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Инструкция по эксплуатации Motorola, модель FLX4

Производитель: Motorola
Размер: 439.82 kb
Название файла: 37aaa2a5-b9ef-4045-81f5-73fb612ae3e8.pdf
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The time and date are shown at the bottom of the display. Turning Your Message Receiver Off O Press • to display the function menu. O Press to move the cursor to &. © Press • twice to turn the message receiver off. 4 Receiving and Reading Your Messages When a message is received, your message receiver alerts and displays a flashing A symbol. O Press any button to stop the alert. O Press to display your message. The message receiver automatically stores the message and the time and date it is received. A flashing arrow Ü at the bottom right corner of the screen indicates the message you are reading continues beyond the four lines of the display. Press to advance to the next screen of the message. You can also press Y to read your message line by line. Press and hold to rapidly scroll through your message, screen by screen. If more than one message exists, press or ► to select the message you want to read. The symbol U indicates the location of the message. Press to display your message. While reading your messages, you can press or to view the previous or next message. A flashing ® symbol indicates you have a message that has not been read. The message receiver alerts at predetermined intervals to remind you of any unread messages. 5 Using the Function Menu Press • to display the function menu. The function menu gives you access to the many features of your message receiver through a series of symbols and prompts. For example, when the function menu screen is first displayed, the ++ symbol flashes, indicating the present position of the cursor. You can now press or ► to move the cursor within the function menu. NOTE: To exit from any menu without making changes, press ^*. Backlighting The message receiver’s backlight illuminates in low-light conditions when any button is pressed. You can manually activate or deactivate the backlight at any time by pressing and holding • for two seconds. If no other buttons are pressed, the backlight automatically turns off when the message receiver returns to the standby mode. Locking and Unlocking Messages Up to 10 messages can be locked in memory, preventing them from being replaced when memory is full (indicated by the ^ symbol). O Press ^“. O Press or ► to select the message to lock. © Press* to display the function menu. 0 Press ► to move the cursor to lock (fl) or unlock (S). 0 Press • to lock or unlock the message. 0 The symbol i or fl is displayed, indicating the status of the message in memory. 6 Setting the Time and Date O Press* to display the function menu. O Press to move the cursor to ®. © Press * to display the set-time screen. 0 Press ► to move the cursor to the hour digit. 0 Press i or f to adjust the hour. 0 Press ► to move the cursor to the minute digit. O Press i or y to adjust the minute. © Repeat the process for each set of digits: AM/PM/ 24 hr., month/day/year. 0 Press * to activate the time and date change. If you move the cursor past the last symbol in the row (far right), it automatically wraps around and is displayed at the first symbol in the beginning of that same row (far left). NOTE: To exit from any menu without making changes, press . v ...... y, Example of Set-Time Screen 7 Setting the Alarm The alarm on your message receiver can be set for a specific time and date, or it can be used as a daily alarm. To set the alarm for a specific time and date: O Press * to display the function menu. O Press to move the cursor to ®. © Press * to display the set-time-and-alarm screen. 0 Press f to move the cursor to ¿J. Example of Set-Time-and-Alarm Screen The alarm symbol defines the alarm status -- either alarm enabled or alarm disabled (^). 0 Press ► to move the cursor to ¿X 0 Press i or f to enable or disable the alarm. O Press ► to move the cursor to the hour digit. © Repeat the process for each entry (minute, AM/PM, and date). 0 Press * to activate your selection. The ^ symbol is shown on the display. At the selected time, your message receiver emits a 12-second audible alert even if the message receiver is in the silent mode. To set the alarm to alert dally: Follow the steps previously described, except when setting the date, press f for the date entries until you see a blank month, day, and year (--/--/--). The alarm is now set to alert every day at this specified time. NOTE: If the alarm expires without being acknowledged, the ^ symbol flashes until one of the message receiver buttons is pressed. 8 NOTE: To exit from any menu without making changes, press ^*. Setting the Message Alarm This feature allows you to set a one-time or a daily alarm for a particular personal message. You can set an alarm for up to five personal messages. To set a one-time message alarm: O Press ^*. O Press or ► to select the message you want to alarm. © Press * to display the function menu. 0 Press ► to move the cursor to ^. 0 Press * to display the set-message-alarm screen. When the screen is firs...

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