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This is the default page and accessible from any menu by pressing Home key. On your Home screen, you can view menu icons at the bottom of the screen. Menu icons provide easy and one-touch access to the functions you use the most. Touch the Phone icon to bring up the Touch screen dialpad to make a call. Touch the Contacts icon to open your contacts. Touch the Messaging icon to access the messaging menu. This is where you can create a new message. Touch the Apps icon at the bottom of the screen. This displays all of your installed applications. To open any application, simply touch the icon in the applications list. Navigating Through the Home Screens Your phone has several home screens. If you like, you can place different applications on each of the home screens. 1 From the main Home screen, swipe the screen with your finger in either direction. The main Home Screen is located in the middle of Home screens. Navigating Through the Application Menu Your phone initially has several Application Menus available. Follow these steps to navigate through the Application Menu screens: 1 At the Home screen, tap . The first Application Menu displays. 2 Swipe the screen left or right to access the other menus. 3 Tap one of the application icons. Navigating Through the Sub-Menus Sub-menus are available when you are at any Home screen or have selected a feature or application such as Phone, Contacts, Messaging or Internet. 1 Touch . A sub-menu displays at the bottom of the phone screen. 2 Tap an option. Sub-Menu key Your Home screen Customizing the Screen You can customize your Home screen by doing the following: • Changing the Wallpaper • Creating Shortcuts • Creating Application Folders on Home screen • Adding and Removing Widgets on Home screen • Customizing the Apps Menu screen Changing the Wallpaper of Home screen You can change the Wallpaper (background) of your home screen by following these steps: 1 From the Home screen, touch and hold on an empty area of the screen. 2 Tap Wallpapers and select the desired wallpaper. Creating Shortcuts on Home screen Shortcuts are different than the current Home screen Widgets that only launch an application. Shortcuts activate a feature, action, or launch an application. NOTE: To move a shortcut from one screen to another, Touch and hold shortcut and then drag it to desired Home screen page. Adding a shortcut from the Apps Menu 1 Press to go to the main Home screen, if it is not already selected. 2 Navigate to the desired Home screen. 3 Tap to display your current applications. 4 Scroll through the list and locate your desired application. 5 Touch and hold the application icon. This creates an immediate shortcut of the selected icon and closes the Apps tab. 6 While still holding the on-screen icon, position it on the current page. Once complete, release the screen to lock the new shortcut into its new position on the current screen. Deleting a shortcut 1 Press to activate the Home screen. 2 Touch and hold the desired shortcut. This unlocks it from its location on the current screen. 3 Drag the icon over the Remove icon and release it. Creating Application Folders on Home screen You can create application folders to hold similar applications if you wish. 1 Drop one app icon over another one on a Home screen, and the two icons will be combined. Repeat this step to combine several app icons in a folder. Adding and Removing Widgets on Home screen Widgets are self-contained applications that reside in either your Widgets tab or on the main or extended Home screens. Unlike a shortcut, the Widget displays as an on- screen application. Adding a Widget 1 Navigate to the desired Home screen page from the main Home screen. 2 Tap . 3 Tap Apps > Widgets tab at the top of the screen. 4 Touch and hold an available Widget to position it on the current screen. Removing a Widget 1 Touch and hold a Widget until you can move it around on the screen. 2 Drag the Widget over the Remove icon and release it. NOTE: This action does not actually delete the Widget, it just removes it from the current Home screen. Your Home screen Customizing the Apps Menu screen 1 Touch the from the main Home screen. 2 Tap the Apps tab at the top of the screen to go to the Apps Menu screen, if it is not already selected. 3 Touch the to customize the Apps Menu screen using Search, Sort by, Reset, App settings, System settings menu options. Returning to recently-used applications 1 Press and hold the Home key. The screen displays a pop-up containing the icons of applications you used recently. 2 Touch an icon to open the application. Or touch the Back key to return to your previous screen. Notifications Notifications alert you while arrival of new messages, calendar events and alarms, as well as to ongoing events, such as video downloads. From the notifications panel, you can view your phone’s current status and pending notifications. When a notification arrives, its icon appears at the top of the screen. Icons for pending no...
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