К этому устройству также есть другие инструкции:
Фрагмент инструкции
Note: If you selected Cancel all call restrictions, the following steps are not available. Also, you can cancel call restrictions on each option, allowing restrictions on other options to stay in force. 2Scroll to one of the following: Activate—Enter the restriction password and select OK. Cancel—Enter the restriction password and select OK. Check status—The phone lists the call types with call restriction active. 3Select OK. Change your restriction password Contact your service provider for your original restriction password. 1From the menus, select Settings > Security settings > Access codes > Change restriction password. 2Enter your new password, and select OK. •FIXED DIALING Once you set up and activate a fixed dialing list, your phone can make calls only to those numbers that you have defined in the fixed dialing list. Fixed dialing is a Network Service and must be supported by your service provider. When fixed dialing is activated, calls still may be possible to the official emergency number programmed into your phone. Set up and activate a fixed dialing list 1From the menus, select Settings > Security Settings > Fixed dialing. After a brief pause, the following options appear in the display: On—Activate fixed dialing. Off—Deactivate fixed dialing. Number list—View the numbers in your fixed dialing list. Note: If you activate fixed dialing and the number list is empty, all outgoing calls, except for the emergency number(s) programmed into your phone, require entry of the PIN2 code. 2Select Number list. Fixed dialing not active and then Fixed dialing list empty appear in the display. You are prompted to enter the PIN2 code. 3Enter the PIN2 code and select OK. 4Enter the fixed dialing number, or select Find to retrieve a number from contacts and select OK. 5Enter a name for the number and select OK. A confirmation note appears in the display and you are returned to the fixed dialing number list. 6Select Back > On to activate fixed dialing. View or edit the fixed dialing list 1From the menus, select Settings > Security Settings > Fixed dialing > Number list. You are prompted to enter the PIN2 code. 2Enter the PIN2 code and select OK. Any numbers which you have assigned to fixed dialing appear in the display. 3Scroll to a number and select Options. The following options appear in the display. View number—View the number for an entry. Add—Add a number to your fixed dialing list. Edit—Edit the highlighted entry. Delete—Delete the highlighted entry. Delete all—Delete all entries in your fixed dialing list. 4Select the desired option. Notes about fixed dialing •If a SIM card with fixed dialing that is activated is inserted into a phone that does not support fixed dialing, the SIM card is rejected. •If you try to add a name without a number to the fixed dialing list, you will receive an error message. •If you try to browse the fixed dialing list but have not stored any numbers, Fixed dialing list empty appears in the display. •You cannot access SIM memory manually (view or copy numbers on the SIM card) while fixed dialing is active. •CLOSED USER GROUPS This network service specifies the group of people whom you can call and who can call you. Default resets the phone to use a user group that the SIM card owner has agreed upon with the service provider. When calls are limited to closed user groups, calls still may be possible to the official emergency number programmed into your phone. Turn on closed user groups 1From the menus, select Settings > Security settings > Closed user group > On. 2Enter the group number, then select OK. Turn off closed user groups From the menus, select Settings > Security settings > Closed user group > Off. •SECURITY LEVELS The security level determines your access to features when a nonowner SIM card is used. A nonowner SIM card is one (other than the original) that is inserted after you power off the phone. There are three security levels: Off—Owner and Nonowner cards are treated the same. Memory—Nonowner cards can access SIM memory. Any changes to the memory setting requires the security code. The owner card has access to all features, but the security code is required to change a memory setting. Phone—The security code is required upon power-up. Use this procedure to set your security level. 1From the menus, select Settings > Security settings > Security level. After a brief pause, you are prompted to enter the security code. The default code is 12345. 2Enter the security code and select OK > Off, Memory, or Phone. A message appears in the display confirming your selection. •ACCESS CODES With the following access codes, you can keep your information safe: •Security code (5–10 digits) •PIN code and PIN2 code (4–8 digits) •PUK code and PUK2 code (8 digits) •Call barring password (4 digits) Note: Avoid using codes similar to emergency numbers such as 911 to prevent accidental dialing of the emergency number. Security code The security code controls access to features such as the secu...