Фрагмент инструкции
flushing may prbve satisfactory. unit must2 flushed at the end of each wurkineweek. Thorough-NOTE: When chansins colors or incompatible17flush unit with thinner or solvent of type re-tmes of material, flush unit as described, HOW- commended for use with the material,as follows: EVER, a lonaer circulation oeriodwillnecessarilv be required-and in some casks a second flushing - 1. Remove Spray tip and glm filter cartridge, using thinner oi'solvent may be necessary. if used, from spray Sun and soak in clean recommend- -Also if manufacturer of another typeof material ed .type solvent. to be sprayed recommends usins a different trpe of thinner or solvent, the thinner or solvent used in 2. With air SUPPlY to unitturned On, dis-the first flushing must be flushed out to eliminate connect ak'hose to agitatorand connect it to the possibility of separation or jelling of ma- elevator to raise unitor manually raise and terial components. The sur3e tank or tank of hook hanger over truck ha.ndle. manifold or filter should be removed and par.ts thoroughly scrubbed clean. Surge tank is equipped 3. With PmP air petcock 202-338 open, direct Tvith a removable plur:tofacilitatecleaning. spray gun into material container and start pumpoperatink by squeezing trigger of spray gun. Unit AGITATOR rrill pump air, forcing the material out the of system back into container. When the air has Agitator air motor 101-687 must be properly flushed Out as much Daterial as possible, StopPump ofled with a light air motoroil, whenever and open manifold dump valve. Drain excess materi-is shutdorm or isnot tobe operated for a period a1 from all loops in hose. After material has Of 8 hours or more. All compressed air oontains stopped draining, close manifold dump valve. some moisture and if air motor is not nrouerlv ~ ~ .~.-~~ lubricated before shutdown, rust may result." To L. Remove container of material from base and oil motor: position in its dace a pail containine. approxi- mately 2 gallons' of comGtible solvent: Loxer pump 1. Remove oiler screw from air motor top. into pail of solvent. 2. Apply 3 to L droos of oil to oiler. 3. Replace oiler screw and run motor for 5. Set air topump at approxhately20 p.s.i., about 1/2minute.direct gun to material containerand trigger gun to start pump. Runp will move the solvent, under Air motor should requireno attention other pressure through the system, flushing the internal than to be oiled. However, if too heavy an oil cavities of manifold and filter or surge tank. When has been used or other improper oiling practices solvent appears at gun, stop pump, release pressure have been followed guming of rotor may result, in system and remove spray ppn. imwhich case air motor should be flushedas follows: 6. Remove spray gun from hose and thorou5hly clean in accordance with procedure outlined in separate Instruction Sheet for the spraygun. Keep OILER SCREW spray gun head immersed in solvent until attached to hose again. 161-41 7. Direct end of material hose into pail of solvent and start pump by opening air line petcock 202-338. Allow thinner or solvent to circulate through system and back into pailfor a period of 10 to 15 minutes. Wash material from exterior of lower immersion pump. FIG. 5 8. After thoroughly flushing unit stop pump 1. Remove exhaust muffler 161-415. Fill to aP.d connect material hose to spraygun. Squeeze overflowing with kerosene. muffler. ~~~l~~~ a ' 2. Remove oiler from air motor top cap. See , Pig. 5. Fill oiler with kerosene. Replace oiler. >. . 3. dllow a soaking period of,5 to 10 minutes, then start ab motor. Run motor slowly. After smooth operation has been achieved and kerosene has been blown from a*haUSt. stop LUOtOr,remove ouer screw and fFu oiler with a air motor oil. light .. NOTE: MAgE NO ATPMPT M DISASSMBLB ADl MUl'a. If it should need fIG.6 repab, contact pour nearest Graco Authorized %mice Depot. ELEVATOR FLUID SHUTOFF VALVE 205-583 (ACCESSORY\ LUERICATION Worn "0" rings, ball seat or ball may cause Every 2 to 6 weeks with elevator freeof airvalve to fail to operate. Ifsesvice is necessary, pressure, unscrew and remove cap &-ab. Fillshut offair supply, relieve fluid pressure and re-inner carity of cup leather150-179 vith SdE 20move valve. Place valve body in a vise and drive oil. Replace cap. Raise elevator and lubricate the two pina out of holes in valve body. Runwe 1&-7A7. exposed surface of elevator guide tube valve cap from body being careful not to turn cap See parts illustration for location of parts. as this would shear off the locating pins in valve body. See Fig. 6. Disassemble and replace any PUMP. REGULATOR, SPRAY GUN AND worn or damaged parts. NOTE: With handle removed, FILTER OR SURGE CHAMBER "On ring 15L,-7lJ can be best removedby first re-moving ball 162-831. from body and then pushing Refer to separate sheetfor maintenance in- handle shaft downintb cavity in valve body'. structions and parts identification. REPAIRING HYDRA-SPRAY HOSE dra-Spray hoseis constructed o...
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