Фрагмент инструкции
ATTACHING THE BLOWER TUBE AND NOZZLE If you have already assembled your unitfor use as a vacuum, remove the vacuumtubes and the collection bag. • Insertthe blowertube intothe blower outieL • Twist the blower tube cJockwiseuntil it is firmlyseated in the blower outieL Make surethe nozzle pointsupward. BlowerOutlet / BlowerTube ASSEMBLYINSTRUCTIONSFOR USINGYOURUNITWITHTHE OPTIONALVACUUMATTACHMENT NOTE:Assemblyinstructionsfor using yourunitas a blowerare explainedin the previousses_on, ff you have already assembledyour unitfor use as a blower, removetheblotler tubeandnozzis. WARNING: Stop the un'_and disconnect from the power source before openingthe inletcoveror attemptingto insert or remove the inlet restrictoror vacuum tubes. The motor must be stopped and the impeller blades no longer turning to avoid serious injury from the rotating blades. REMOVE THE INLET RESTRICTOR An inletrestdctoris used when using ycur unitas a blower.This restrictoris notuseddudngvacuum.se, and must be removedduringassemblyfor vscu um use. NOTE: Be sure to keep the inlet re strictor for using your unit as a blower. • Open the inlet cover by insertingthe tipof a screwdriverintothe inlet cover latcharea, and twistingthe screwdriver whilepulling the inletcoveropen. Bottomview unit • Rotate the inlet restrictorcounterclockwise, and liftoutofthe unit. Do not close the inlet door.Youwill next attach the vacuum tubes. ATTACHING THE VACUUM TUBES There are 2 vacuum tubes, an upper and lower tube. The upper tube is cut straighton both ends, and attaches to the blower unit.The second tube is cut an at angle on the lower end. This ' -._angled end will point toward the ground duringvacuum use. • Locate the arrows on the upper vacuum tube and on the vacuum inlet area of _he unit. UpperVacuumTube • Whileholdingtheinletcoveropen, align the arrows and insertthe vacuum tube intothe opening. Twist the tube dock'wise untilit is seated. A second arrow on the vacuumtube will align with the arrow on the unit once the tube twisted completely in place. Align arrows on tube & unit • Attach the lower vacuum tube to the upper vacuum tube by aligning the arrows on the two tubes. Press the tubes together until the lower tube is fully seated in the upper tube. (About 3 inches) Upper Lower ATTACH THE COLLECTION BAG Slide the openingof the collection bag over the blower outlet. Pull the strap with Velcro tightlythrough the budde and secure with Velcro tabs. NOTE: Make sure the strap with Velcro is locatedon the blower outlet as shown. Also, make sure the zipper on the bag is completely clnsed. Strop with Velcro C,dlectlon Bag Mower Outer 6 ADJUSTING THE SHOULDER STRAP ON THE COLLECTION BAG • Carefully loop the shoulder strap through the buckle as shown in the illustration below. Last In First In • Positionthe unit on your dght-hand side, blower outlet and bag pointing toward the rear. Hold the unit in an uptightposition,and supportthe lower vacuum tube on the ground. • Place the shoulder strap over your head and onto your left shoulder. • Adjust the strap to allow a free flow of air from the blower. Ifthe collection bag is kinked, the unit will not operate properly. NOTE: Thestrapisdesignedtoposition the collectionbeg onyourshoulderwithout kinks. The strap is not intendedto supportthe weightof the unit.. Shoulder strap on leftshoulder No kinksin Allowsfree air flow HOW TO CONVERT UNIT FROM VACUUM USE TO BLOWER USE. • Stop unit and unplug the extension cord. • Remove the vacuum tubes and collection bag. • InslstF_irJnlet restdctorthat was removed when assembling for vacuum use. NOTE: If you are unable to locate the inlet restrictor, the unit will still operate. This restdctor improves the blower function. • Close the inlet cover and make sure it is latched closed. • Re-install the blower tubes. Refer to the section A'R'ACHING THE BLOWER TUBE AND NOZZLE for instructions on how to attach these items. EXTENSION CORD Use onlya 120A.C. voltagesupplyas shownon nameplateof the unit. The extension cord usedto reachthe power soume must be: • Specificallymarked as suitable for outdooruse.The cordmustbe marked withthe suffix "W-A." • Heavy enough to carry current from the power sourcethe full length of extension cordto the unit. Otherwise, lossof power and overheatingcan occurcausingdamage to unit.Refer to chart for minimumwire gauge rec ommendations.The cord mustbe marked with the properwire gauge. (Appropriateextension cords are available.) Do not use multiple cords. • In good condition.Cord insulation mustbe intactwithno cracks or deterioration. Plugconnectorsmust be undamaged. MINIMUMWIRE GAUGE RECOMMENDATIONS VC)LTSi25 FT. 50 FT. 100FT. 120 16 16 14A. W.G." A.W.G." A.W.G." •AmericanWireG=uge Secure extensioncordto unitusing the accessorycord lock (if equipped) or as follows: • "Rethe power plug on the unit to the extensioncord asshown. • Insert plug into cord socket. Power Plug on Extension Unit,_ Cord KNOW YOUR ELECTRIC BLOWER READ THIS OPERATOR'S MANUAL AND SAFETY RULES...
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