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WHEEL button 2. SELECT button 3. PITCH BEND +/- switches 4. Numeric keys 5. PROGRAM key 6. BANK LSB key 7. BANK MSB key 8. WHEEL key 9. SAVE key 10. CHANNEL key 11. OCTAVE key 12. TRANSPOSE key 13. +/- keys 14. RESET-AC key 15. GM-RESET 16. MIDI OUT Connector For connecting directly to PC sound card game port 17. DC Jack For connecting to AC/DC adapter. DC output 9V-1 2V, 1 50mA, centre positive. 18. POWER switch 2. Power Supply 2-1 DC Power - Batteries (not included) This unit is powered by 6 “

JOB TABLE (1) PERFORMANCE PLAY MODE VOICE PLAY MODE CS Assign View Voice Control Edit 1: Oscillator 2: Amplitude EG 1: AEG Level & Rate 2: Level Scaling 3: Sensitivity AEG Data Copy 3: Filter 1: Type, Cutoff Frequency 2: Cutoff, Scaling 3: FEG Level & Rate 4: Filter Sensitivity Filter Data Copy 4: Pitch EG 1: Level & Rate 2: Range, Sensitivity Pitch EG Data Copy 5: LFO 1: LFO 2: LFO Speed Sensitivity LFO Data Copy 6: Controller 1: Pitch Bend Range 2: Modulation Wheel Depth 3: Foot Controller 4:

• The GS3 performance file contains manynew parameters not found in GS2. If you open any GS2 performances in GS3, save the GS3 versions separately – do not overwrite the GS2 versions unless you have thembacked up. • Performance files do not restore correctly when saved while a DSP Station channel is solo’d. Clear all solos before saving aperformance. • DSP Station Insert FX must be added/removed in order – it is only possible to removethe most recently loaded FX. • DSP Station Dynamics & EQ chan