Фрагмент инструкции
S. A. LIST OF PARTS MACHINES Nos. 114-28 and 114-29 îjîïjC A TRADE MARK OF THE SINGER MANUFACTURING COMPANY INSTRUCTIONS FOR OILING To ensure easy running and prevent unnecessary wear of the parts which are in movable contact, the machine requires oiling and when in continuous use, "TYPE B" or "TYPE D" OIL, sold only by Singer Sewing Machine Company, should be applied at least twice each day to all oil holes marked "OIL* as instructed in Form 8428. "TYPE D" OIL is stainless. Copyright, U. S. A., 1926 and 1940 by The Singer Manufacturing Co. All Rights Reserved for all Countries INDEX Page Attachments and Accessories........................................................19 Eye and Finger Guard......................................................................20 Foot Lifter Parts............................................................................21 Machine No. 114-28......................%............................5 Machine No. 114-29..........................................................................18 Numerical List of Parts................................................................23 Starting Lever..................................................................................21 Table Belt Oulde..............................................................................22 Thread Unwinder................................................................................22 INSTRUCTIONS FOR ORDERING In ordering from this llet, use ONLY the part NTJHBER In the FIRST column. The number stamped on 7 Sewing Machine Part is In every case the number of the single part only. Every combination of parts sent out as such has lte specific number, which, although not stamped on the parts, must be used when ordering the combination. Each number always Indicates the SAMD PART In whatever list It appears, or for whatever machine. The letters after some of the numbers Indicate the style of finish only, аз follows: А-Hardened, Polished, Nickel Plated and Buffed A.A-Buffed and Chromium Plated fc.B-Hardened, Polished, Buffed and Chromium Plated A.С-Brown Baking Enamel finish A.D-Qray BaKlng Enamel Finish A.E-Hardened, Bright Rumbled and Nickel Plated A.F-Hardened, Bright Rumbled, Nickel Plated, Bright Rumbled and Chromium Plated B-Pollshed, Nickel Plated and Buffed C-Kanlened Only C.R-Hardened and Merllzed D-Pollshed Only E-Soft, Not Polished ш F-Hardened and Polished F.J-Hardened, Polished and Nickel Plated O-Brlght Rumbled and Nickel Plated H-Blued J-Nickel Plated Only К-Hardened and Nickel Plated L-Brass Plated M-Qxldlzed N-Japanned, Dull Р-Japanned, Bright P.P-Wrlnkle Finish R-herllzed S-Cadmium Plated Т-Copper Plated T.A-Hardened, Polished, Copper and Nickel Plated and Buffed T.B-Copper and Nickel Plated and Polished T.J-Copper and Nickel Plated Only T.K-Hardened, Copper and Nickel Plated T.L-Copper and Braes Plated T.M-Copper Plated and Oxidized U-Zlnc Plated V-Silver Plated W-Pollshed and Nickel Plated X-Black Qilde, for Iron and Steel X.C-Hardenod and Black Oxide, for Iron or Steel Y-Black Nickel Plated Only Z-Chromliin Plated Z.A-Hardened,Polished,Nickel Plated,Buffed and Chromium Plated Z.B-Pollshed, Nickel Plated, Buffed and Chromium Plated Z.C-Kardened and Chromium Plated Z.D-Pollshed and Chromium Plated Z.G-Brlght Rumbled, Nickel Plated, Bright Rumbled and Chromium Plated Z.J-Nlckel and Chromium Plated Z.T-Copper and Chromium Plated These letters MUST EE USED when they appear in the list; and AFTER the number as la the list. In this series: 1 to 1500, 50001 to 51500 and 140001 to 142000 are Screw Numbers 1501 to 1800 and 51501 to 51800 are Nut Numbers 1Э01 to 2000 aad 51801 to 52000 are Roller Numbers 2001 to 50000 and 52001 to 140000 and 142001 to 190000 are Sewing Machine Parts, 190001 and upward are numbers of Electrical Parte. The figures In the second colinn refer only to the plates, Illustrating the parts, and are NOT TO BE USED In ordering. Parts marked with an asterisk (•) are furnished only when repairs are made at factory. 5 MACHINE No. 114-28 For Sewing Two or Four Hole Buttons, froin 10 to 50 ligne. Makes cross stitches in four hole buttons and can be adjusted for two hole and bar buttons. Makes 14 stitches, including the fastening stitch. Thread cutter. Clamp vibrates Across the cylinder. Speed 1500 R. P. M. No. Plate *124845 #62295 16532 23167 4448 23167 56015 23167 136594 880E 23167 59702 23167 *136540 17703 23167 50333C 23167 1520J 23167 Name Arm " 124845 With 4449, 15404, 124793 and two each 164E and 15405............. Arm Dowel Pin........................... " 011 Tube, for intermediate bearing.. * * " * oiling 59705 and 59706 Arm oil Tube, for oiling Needle Bar Connecting Link (upper) Bearing * Screw............................... * Shaft (horizontal).................. Ann Shaft (horizontal) 59702 with 59757, 59774 and 68717 Arm Shaft (horizontal) Bushing (back)... * " “ * " Adjusting Screw...............
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