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1. Tap . 2. If you're signed in to several accounts, tap the account to which the contact is linked. 3. Tap a contact detail, fill in the fields, and tap . 4. When you have added the details, tap . Edit a contact Tap the contact and , and edit or add details, such as a ringtone, or a web address. Delete a contact Tap the contact and > delete. The contact is deleted both from your phone and, with some exceptions such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, from the online service where it's stored. © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved. . . Have you received a call from a person whose phone number is not yet saved in the People hub? You can easily save the number in a new or existing contact list entry. 1. Tap . 2. In the call history list, tap a phone number and . 3. Tap , edit the phone number and phone number type, and tap . 4. Edit other contact details, including the name, and tap . Save a number from a received message Have you received a message from a person whose phone number is not yet saved in the People hub? You can easily save the number in a new or existing contact list entry. 1. Tap Messaging. 2. In the conversations list, tap a conversation. 3. At the top of the conversation screen, tap the phone number and . 4. Tap , edit the phone number and phone number type, and tap . 5. Edit other contact details, including the name, and tap Search for a contact Need to contact your friends quickly? Rather than scrolling through all your contacts, you can search or jump to a letter or character in the contacts list. You can also use a voice command to call or send a message to a contact. 1. Tap People, and swipe to all. 2. Tap , and start writing a name. The list filters as you write. Tip: Pin your most important contacts or contact groups to the start screen. Tap and hold a contact, and tap pin to start. Jump to a letter or character in your contacts list Tap any letter in the contacts list on the left, and in the following menu, tap the first letter or character for the name you want. You jump directly to that point in your contacts list. Filter your contacts list Tap > settings > filter my contact list, and tap the check boxes of the accounts from which you want contacts to show. Use a voice command In any view, press and hold , and say Call or Text and the contact's name. Not all languages are supported. Link contacts Do you have separate entries for the same contact from different social networking services or mail accounts? You can link multiple contacts so that their info is in a single contact card. Tap People, and swipe to all. 1. Tap the main contact you want to link to and . 2. Tap choose a contact and the contact to be linked. © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved. Unlink a contact Tap the main contact and , and tap the contact to be unlinked and unlink. Copy contacts from a SIM card If you have contacts stored on your SIM card, you can copy them to your phone. 1. Tap People. 2. Tap > settings > import SIM contacts. Share your plans with your family and friends Want to gather with people, but find it difficult to set a date and time convenient for everybody? You can invite others to chat, and privately share a calendar, photos, or notes. Although this feature works best on Windows Phone 8, phones running on Windows Phone 7 can join rooms and set up shared calendars. To use this feature, you need to sign in to your Microsoft account. 1. To create a room for sharing, tap People, and swipe to together. 2. Tap > Room. 3. Write a name for the room, and tap . 4. To switch between a group chat, calendar, note, or photo album, swipe left or right. 5. To invite someone to join the room, tap > and a contact. Tip: If you haven't used rooms yet, your phone has a Family Room ready for you. In the People hub, swipe to together, and tap Family Room. To invite someone to the room for the first time, tap invite someone. Create, edit, or delete a contact group You can create contact groups, and send a message to several people at the same time. For example, you can add family members to the same group and reach them quickly with the same message. Tap People, and swipe to together. 1. Tap > Group. 2. Write a name for the group, and tap . 3. Tap and a contact. To add another contact, tap again. 4. Tap . Add a new group contact Tap the group, and tap > and a contact. Remove a contact from a group Tap the group and . Tap the contact to remove and remove from group. Rename a group Tap the group and > rename, and write the new name. Delete a contact group Tap the group and > delete. © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved. Share a contact Share a contact 1. To make sure tap+send is switched on, on the start screen, swipe left, tap Settings > tap+send, and switch NFC sharing to On . 2. On the start screen, tap People, and swipe to all. 3. Tap a contact and > share contact > > Tap+Send. 4. Touch your friend's phone with your phone. The other phone must support NFC. For more info, see the user guide of the other phone. This feature may ...