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Estimated Completion Time: 5-15 minutes for each notebook PC. Windows XP Installation 1 11 First, Install the WG511 Software a. Power on your notebook, let the operating system boot up completely, and log in as needed. b. Insert the Resource CD for the WG511 into your CD-ROM drive. The CD main page shown below will load. c. Click the Install Driver & Utility link. d. Follow the InstallShield Wizard steps, and click Finish when done to restart your computer. 2 22Next, Install the WG511 Wireless PC Card a. Hold the PC Card with the NETGEAR logo facing up and insert it into a CardBus slot. After a short delay, the Found New Hardware Wizard displays. Note: If a Windows XP logo testing warning appears, click Continue Anyway to proceed. b. Next you will be prompted to enable the NETGEAR Smart Wireless Settings Utility configuration utility. Click Yes to accept this option. If you choose No, you must read the Windows XP documentation for an explanation of how to use the Windows XP wireless network configuration utility. You will also be prompted to choose the country you are located in. Select your location from the nlist. c. Click Finish to complete the installation. You will see the WG511 system tray icon on the lower right portion of the Windows task bar. 3 33 Now, Configure Your WG511 and Save the Profile a. Click the icon in the Windows system tray to open the WG511 Smart Wireless Settings Utility. The utility opens to the Settings tab page. b. Change the Network Name SSID to match your network. Tip: To view the available wireless networks, use the drop-down list or the Networks tab and choose the one you want. c. Click Apply to activate the connection. Tip: Create work and home profiles. Then, activate whichever one you need for your current location. Note: The status bar at the bottom of the utility reports the speed of your connection. 54 Mbps speed is only possible when your wireless network has a 54 Mbps access point such as the NETGEAR WGR614 54 Mbps Wireless Router. 4 44Finally, Verify Wireless Network Connectivity a. Verify that the status monitor information at the bottom of the utility matches your wireless network. b. Check the WG511 LEDs: Green (Link light) – blinking indicates the WG511 is trying to establish a connection but is unable to do so; Amber (Activity light) – blinking indicates the WG511 has a connection and is transmitting or receiving data. c. Verify connectivity to the Internet or network resources. Note: If you are unable to connect, see the Troubleshooting Chapter of the Reference Manual on the Resource CD. Windows 2000, ME/98SE Installation 1 11First, install the WG511 software a. Power on your notebook, let the operating system boot up completely, and log in as needed. b. Insert the Resource CD for the WG511 into your CD-ROM drive. The CD main page shown below will load. c. Click the Install Driver & Utility link. d. Follow the InstallShield Wizard steps, click Finish when done, and if prompted, restart your computer. 2 22Next, install the WG511 Wireless PC Card a. Hold the PC Card with the NETGEAR logo facing up and insert it into a CardBus slot. After a short delay, the Found New Hardware Wizard displays. Note: If a Windows 2000 displays a Digital Signature Not Found warning, click Yes to continue the installation. b. Follow the Found New Hardware Wizard steps, click Finish when done, and if prompted, restart your computer. *201-10170-01* 201-10170-01 May 2004 c. Next, you will be prompted to choose the country where you are located. Select your location from the list. You will now see the WG511 system tray icon in the lower right area of the Windows task bar. 3 33 Now, configure your WG511 and save the Profile a. Open the WG511 Smart Wireless Settings Utility by clicking on the icon in the Windows system tray. The utility opens to the Settings tab page. b. Change the Network Name SSID to match your network. Tip: To view the available wireless networks, use the drop-down list or the Networks tab and choose the one you want. c. Click Apply to activate the connection. Tip: Create work and home profiles. Then, activate whichever one you need for your current location. Note: The status bar at the bottom of the utility reports the speed of your connection. 54 Mbps speed is only possible when your wireless network has a 54 Mbps access point such as the NETGEAR WGR614 54 Mbps Wireless Router. 4 44 Finally, verify wireless network connectivity a. Verify that the status monitor information at the bottom of the utility matches your wireless network b. Check the WG511 LEDs: Green (Link light) – blinking indicates the WG511 is trying to establish a connection but is unable to do so; Amber (Activity light) – blinking indicates the WG511 has a connection and is transmitting or receiving data. c. Verify connectivity to the Internet or network resources. Note: If you are unable to connect, see the Troubleshooting Chapter of the Reference Manual on the Resource CD. Technical Support PLEASE REF...