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Инструкция по эксплуатации Philips, модель SLV3105/12

Производитель: Philips
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Язык инструкции:en

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It contains important information andnotes regarding your wireless TV link. 1.1 Power requirements Connect the power adapters only to a100-240V AC 50/60Hz power supply. The Electrical network is classified as hazardous. The only way to powerdown the charger is to unplug thepower supply from the electricaloutlet. Ensure that the electrical outlet is always easily accessible. Warning To avoid damage or malfunction: Do not expose the wireless TV link toexcessive heat caused by heatingequipment or direct sunlight. Do not drop your wireless TV link orallow objects to fall on your wirelessTV link. Do not use any cleaning agentscontaining alcohol, ammonia, benzene, or abrasives as these may harm the set. Do not use the product in placeswhere there are explosive hazards. Do not let small metal objects comeinto contact with the product. Thiscan deteriorate audio quality anddamage the product. Active mobile phones in the vicinitymay cause interference. Do not open your product as youcould be exposed to high voltages. Do not allow the charger to comeinto contact with liquids. Do not allow the TV link to come into contact with liquids. 4 EN Use only with provided power supply. Manufacturer: Concord. PhiliPs Model Name: CM-3AD09005. ssW1918 Output: DC9V/500mA 50Hz/60Hz Power supply information for receiverand transmitter. Input: AC100-240V/120mA, AC100-240V/300mA, 50hz/60hz DC9V/1100mA About operating and storage temperatures: Operate in a place where temperature is always between 0 and o o 40 C (32 to 103 F). o 157 F). o always between -10 and 70 C (14 to Store in a place where temperature is -25 and 60°C (-13 and 140°F). 1.2 Conformity This product has been designed, tested and manufactured according the European R&TTE directive 1999/5/EC Following this directive, this product canbe brought into service in the following states: 068 2 R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EC Class identifier. This is a class 1 product. We, Philips, declare that the product isin compliance with the essentialrequirements and other relevantprovisions of Directive 1999/5/EC. Youcan find the Declaration of Conformityon Important 1.3 Recycling and disposal Disposal ins tr u c tio ns fo r o ld pr oduct s . The WEEE directive (Waste Electricaland Electronic Equipment; 2002/96/EC) has been put in place to ensure thatproducts are recycled using best availabletreatment, recovery and recyclingtechniques to ensure human health andhigh environmental protection. Your product is designed andmanufactured with high quality materialsand components, which can be recycledand reused. Do not dispose of your old product in your general household waste bin. Inform yourself about the local separate collection system for electrical and electronic products marked by this symbol: Use one of the following disposal options: 1. Dispose of the complete product (including its cables, plugs and accessories) in the designated WEEE collection facilities. 2. If you purchase a replacement product, hand your complete old product back to the retailer. He should accept it as required by the WEEE directive. Packaging information: Philips has marked the packaging withstandard symbols designed to promotethe recycling and appropriate disposal ofyour eventual waste. A financial contribution has been paid to the associated national recovery & recycling system. The labeled packaging material is recyclable. Important 1 .4 El ec t ri c, M agn eti c and El ectr o magne t ic Fie lds ("E MF") 1 . Philip s R oya l Elec t r o ni csMan ufa ctu re s an d sells ma nycon sumer o rien t e d prod uc t swhich usu al ly , a s with a nye lec tronic ap para t us, ha ve th eabili ty t o emit an d re cei vee lec tro magn e tic si gna ls. 2 . O ne o f Ph il ips' lea di ng Busi nessPri nc iples i s t o tak e al l n ece ssa r yhea lth an d sa f e ty p r eca uti ons fo r o ur p r od uct s, to c omp ly wi t h a llappli ca bl e le gal req ui r e ment s and t o sta y w e ll wi t hi n th e E MFst andards appl ic ab le a t the tim e o f producing t he pro du cts. 3 . P hi lips is c o mmit t ed t o d eve lop , prod uc e an d marke t pr od uc t st ha t ca use n o adve r se hea lth e f f e ct s. 4 . P hi lips co nfirm s th at if i t sprod uc t s are handled prope r lyf o r the ir i nten de d use, th ey are s af e to us e acco r di ng t o scient ifi ce vi dence av ai la ble tod ay. 5 . P hilips pl ay s a n a ctive r ole i n t hedevelo pmen t of inte rnation alEMF and sa fe t y stand ar ds, e na bling P hi lips to anti cipatef urthe r devel o pments i nst andardi sa tio n for e arlyI nteg r ati o n in its products. English EN 5 1. 5 I nsta l latio n r eq uir e me nts The p r od uc t tra nsmi t s an d re ceive sr ad io waves w hen i t i s s wi t ch ed on. The p r od uc t co mplie s wi t h t hest an da r ds that are define d fo r it. As t he prod uc t i s ba s e d on R Ft echno log y, th e qualit y of t he ima geca n b e i nfluen ced b y m ic r owa ve o vens, Blu etoo t h, Wifi etc . Therefore the produ ct can s...

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