К этому устройству также есть другие инструкции:
Фрагмент инструкции
Use your device to help others in emergencies. If you see an auto• accident, a crime in progress, or a serious emergency where lives are in danger, call a local emergency number. Call roadside assistance or a special, non-emergency assistance• number when necessary. If you see a broken-down vehicle posing noserioushazard,abrokentrafficsignal,aminortrafficaccidentwhere no one appears injured, or a vehicle you know to be stolen, call roadside assistance or another special, non-emergency number. Proper care and use of your mobile device Keep your device dry Humidity and all types of liquids may damage device parts or• electronic circuits. Safety precautions To prevent injury to yourself and others or damage to your device, read all of the following information before using your device. Icon Description No signal Signal strength Network searching GPRS network connected EDGE network connected Call in progress SOS message feature activated Browsing the web Connecting to secured web page Roaming (outside of normal service area) Call diverting activated Connected with PC Bluetooth activated Alarm activated Icon Description Memory card inserted FM radio on FM radio suspended Music playback in progress Music playback paused New text message (SMS) New multimedia message (MMS) New email message New voice mail message Normal profile activated Silent profile activated Battery power level Current time • Do not turn on your device if it is wet. If your device is already on, turn it off and remove the battery immediately (if the device will not turn off or you cannot remove the battery, leave it as-is). Then, dry the device with a towel and take it to a service centre. • Liquids will change the colour of the label that indicates water damage inside the device. Water damage to your device can void your manufacturer’s warranty. Do not use or store your device in dusty, dirty areas Dust can cause your device to malfunction. Do not store your device on slopes If your device falls, it can be damaged. Do not store your device in hot or cold areas. Use your device at -20 °C to 50 °C • Your device can explode if left inside a closed vehicle, as the inside temperature can reach up to 80 °C. • Do not expose your device to direct sunlight for extended periods of time (such as on the dashboard of a car). • Store the battery at 0 °C to 40 °C. Do not store your device with such metal objects as coins, keys and necklaces • Your device may become deformed or malfunction. • If the battery terminals are in contact with metal objects, it may cause a fire. Do not store your device near magnetic fields • Your device may malfunction or the battery may discharge from exposure to magnetic fields. • Magnetic stripe cards, including credit cards, phone cards, passbooks, and boarding passes, may be damaged by magnetic fields. • Do not use carrying cases or accessories with magnetic closures or allow your device to come in contact with magnetic fields for extended periods of time. Do not store your device near or in heaters, microwaves, hot cooking equipment, or high pressure containers • The battery may leak. • Your device may overheat and cause a fire. Do not drop your device or cause impacts to your device • The screen of your device may be damaged. • If bent or deformed, your device may be damaged or parts may malfunction. If your device has a camera flash or light, do not use a flash close to the eyes of people or pets Using a flash close to the eyes may cause temporary loss of vision or damage to the eyes. Use caution when exposed to flashing lights • While using your device, leave some lights on in the room and do not hold the screen too close to your eyes. • Seizures or blackouts can occur when you are exposed to flashing lights while watching videos or playing Flash-based games for extended periods. If you feel any discomfort, stop using the device immediately. Reduce the risk of repetitive motion injuries When you repetitively perform actions, such as pressing keys, drawing characters on a touch screen with your fingers, or playing games, you may experience occasional discomfort in your hands, neck, shoulders, or other parts of your body. When using your device for extended periods, hold the device with a relaxed grip, press the keys lightly, and take frequent breaks. If you continue to have discomfort during or after such use, stop use and see a physician. Ensure maximum battery and charger life • Avoid charging batteries for more than a week, as overcharging may shorten battery life. • Over time, unused batteries will discharge and must be recharged before use. • Disconnect chargers from power sources when not in use. • Use batteries only for their intended purposes. Use manufacturer-approved batteries, chargers, accessories and supplies • Using generic batteries or chargers may shorten the life of your device or cause the device to malfunction. • Samsung cannot be responsible for the user’s safety when using accessories or...