Фото и характеристики Husqvarna SAPPHIRE 850![]() |
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Create quilt labels or personalize your project with 7mmwide letters. SaVe TO “MY STiTCheS” –Personal menu to save personal stitch/letter settings and programs. 29 NeeDLe pOSiTiONS –Sews astraight stitch in 29 different needle positions for perfect top stitching, edge stitching, under stitching, stitching-in-the-ditch, or quilting. FiX FUNCTiON –Locks your stitch at the beginning and/or at the end of your sewing, or select to stop sewing and tie off any stitches instantly. STOp FUNCTiON –Lets you finish and tie off stitch and/or stitch program automatically. iNSTaNT aND peRMaNeNT ReVeRSe –Tosecure aseam and for mending. Sew all stitches in permanent reverse great for quilting or home decorating projects. BOBBiN WiNDS FROM The NeeDLe –Noneed to unthread the machine. aUTOMaTiC BOBBiN ThReaD piCK Up –Brings the bobbin thread up automatically. ThRee ThReaD CUTTeRS –Located at the bobbin winder, at the bobbin case for Auto Thread Pick up, and convenient to the needle for top and bobbin thread trims. NeeDLe STOp Up/DOWN WiTh LeD –Set the needle to stop up or down. LED light displays the setting. NeeDLe Up/DOWN WiTh aTap OF The FOOT CONTROL –Tap the foot control to raise or lower the needle. STRaiGhT STiTCh SaFeTY –Select the Straight Stitch Safety to eliminate needle breakage with straight stitch techniques. TWeLVe LaNGUaGeS –Choose from twelve different languages including English, French, and Spanish in the SET menu. TWO BUiLT-iN SpOOL piNS –Built-in spool pin can be used in either vertical or horizontal position. Built-in auxiliary spool pin can be used when winding abobbin from asecond spool of thread or for asecond spool when sewing with atwin needle. eLeCTRONiC SpeeD CONTROL WiTh ThRee SpeeD LeVeLS –Full piercing power at any sewing speed. MiRROR SiDe-TO-SiDe –Mirror the selected stitch side-to-side for greater sewing ease and design opportunities. eaSY TOUCh STiTCh SeLeCTiON –Select the stitch by touching the stitch picture or the number of the stitch or scroll through menus and stitches with Navigator Arrows. SeT MeNU –Change preset machine settings, make manual adjustments to automatic functions and set personal preferences. See more features and benefits at ExcluSivESEwiNgadviSorGuidesyourpathtoself-expression! TheExclusiveSewingAdvisor®featuresetsthebeststitch,stitchwidth,stitchlength,andsewingspeed. Simplyenterthetypeofthefabricyouaresewingandthetechniqueyouwanttosew.ImmediatelythebeststitchandsettingsaredisplayedonthelargeGraphicDisplaywiththerecommendedpresserfoot, threadtension,andneedlesizeandtype. ®ExcluSivESEwiNgadviSorGuidesyourpathtoself-expression! TheExclusiveSewingAdvisor®featuresetsthebeststitch,stitchwidth,stitchlength,andsewingspeed. Simplyenterthetypeofthefabricyouaresewingandthetechniqueyouwanttosew.ImmediatelythebeststitchandsettingsaredisplayedonthelargeGraphicDisplaywiththerecommendedpresserfoot, threadtension,andneedlesizeandtype. ® “From fabric to fashion.” Read the story behind the project and download sewing instructions at dual lightS Twice as bright! The Dual Lights on Husqvarna Viking Sapphire illuminate the needle and extended sewing surface to make sewing easy. The lights eliminate eye strain, especially when sewing fine details. “The twinkling little stars. ” Read the story behind the project and download sewing instructions at “a gift of long-lasting love.” story behind the project and download sewing instructions at largE graphicdiSplay A clear view to perfection! Simply touch the selection buttons on the easy Touch Panel or step through stitches with the Navigator Arrows. Everything you need to know to sew is on the illuminated large GraphicDisplay. See the stitch, in its actual size, and any adjustments before you sew. ChooseyourfavoriteSapphireexclusiveSensorSystem,DualLights,extendedSewingSurface,LargeGraphicDisplayandexclusiveSewingadvisor. The850featuresalargerGraphicDisplay,morestitchesandmorememorycapacity. Includesninesnap-onpresserfeettomakeiteasytosewspecialtechniques. ChooseyourfavoriteSapphireexclusiveSensorSystem,DualLights,extendedSewingSurface,LargeGraphicDisplayandexclusiveSewingadvisor. The850featuresalargerGraphicDisplay,morestitchesandmorememorycapacity. Includesninesnap-onpresserfeettomakeiteasytosewspecialtechniques. •Large GraphicDisplay •137 stitches, 2alphabets +Cyrillic and hiragana •15permanent memories ...
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