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¦ See How You’ve Done . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Excellent ~~~~~~~~ When the lesson song has played all the way through your Very Good ~~~~~~ performance will be evaluated in 4 levels: OK, Good, Very Good, or Excellent. “Excellent!” is the highest evaluation. Good ~~~~ OK ~~ After the evaluation display has appeared, the lesson will start again • The evaluation feature can be from the beginning. turned off via the FUNCTION Grade item (page 84). NOTE YPT-410 Owner’s Manual 45 Select a Song For a Lesson Lesson 2—Your Tempo Select a Song For a Lesson Lesson 2—Your Tempo Learn to play the correct notes with the correct timing. Song playback tempo will v ary to match the speed you are playing at. The song will slow down when you play wrong notes, so you can learn at your own pace. 1 1 Select the song and part you want to practice (steps 1 and 2 on pages 43, 44). 2 2 Start Lesson 2. Each time the LESSON [START] button is pressed the lesson modes are selected in sequence: Lesson 1 > Lesson 2 > Lesson 3 > Off > Lesson 1 ... r2YourTemp In this case “r2” indicate that right- hand lesson 2 has been selected. Song playback will begin automatically when Lesson 2 is selected. Start the lesson! Play the note shown in the display. Try to play the notes at the correct timing. As you learn to play the right notes at the right timing the tempo will increase until eventually you’ll be playing at the song’s original tempo. Left-hand part Right-hand part (In the case of a right-hand lesson) 3 3 Stop the Lesson mode. You can stop the Lesson mode at any time by pressing the [START/ STOP] button. Once you’ve mastered Lesson 2, move on to Lesson 3. 46 YPT-410 Owner’s Manual Select a Song For a Lesson Lesson 3—Minus One Select a Song For a Lesson Lesson 3—Minus One Here’s where you can perfect your technique. The song will play at the normal tempo, minus the part you have chosen to play. Play along while listening to the song. 1 1 Select the song and part you want to practice (steps 1 and 2 on pages 43, 44). 2 2 Start Lesson 3. Each time the LESSON [START] button is pressed the lesson modes are selected in sequence: Lesson 1 > Lesson 2 > Lesson 3 > Off > Lesson 1 ... r3MinusOne In this case “r3” indicate that right- hand lesson 3 has been selected. Song playback will begin automatically when Lesson 3 is selected. Start the lesson! Play the note shown in the display. Left-hand part Right-hand part (In the case of a right-hand lesson) 3 3 Stop the Lesson mode. You can stop the Lesson mode at any time by pressing the [START/ STOP] button. YPT-410 Owner’s Manual 47 Select a Song For a Lesson Practice Makes Perfect—Repeat and Learn Select a Song For a Lesson Practice Makes Perfect—Repeat and Learn Use this feature when you want to start again just ahead of a section on which you made a mistake, or to repeatedly practice a section you find difficult. Press the [ ] (REPEAT & LEARN) button during a lesson. The song location will move back four measures from the point at which you pressed the button, and playback will begin after a one-measure count-in. Playback will continue up to the point at which you pressed the [ ] (REPEAT & LEARN) button, and then jump back four measures and begin again after a count-in. This process will repeat, so all you have to do is press the [ ] (REPEAT & LEARN) button when you make a mistake in order to repeat practice of that section until you get it right. NOTE •You can change the number of measures the Repeat and learn function jumps back by pressing a number button [1]–[9] during repeat playback. Press immediately Oops! A mistake! e Jump back 4 measures and repeat playback q wSong playback direction 48 YPT-410 Owner’s Manual Play Using the Music DatabaseQuickGuide Play Using the Music DatabaseQuickGuide 1 1 Press the [MUSIC DATABASE] button. 001AlvFever A Music Database name will appear in the display. 2 2 Select a Music Database. Referring to the list on the panel or Music Database List on page 114 of the manual, use the dial to select a music database. Select one that matches the image of the song you intend to play. For this example select the “124 DayOfW&R”. 124DayOfW&R 3 3 Play the chords with your left hand and melody with your right. The jazz style will start playing when you play a left-hand chord to the left of the split point (page 30). Refer to page 38 for information about playing chords. Split Point Press the [START/STOP] button to stop playback. YPT-410 Owner’s Manual 49 QuickGuideChange a Song’s Style Listen to the DEMO Song for Easy Song Arranger QuickGuideChange a Song’s Style Listen to the DEMO Song for Easy Song Arranger ments by changing the style with which a song is played. You can also change the song’s melody voice and the keyboard voice for a complete change of image. The “Hallelujah Chorus” in the preset songs lets you experience the Easy Song Arranger. Playing it. Press the [SONG] button, then select a “009 Hallelujah Chorus” by using the dial. Press the [STAR...