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1 HP PCI-X 2-port 4X Fabric (HPC) Adapter
This Release Note alerts users to updates in the Administration Guide
What's New
Changes to InfiniBand and IPoIB
Major changes to InfiniBand and IPoIB for the HP—UX 11i
v3 Release consist of added support for the following:
For more details, see the man pages for nwmgr(1M), nwmgr_ipoib(1M), and
System Management Homepage (SMH)
For more details, see the man page for smh(1M).
Single System High Availability (SSHA) — Online Deletion (OLD) for InfiniBand
Critical Resource Analysis (CRA) — performed before any destructive operation using
itutil, SMH, nwmgr, olrad, or PDweb. Additionally, the nwmgr —cra command also
displays results of CRA, and the “RDMA” tab in SMH has a CRA task for displaying CRA
PCI error recovery in the InfiniBand driver (for details on the requirements for PCI error
recovery support, please check the PCI Error Recovery Support Matrix in the High
Availability section at: http://docs.hp.com/en/ha.html
The lanadmin, lanscan, and linkloop commands are deprecated. These commands
will be removed in a future HP-UX release. HP recommends that you use the replacement
command nwmgr(1M) to perform all network interface-related tasks.
Known Problems and Issues
OLD Following Use ofolrad -f Requires Manual Check
When the card is suspended (as part of OLR), using the olrad command, CRA will be performed
that will report any usages, including configured IP addresses and ServiceGuard configuration
on corresponding IPoIB interfaces for the card. If there are any data critical or system critical
usages, the card will not be suspended. The forced suspend command (olrad —f) can be used
to override data critical usages and suspend the card. However, subsequent CRA operation
(either explicit, using the nwmgr command, or implicit in the OLD operation) will not report
IPoIB usages, such as IP addresses and ServiceGuard configuration. So, if OLD is performed in
this situation (following a forced suspend), please manually check and unplumb the IP addresses,
and deconfigure IPoIB interfaces from the ServiceGuard configuration, as needed. Extra care is
needed if the interface is used in a ServiceGuard configuration. OLD must be performed following
a forced suspend, as not doing so may seriously affect the operation of the ServiceGuard cluster.
Use Consistent OS and Software Versions in the Fabric
HP requires all systems in the fabric to use both the same HP-UX OS software version, and the
same HP-UX Fabric Clustering System for InfiniBand software version, such as version B.11.31.05.
What's New