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Choose from 3 seconds, 5 seconds or 10 seconds. Great for that group photo you want to be a part of. Quality - Choose between Super fine, Fine and Normal. The finer the quality the sharper a photo will be, but the file size will increase. This means you’ll be able to store fewer photos in your memory. View Mode - To select the size for preview image. Select storage - Defines the location where the pictures are stored. Show captured image - Choose to view the picture with options after taking a photo. Hide icons - Choose the camera settings icons to be hidden manually or automatically, Shutter sound - Select one of the three shutter sounds. Grid screen - Choose from Off: Simple cross or Trisection. Noise reduction - This function could reduce noise and refine a picture after taken. Reset settings - Reset all the camera settings. Viewing your saved photos 1 You can access your saved photo’s from within the camera mode. Simply touch (§) and your gallery will appear on screen. 36 Video camera Shooting a quick video 1 Press and hold the camera key O on the right side of the phone. 2 Alternatively, drag down § In the viewfinder In camera mode to switch to video mode. 3 The video camera’s viewfinder will appear on screen. 4 Holding the phone horizontally, point the lens towards the subject of the video. 5 Press the camera key Q once to start recording. 6 Rec will appear at the bottom of viewfinder and a timer at the bottom showing the length of your video. 7 To pause the video touch ® and resume by selecting 8 Touch [■] on the screen or press the camera key Q a second time to stop recording. After you've shot your video A still image representing your captured video will appear on screen. The name of the video is displayed at the bottom of the screen together with eight icons down the right side. [> Touch to play the video. IXl Touch to send the video as a Message or E-mail or by Bluetooth. IS Touch to edit the video. Touch to edit the name of the selected video. @ Touch to return to the previous menu. @ Touch to delete the video you have just made, and confirm by touching Yes. The viewfinder will reappear. @ Touch to shoot another video immediately. Your current video will be saved. @ Touch to view the saved videos and pictures gallery. TIP! To switch to the camera mode or video mode, slide up/ down the camera or video icon on the right centre of the viewfinder. 37 Video camera Adjusting the Exposure Exposure defines the difference between light and dark (contrast) in an video. 1 Touch 3. 2 Slide the exposure indicator along the bar, left for a lower exposure, hazier video, or right for a higher contrast, sharper video. Using the advanced settings From the view finder touch 0 to open all the advanced settings options. Colour effect - Choose a colour tone to use on your new video. Off, Black & White, Negative, Sepia. White balance - The white balance ensures that any white in your videos is realistic. In order for your camera to correctly adjust the white balance you may need to determine the light conditions. Choose from Auto, Incandescent, Sunny, Fluorescent or Cloudy. Quality - Choose between Super fine, Fine and Normal. The finer the quality, the sharper a video will be, but the file size will increase. As a result, you will be able to store fewer videos in the phone’s memory, Set time - Set a duration limit for your video. TIP! If you choose MMS duration, try choosing a lower image quality to enable you to shoot a longer video. ^_ 38 Select storage - Choose whether to save your videos to the Handset memory or to the External memory. Voice - Choose Mute to record a video without sound. Hide Icons - Choose the camera settings icons to be hidden manually or automatically, Reset settings - Reset all the video camera settings. Watching your saved videos 1 In the view finder touch 2 Your gallery will appear on screen. 3 Touch the video you want to view once to bring it to the front of the gallery. 4 Touch [> on the video. 39 Your photos and videos Viewing your photos and videos 1 Touch @ on the camera preview screen. 2 Your gallery will appear on the screen. 3 Touch the video or photo to open it fully. f- TIP! Flick left or right to view other photos or videos. TIP! To delete a photo or video, open It and select S.Touch Yes to confirm. Using zoom when viewing a photo When viewing photos, you can zoom in and out. Adjusting the volume when viewing a video To adjust the volume of a video while it is playing, touch the volume bar on the screen Top after pressing the loudspeaker symbol. Alternatively, use the volume keys on the side of the phone. Setting a photo as wallpaper 1 Touch the photo you want to set as wallpaper to open it. 2 Touch the screen to open the options menu. 3 Touch Q. 4 You can zoom in and out and move the cropped section of the picture using a thumbnail at the bottom of the screen. 5 When you are happy with the picture touch...