Фрагмент инструкции
_) covw_ small -(No. _) INO. _) 2 (No, _1) (No. 607"_3) 3 --(No, _) / / Buttonhole Buttonhole Screw drivers Lint brush B_n winder Light bulb foot opener large -(No. _1i) (No. _) rubber ring (No. 6797) (No. 67979) iNo. 41040) (No. _) roll -tNo. _12) (No. 1_) OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES Blind hem foot (No, _1 -Holds fa_ folded f_ blind _ _ng. Roller foot INo. 6765) srd _ther mtke behind h. Even-feedingfoot tNo. 6888) -F_ both fabric leyeNi_lts_dy to help_t bundCtXlOfUltra Su_ fabric,matin,tricotoroth_ sltckfabrics, RKO_ tot k_ttm or vinyl. i_n S_ g-Brown Size 11-0_ Size 14:Red SLm1_ S_ l_O_ INo. _1 INo. _1) iNo. 6662) (N_.6553) INo._) Needle threader iNo, 43780) 10 plastic bobbins (No. _) OII/O,er (Com_nm:_cc Oil) (No, 6890) 10 _s. Ball point color-coded |No. 6747) Sire 9-S_tB_ x 4 IX,i. Size 11-S_/O_ x 4 _. Size 14-StlvertRed x 2 pcs. ' 2 pcs. Double _ (No. _49) 5 r_. Q,N_-Blue (No. 6746) Ac_ set(No._), . -e_r_ your_ct_ne _oum ._ _mpte _lng to deatilecl gathor_, quitting, _ntng and more_ I_ludu _mem, guides amJ O $_. Presserfeet let you attac_ b_td, i_ zl_ and cording. .if you do not havea Kenmore needle, please i Use KENMORE needles. The size of the needle should conf_ with the size of the thud and both should be suitable to the ruing, use "o NEI.:I)Lg"..end _OF'OOT"_.*. fabric. Ken_ _les ere colcx.©oded by size for your €onvenle_ (See chert below). *Available at most Seam retail stores and Never use a bent needle or one with a dull catal_. point. NEED_, _R_D AND FABRIC CHART i i i,,llll ill i,ll l iH F_ SlH AND _ _ STITCH LENGTH COLOR k'Tnl_ el ill ]l]]ll ]1 l [I i Ill III I [ i iiiii iiiiiii]ii • ....................... ....... ,m:,,, i, .................... _: Batiste,Dimlzy0 ChiffOn.S_lkl, Syrithei_ Jerk, , ..w,, 11,ORA_ SJkA ,,._ Winch |llllll. VOill, Ortlii_ ii i]lllhl iiii ]111iiiiiii nil iI ...................................... : ....................... "' ' MED4UMWIWII.ilT:C(_o,_, lnlunO. Pique, Silrl_kM, i4-1_D pet inch Satin, Knlts,Vinyl SUltlngs,SilkA Linen, Wool Crepe, Lelnher ..................... _ il ii_i ............................... ................. ........ r,r . r -Illlr "1, III " , I ,J III III mJi or t to 10 istt©hes i.kww.Outy per inch lS.PUflPLE Slik A r-lit r'll YiYrlr. i-iIi i ,11 T'III .... X'.AV'V',MUOm': _. Uphomeff, Co,onDiJck, s_Heavy Twills, Ciirwls I 7""[ rl I]I i.. I Till I III '1 [' _ .................. _ ..... Ill-PURPLE __ _ill 11_OMEN Butlonhole Twill _ ............... .... o._u. ..................... ......... S_thlile _ llnd _: O.BLUE P_ter CoflilCo$1on Wr_ i0 for _tdM potyntw Dou4b4eKnit., Nylon _ 50M_ Cotton o. T_, J_, SZreil_ Terry, "0 _T" '" 1 tO1:) Stretch _ndex, C_ Tri_ Stitches .............. i_ i liii .... Ni ,lilill pi,iMili ( lil(Irl]lliT ......................... CHANGING NEEDLE Raise _is bar to its highest p_itlon by turning the hand w_l toward you. Loosen the _e clamp screw, Holding the _le with ____ _ _o dip the needle into the _tebar. When It is in as far as tt will go, tighten the needle €l_p screw, PREUER UVER PruNr foot lever _ a two _itlon lift. In order to place haaw fabric under the presser foot or to cha_ the _ foot raise __ foot lever to its maximum upward _tl_ as shown. EPARATION R DiNG Swing away spool pin fully to the back of machine. Place spool of thread on the e_ pin and cover with cap for smith supply of thread;_ Extra spool pin , is provided on top of machine. This is used only when winding bobbin and sewing with double needle. Pull it up when using. WINDING THE BOBBIN ® ! ® I. Pull out retractable spool pin and place thread spool on the pin. To windbobbin, draw thread from spool through bobbin winder tension disc as indicated, and pull end of thread toward bobbin winder. 2. Wind thread around bobbin aev,oral times in direction of arrow; place bobbin on bobbirl winder shaft, 3, Push bobbin winder latch against bobbin until it €lk_kl. Then pull Hand Wheel away from machine to disengage clutch _'_/_I _ outto (see diagram below), Start machine by pressing down on foot control, 4. When bobbin is fuN, winding stops automatically. Push in Hand Wheel. Remove bobbin from shaft and trim thread end. Treat hand wheel as a "clutch" It controls the needle drive mechanism so that when pulled out (disengaged), the machine will not operate while the bobbin is being wound. ----il THR_DING THE BOBBIN CASE ® i ® ® • O 6 1, Raise needle to its highut position by Pull thread through slot (B) toward the rotating hand wheel toward you. rear of machine and leave _out 4 inches of thread, 2, Rmove bobbin cover plate by lifting up the front, , Replace bobbin cover plats allowing thread to emerge through slot in needle 3. I_rt bobbin into bobbin case making plate, sure bobbin rotates counter clockwise, 4. Pull thread through slot (A) and then to the left, ! il THR DiNG TOP READ 1, Rain thread take,up lever to its highest position by turning hand wheel toward you, Raise preuer foot lever, Place thread' Wool on _ pin. Piece appropriate spool cap over the _. See Fig. 1. ...
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