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Инструкция по эксплуатации Nokia, модель 7510 Supernova

Производитель: Nokia
Размер: 1.01 mb
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Язык инструкции:enes

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Фрагмент инструкции

To access the list of special characters, press *. Predictive text input Predictive text input is based on a built-in dictionary to which you can also add newwords. 1. Start writing a word, using the keys 2 to 9. Press each key only once for one letter. 2. To confirm a word, scroll right or add a space. . If the word is not correct, press * repeatedly, and select the word from the list. . If the ? character is displayed after the word, the word you intended to writeis not in the dictionary. To add the word to the dictionary, select Spell. Enter the word using traditional text input, and select Save. . To write compound words, enter the first part of the word, and scroll rightto confirm it. Write the last part of the word, and confirm the word. 3. Start writing the next word. 5. Messaging Create and receive text and pictures messages and voice notes with your device. The messaging services can only be used if your network or service providersupports them. © 2008 Nokia. All rights reserved. Text and picture messages You can create a message and optionally attach, for example, a picture. Your phoneautomatically changes a text message to a picture message when a file is attached. Text messages Your device supports text messages beyond the limit for a single message. Longermessages are sent as two or more messages. Your service provider may chargeaccordingly. Characters with accents or other marks, and characters from somelanguage options, take up more space, and limit the number of characters that canbe sent in a single message. An indicator at the top of the display shows the total number of characters left andthe number of messages needed for sending. Before you can send any text or SMS e-mail messages, you must save your messagecenter number. Select Menu > Messaging > Message settings > Text messages > Message centers > Add center, enter a name, and the number from the service provider. Picture messages A picture message can contain text, pictures, and sound or video clips. Only devices that have compatible features can receive and display multimedia messages. The appearance of a message may vary depending on the receiving device. The wireless network may limit the size of MMS messages. If the inserted picture exceeds this limit the device may make it smaller so that it can be sent by MMS. Important: Exercise caution when opening messages. Messages may contain malicious software or otherwise be harmful to your device or PC. For availability and subscription to the multimedia messaging service (MMS), contact your service provider. You may also download the configuration settings. See "Nokia support," p. 12. © 2008 Nokia. All rights reserved. Create a text or picture message 1. Select Menu > Messaging > Create message > Message. 2. To add recipients, scroll to the To: field, and enter the recipient’s number or e- mail address, or select Add to select recipients from the available options. Select Options to add recipients and subjects and to set sending options. 3. Scroll to the Text: field, and enter the message text. 4. To attach content to the message, scroll to the attachment bar at the bottom ofthe display, and select the desired type of content. 5. To send the message, select Send. The message type is indicated at the top of the display and changes automaticallydepending on the content of the message. Service providers may charge differently depending on the message type. Fordetails, contact your service provider. Read a message and reply Important: Exercise caution when opening messages. Messages may contain malicious software or otherwise be harmful to your device or PC. Your phone issues a notification when you receive a message. Select View to displaythe message. If more than one message was received, to display a message, selectthe message from the Inbox and Open. Use the scroll key to view all parts of the message. To create an answer message, select Reply. Send messagesMessage sendingTo send the message, select Send. The phone saves the message in the Outbox folder, and the sending starts. © 2008 Nokia. All rights reserved. Note: The message sent icon or text on your device screen does not indicatethat the message is received at the intended destination. If message sending is interrupted, the phone tries to resend the message a fewtimes. If these attempts fail, the message remains in the Outbox folder. To cancel the sending of the messages in the Outbox folder, select Options > Cancel sending. To save the sent messages in the Sent items folder, select Menu > Messaging > Message settings > General settings > Save sent messages. Organize your messages The phone saves received messages in the Inbox folder. Organize your messages in the saved items folder. To add, rename, or delete a folder, select Menu > Messaging > Saved items > Options. E-mail application If you have an e-mail account with one of the e-mail service providers supportedby your wireless network operator, you can use the E-mail applicat...

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