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BETTER: Select this option to create a network key using TKIP, and click Next. GOOD: Select this option to create a network key using either ASCII or HEX, and click Next. NONE (Not Recommended): Select this option if you do not with to use a network key, and click Next. If you select this option, wireless setup will be completed. Click Save to save your settings and complete the setup process. Section 3 - Configuration If you selected BEST for your wireless security option, you will need to choose either AES or TKIP and manually enter a password for your wireless network. When you are finished, click Next. If you selected BETTER for your wireless security option, you will need to manually enter a password for your wireless network using TKIP. When you are finished, click Next. If you selected GOOD for your wireless security option, you will need to choose either ACSII or HEX and manually enter a password for your wireless network. When you are finished, click Next. Wireless setup is now complete. Click Save to save your settings and complete the setup process. Section 3 - Configuration Manual Wireless Configuration If you clicked Manual Wireless Network Setup you can choose what mode the DIR-506L will operate in and configure the wireless network settings. After making your changes, click the Save Settings button. Choose from either Router Mode, AP (Access Point) Mode or Repeater Mode from the drop down menu. Note: For HotSpot mode, select Router mode and configure your Internet connection to Wi-Fi HotSpot. Wireless Mode: Section 3 - Configuration Router Mode If you select Router Mode you can configure the DIR-506L as a router. After making changes to the wireless network settings, click the Save Settings button. Enable Wireless: Wireless Network Name: 802.11 Mode: Auto Channel Scan: Wireless Channel: Channel Width: Visibility Status: Check Enable Wireless to enable the wireless function. If you want to disable wireless functions, uncheck the box. When you are browsing for available wireless networks, this is the name that will appear in the list (unless Visibility Status is set to Invisible, see below). This name is also referred to as the SSID. For security purposes, it is highly recommended to change from the default network name. Select one of the following based on your needs: • B/G Mixed: Select this if you are using a mix of 802.11g and 802.11b wireless clients. • N Mode: Select this for 802.11n wireless clients. • B/G/N Mixed: Select this if you are using a mix of 802.11n, g and b wireless clients. When this box is checked, the DIR-506L will automatically select the channel with the least amount of interference. If Auto Channel Scan is unchecked, select the channel you want to use for wireless communication. Select the Channel Width: Auto 20/40 - This is the default setting. Select if you are using both 802.11n and non-802.11n wireless devices. 20MHz - Select if you are not using any 802.11n wireless clients. If you want to broadcast the name of your wireless network (SSID) select Visible, or select Invisible to hide it. For wireless security, refer to page 40. Section 3 - Configuration Access Point (AP) Mode If you chose AP Only Mode you can configure the DIR-506L as an access point within an existing network. After making changes to the wireless network settings, click the Save Settings button. Enable Wireless: Wireless Network Name: 802.11 Mode: Auto Channel Scan: Wireless Channel: Channel Width: Visibility Status: Check Enable Wireless to enable the wireless function. If you want to disable wireless functions, uncheck the box. When you are browsing for available wireless networks, this is the name that will appear in the list (unless Visibility Status is set to Invisible, see below). This name is also referred to as the SSID. For security purposes, it is highly recommended to change from the default network name. Select one of the following based on your needs: • B/G Mixed: Select this if you are using a mix of 802.11g and 802.11b wireless clients. • N Mode: Select this for 802.11n wireless clients. • B/G/N Mixed: Select this if you are using a mix of 802.11n, g and b wireless clients. When this box is checked, the DIR-506L will automatically select the channel with the least amount of interference. If Auto Channel Scan is unchecked, select the channel you want to use for wireless communication. Select the Channel Width: Auto 20/40 - This is the default setting. Select if you are using both 802.11n and non-802.11n wireless devices. 20MHz - Select if you are not using any 802.11n wireless clients. If you want to broadcast the name of your wireless network (SSID) select Visible, or select Invisible to hide it. For wireless security, refer to page 40. Section 3 - Configuration Repeater Mode If you chose Repeater Mode you can configure the DIR-506L as a repeater for another wireless device. After making changes to the wireless network settings, click the Save Settings button. Check Enable Wireless t...