water fl ow for several
minutes before using your washer. This will release any hydrogen gas build–up. Since
hydrogen gas is fl ammable, do not smoke or light an open fl ame during this time.
Unplug the power cord before servicing your washer.
Do not reach into the appliance when the tumbler is moving.
Do not let children play on or in your washer. The washer door isn’t easily opened from the
WARNING inside, and a child could be seriously injured if trapped inside.
Do not tamper with the controls.
Do not repair, replace, or service any part of your washer yourself unless you fully
understand the recommended user–repair instructions and have the skills to carry them
out. Work done by an unauthorized person may void your warranty.
Store laundry detergents and other laundry supplies in a cool, dry place out of children’s reach.
Do not wash or dry items that are soiled with vegetable or cooking oil. These items may contain
some oil after laundering. Due to the remaining oil, the fabric may smoke or catch fi re by itself.
Do not use chlorine bleach, ammonia, or acids (such as vinegar or rust remover) in the
CAUTION same wash. Hazardous fumes can form.
Do not machine wash fi berglass materials. Small particles can stick to fabrics washed in
subsequent loads and cause skin irritation.
Before disposing of your washer, remove the door so that children or small animals cannot
WARNING get trapped inside.
Do not sit on top of your Washer.
Inlet hoses are subject to damage and deterioration over time. Check the hoses periodically
for bulges, kinks, cuts, wear or leaks, and replace them every fi ve years.
Ensure pockets are free from small irregularly shaped hard objects or foreign materials,
such as coins, knives, pins, etc. These objects could damage your washer.
Do not wash clothing with large buckles, buttons, or other heavy metal.
Do not wash throw rug or doormat.
• If you wash throw rug or doormat, the sand will accumulate inside the washer. It may
result in error such as not draining.
Take care that the rubber seal and the front door glass are not contaminated by a foreign
CAUTION substance (e.g. waste, thread, hair, etc.)
• If a foreign substance is caught in the door or the door is not completely closed, it may
cause a water leakage.
4_ Safety information
WF218ANS-02440D-07_EN.indd Sec1:4
WF218ANS-02440D-07_EN.indd Sec1:4