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Инструкция по эксплуатации Yamaha, модель P80

Производитель: Yamaha
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P-80 39 Factory Setting List/Liste der Vorgabeeinstellungen/ Liste des reglages/Lista de ajustes de fabrica Factory Setting List/Liste der Vorgabeeinstellungen/ Liste des reglages/Lista de ajustes de fabrica Voice GRAND PIANO F9.1 Dual Mode OFF Split Mode OFF Split Mode Left Voice BASS Reverb Type Preset for each voice Reverb Depth Preset for each voice Effect Type Preset for each voice Effect Depth Preset for each voice Touch Sensitivity MEDIUM Volume in the FIXED Mode 64 Metronome OFF — Metronome Time Signature 0 (no accent) F9.1 Tempo 120 — Transpose 0 F9.3 “—”: Not memorized Function Function Default Backup Group F1 Tuning A3=440Hz F9.3F2.1 Scale 1 (Equal Temperament) F2.2 Base Note C F3.1 Dual Balance Preset for each voice combination F9.1 F3.2 Dual Detune Preset for each voice combination F3.3, F3.4 Dual Octave Shift Preset for each voice combination F3.5, F.3.6 Dual Effect Depth Preset for each voice combination F4.1 Split Point F#2 F4.2 Split Balance Preset for each voice combination F4.3, F4.4 Split Octave Shift Preset for each voice combination F4.5, F4.6 Split Effect Depth Preset for each voice combination F4.7 Damper Range ALL F5 Soundboard Depth 12 F9.4 F6 Metronome Volume 10 F9.1F7 Preset Song Part Cancel Volume 5 F8.1 MIDI Transmit Channel 1 F9.2 F8.2 MIDI Receive Channel ALL F8.3 Local Control ON F8.4 Program Change Send & Receive ON F8.5 Control Change Send & Receive ON F8.6 MIDI Transmit Transpose 0 F9 Backup All OFF Always backed up 40 P-80 MIDI Data Format/MIDI-Datenformat/ Format des donnees MIDI/Formato de datos MIDI If you’re already very familiar with MIDI, or are using a computer to control your music hardware with computer- generated MIDI messages, the data provided in this section can help you to control the P-80. Falls Sie bereits mit MIDI vertraut sind oder einen Computer zur Erzeugung von MIDI-Steuermeldungen fur die Instrumente verwenden, konnen Sie sich zur Steuerung des P-80 nach den im folgenden Abschnitt aufgefuhrten Spezifikationen richten. 1. NOTE ON/OFF Data format: [9nH] -> [kk] -> [vv] 9nH = Note ON/OFF event (n = channel number) kk = Note number (Transmit: 09H ~ 78H = A-2 ~ C8 / Receive: 00H ~ 7FH = C-2 ~ G8)* vv = Velocity (Key ON = 01H ~ 7FH, Key OFF = 00H) Data format: [8nH] -> [kk] -> [vv] (reception only) 8nH = Note OFF event (n = channel number) kk = Note number: 00H ~ 7FH = C-2 ~ G8 vv = Velocity * If received value exceeds the supported range for the selected voice, the note is adjusted by the necessary number of octaves. 2. CONTROL CHANGE Data format: [BnH] -> [cc] -> [vv] BnH = Control change (n = channel number) cc = Control number vv = Data Range (1) Bank Select ccH Parameter Data Range (vvH) 00H Bank Select MSB 00H:Normal 20H Bank Select LSB 00H...7FH Bank selection processing does not occur until receipt of next Program Change message. (2) Main Volume (reception only) ccH Parameter Data Range (vvH) 07H Volume MSB 00H...7FH (3) Expression ccH Parameter Data Range (vvH) 0BH Expression MSB 00H...7FH (4) Damper ccH Parameter Data Range (vvH) 40H Damper MSB 00H...7FH (5) Sostenuto (reception only) ccH Parameter Data Range (vvH) 42H Sostenuto 00H-3FH:off, 40H-7FH:on (6) Soft Pedal (reception only) ccH Parameter Data Range (vvH) 43H Soft Pedal 00H-3FH:off, 40H-7FH:on (7) Effect1 Depth ( Reverb Send Level ) ccH Parameter Data Range (vvH) 5BH Effect1 Depth 00H...7FH Adjusts the reverb send level. (8) Effect4 Depth ( Variation Effect Send Level ) ccH Parameter Data Range (vvH) 5EH Effect4 Depth 00H...7FH Si vous etes tres familier avec l’interface MIDI ou si vous utilisez un ordinateur pour commander votre materiel de musique au moyen de messages MIDI generes par ordinateur, les donnees suivantes vous seront utiles et vous aideront a commander le P-80. SI usted esta ya familiarizado con MIDI, o si emplea una computadora para controlar sus aparatos musicales con mensajes MIDI generados por computadora, los datos proporcionados en esta seccion le ayudaran a controlar la P-80. 3 MODE MESSAGES Data format: [BnH] -> [cc] -> [vv] BnH = Control event (n = channel number) cc = Control number vv = Data Range (1) All Sound Off ccH Parameter Data Range (vvH) 78H All Sound Off 00H Switches off all sound from the channel. Does not reset Note On and Hold On conditions established by Channel Messages. (2) Reset All Controllers ccH Parameter Data Range (vvH) 79H Reset All Controllers 00H Resets controllers as follows. Controller Value Expression 127 (max) Damper Pedal 0 (off) Sostenuto 0 (off) Soft Pedal 0 (off) (3) Local Control (reception only) ccH Parameter Data Range (vvH) 7AH Local Control 00H (off), 7FH (on) (4) All Notes Off ccH Parameter Data Range (vvH) 7BH All Notes Off 00H Switches OFF all the notes that are currently ON on the specified channel. Any notes being held by the damper or sostenuto pedal will continue to sound until the pedal is released. (5) Omni Off (reception only) ccH Parameter Data Range (vvH) 7CH Omni Off 00H Same processing as for All Notes Off. (6)...

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