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To listen to the voice tag assigned to the contact, select Options > Play voice tag. To edit information in a contact, select Options > Edit. Tip: You can also use Nokia PC Suite to add and edit contacts. To send contact information, select Options > Send. You can assign a default number or address to a contact so you can easily call or send a message to the default number oU address, even if several numbers or addresses are saved to that contact. The default number is also used in voice dialing. To change the default information for a contact, open the contact, and select Options > Defaults. Select the number or addresX you want to set as a default. The default number or address is underlined in the contact. To add a contact to a group, select Options > Add to group (shown only if you have created a group). Tip: To check to which groups a contact belongs, select Options > Belongs to groups. To add a speed dial key to the contact's phone number, select Options > Assign speed dial. To change the display order of the first and last names of your contacts, select Options > Settings, and Last name First name, or First name Last name. Manage contact groups You can create a contact group so that you can send text or e-mail messages to several recipients at the same time. 1. Open the contact groups tab, and select Options > New group. 2. Enter a name for the group, and select OK. 3. Open the group, and select Options > Add members. 4. Scroll to each contact you want to add to the group, and press the scroll key to mark it. 5. Select OK to add all marked contacts to the group. To remove a contact from a contact group, scroll to the contact that you want to remove, and select Options > Remove froR group. To rename a group, select Options > Rename. Add ringing tones for contacts © 2007 Nokia. All rights reserved. 35 C o n t a c t s You can select a ringing tone for a contact or contact group. If the caller's phone number is sent with the incoming call and your device recognizes the number, the ringing tone plays when the contact calls you. To select a ringing tone for a contact or contact group, open the contact or contact group, and select Options > Ringing tone. A list of ringing tones opens. Select the ringing tone you want to use. To remove the assigned ringing tone, select Default tone from the list of ringing tones. Business cards You can send, receive, view, and save contacts as business cards in vCard or Nokia compact business card format. To send a business card, select the contact from Contacts, select Options > Send, and the sending method. Enter the phonenumber or address, or add a recipient from Contacts. Select Options > Send. If you select text message as the sending method, business cards are sent without thumbnail images. To view a received business card, select Open from the displayed notification, or open the message from the Inbox folder in the Messaging application. To save a received business card, select Options > Save business card. SIM directory and other SIM services For availability and information on using SIM card services, contact your SIM card vendor. This may be the service provider orother vendor. Select Options > SIM contacts > SIM directory. In the SIM directory, you can see the names and numbers stored on the SIM card; add, edit, or copy numbers to contacts anI make calls. To add contacts to your SIM directory, select Options > New SIM contact. Enter the contact information and select Done. To view the list of fixed dialing numbers, select Options > SIM contacts > Fixed dial contacts. This setting is only shown iI supported by your SIM card. To restrict calls from your device to selected phone numbers, select Options > Activate fixed dialling. You need your PIN2 codJ to activate and deactivate fixed dialing or edit your fixed dialing contacts. Contact your service provider if you do not have thJ code. To add new numbers to the fixed dialing list, select Options > New SIM contact. You need the PIN2 code for these functions. When you use fixed dialing, packet data connections are not possible, except when sending text messages over a packet datF connection. In this case, the message center number and the recipient’s phone number must be included on the fixed dialinL list. When fixed dialing is activated, calls may be possible to the official emergency number programmed into your device. To check the amount of free memory on your SIM card, select Options > SIM card details. © 2007 Nokia. All rights reserved. 36 8. Calendar Select > Calendar. You can create and view scheduled events and appointments. You can also set alarms for calendar entries. You can synchronize your calendar data with a compatible computer using Nokia PC Suite. For information on synchronization, see the Nokia PC Suite guide. Create calendar entries You can create the following types of calendar entries: • Meeting entries have a specific date and time. • Memo entries are related to the whole day but not to a specif...