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Some problems require you to call your service provider, but most are easy to fix yourself. Message Possible causes Possible corrective measures SIM error There is no SIM card in the phone or it is inserted incorrectly. Make sure that the SIM card is correctly inserted. No network connection/ Dropped network Signal is weak or you are outside the carrier network. Move toward a window or into an open area. Check the network operator coverage map. Operator applied new services. Check whether the SIM card is more than 6~12 months old. If so, change your SIM at your network provider's nearest branch. Contact your service provider. Codes do not match To change a security code, you will need to confirm the new code by re- entering it. If you forget the code, contact your service provider. The two codes you have entered do not match. Message Possible causes Possible corrective measures No applications can be set Not supported by service provider or registration required. Contact your service provider. Calls not available Dialling error New network not authorized. New SIM card inserted. Check for new restrictions. Pre-paid charge limit reached. Contact service provider or reset limit with PIN2. Phone cannot be switched on On/Off key pressed too briefly. Press the On/Off key for at least two seconds. Battery is not charged. Charge battery. Check the charging indicator on the display. Message Possible causes Possible corrective measures Charging error Battery is not charged. Charge battery. Outside temperature is too hot or cold. Make sure phone is charging at a normal temperature. Contact problem Check the charger and connection to the phone. No voltage Plug the charger into a different socket. Charger defective Replace the charger. Wrong charger Use only original LG accessories. Number not allowed The Fixed dialling number function is on. Check the Settings menu and turn the function off. Impossible to receive / send SMS & photos Memory full Delete some messages from your phone. Files do not open Unsupported file format Check the supported file. Troubleshooting Message Possible causes Possible corrective measures SD card not working FAT16, FAT32 file system supported Check SD card file system via card reader, or format SD card using the phone. The screen does not turn on when I receive a call. Proximity sensor problem If you use a protection tape or case, make sure it has not covered the area around the proximity sensor. Make sure that the area around the proximity sensor is clean. No sound Vibration mode Check the settings status in the sound menu to make sure you are not in vibration or silent mode. Hangs up or freezes Intermittent software problem Try to perform a software update via the website. FAQ Please check to see if any problems you have encountered with your phone are described in this section before taking the phone for service or calling a service representative. Category Sub- Category Question Answer BT Bluetooth Devices What are the functions available via Bluetooth? You can connect a Bluetooth audio device such as a Stereo/Mono headset or Car Kit to share pictures, videos, contacts, etc. via Gallery/Contacts menu. Also, when the FTP server is connected to a compatible device, you can share content stored on the storage media. BT Bluetooth Headset If my Bluetooth headset is connected, can I listen to my music through my 3.5 mm wired headphones? When a Bluetooth headset is connected, all system sounds are played over the headset. As a result, you will not be able to listen to music through your wired headphones. Data Contacts Backup How can I backup Contacts? The Contacts data can be synchronized between your phone and Gmail™. Data Synchronization Is it possible to set up one-way sync with Gmail? Only two-way synchronization is available. Category Sub- Category Question Answer Data Synchronization Is it possible to synchronize all the email folders? The Inbox is automatically synchronized. You can view other folders by touching . Google™ Service Gmail Log-In Do I have to log into Gmail whenever I want to access Gmail? Once you have logged into Gmail, not need to log into Gmail again. Google™ Service Google Account Is it possible to filter emails? No, email filtering is not supported via the phone. Phone Function Email What happens when I execute another application while writing an email? Your email will automatically be saved as a draft. Phone Function Ringtone Is there a file size limitation for when I want to use an .MP3 file as a ring tone? There is no file size limitation. Phone Function Message Time My phone does not display the time of receipt for messages older than 24 hrs. How can I change this? You will only be able to see the times for messages received the same day. Category Sub- Category Question Answer Phone Function microSD Card What is the maximum supported size for a memory card? 32 GB memory cards are compatible. Phone Function Navigation Is it possible to install another navigation a...
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