Инструкция по эксплуатации ZTE, модель S522(Airtel)
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12 Earpiece L E GAL IN FO RM AT I ON C o pyri gh t © 2 01 2 ZT E COR P OR AT ION. A l l ri ghts reserved. No p art of thi s p ubl i c ati on m ay b e ex cer pte d, r epr o du ce d, t r ans l at ed o r uti l i z ed i n a ny f o r m o r by a ny m e a ns , el ect r o ni c or mec h ani c al , i ncl u di n g p ho t o co p yi ng a nd m i cr o f i l m , w i t ho ut the prior w ri tte n permissi on of Z TE Corpor ati on . T he m a nual i s p ubl i s he d b y ZTE Co rp or a ti o n. W e r e s er ve t he ri g h t to m ak e mo dif ications o n print errors or upd at e speci f i cati ons w i thou t pri or noti c e. Left/Right soft keys Send key * key 4-WayNavigation keys and Centre key Charger/USB Jack End/Power key Alpha numeric keys # key Torch Precautions for Medical Devices and • CAUTION : RISK OF EXPLOSION IF BATTERY IS • If the mobile phone has the function of autom atic Security Key Functions REPLACED BY AN INCORRECT TYPE. DISPOSE OF USED timing power-on, please check your alarm setting to make • To protect your mobil e phone from illegal use, take Facilities BATTERIES ACCORDING TO THE INSTRUCTIONS. sure that your phone will not be automatically turned on the s ecurity measures as follows: • When using your phone near pacemakers, please always • Set PIN codes of the SIM card. keep the phone more than eight inches (about twenty • Adapter:Adapter shall be installed near the equipment during flight. • Set handset lock code. centimeters) from the pacemaker when the phone is and shall be easily accessible. Battery Use • Set call restrictions. switched on. Do not carry the phone in the breast pocket. Use the ear opposite the pacemaker to minimize the • The phone cannot be used at an altitude higher than 2000 • Do not short-circuit the battery, as this can cause the unit meters. to overheat or ignite. potential for interference. Switch off the phone Safety Precautions • To prevent possible hearing damage, • Do not store battery in hot areas or throw it into f ire. immediately if necessary. This section includes some important information on safe do not listen at high volume levels Otherwise, it will cause explosion. • Some phones may interfere with some hearing aids. In and efficient operation. Please read this information before for long periods. • Do not disassemble or ref it the battery. Otherwise, it will the event of such interference, you may consult your using the phone. cause liquid leakage, overheating, explosion and ignition of hearing aids manufacturer to discuss alternatives. the battery. • If you use any other personal medical device, please Operational Precautions consult the manufacturer of your device to determine if it Precautions for Potentially Explosive • Please store the battery in a cool dry place if you don’t use it • Please use your phone properly. When m aking or is adequately shielded from RF (radio frequency) energy. Atmospheres for a long period. receiving a call, please hold your pho...
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