Инструкция по эксплуатации Panasonic, модель RQSW44V
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RQ-SW44V ф Stereo headphones(RFEV/08P).... Bell clip(R60TC023-Kl........... ¡Д' Shockweve hand grip(RGQTOO IÔ-K) (i Batteries....................... . 1 . 1 . 1 .4 Attaching the belt clip and easy grip handle • To order accessories contact 1 -800-332-5368 or web site (http-J/ • Use numbers indicated ir parentheses whan asking Jc' icpiacement parts. Be sure to give the mnoel number and color o1 the unit when purchasing replacement headphones. Product Service l>c ret attempt » renové the coveriei repaii the jni: ycurseif. Refer rvt:rviciryj q iat^rl pçrçon-ol Orty ■ Product Information Г■:.< prnrti.es ячгасо, predi.er. «formalen о- ñssistarce wtn p'odu« Cpeiation ittSr 'о Им; sw/incnler directory. User mémo. ■ Belt clip DATE OF PURCHASE . DEALER NAME- DEALER ADDRESS — TELEPHONE NUMBER . I Basic Operation 1 TAPE PLAYBACK You can use normal posit on type tapes only. Troubleshooting Guide Operation BuncrVSeicctor To slop [■] To fast for/card or rewind l«] »W To change the tape direction [CHRJflFWD]* '|REV:) BEFORE CALLING •‘[■«Ml: Fast iorward (or the iorward s^de Rcwirxi tor me forward stde RADIO RECEPTION Befare rc^'jcnlir.q scrvec fer Ihn -.mrt. cto»* Itxi r.ha-r belcw 1er f. possibe седо V ihe probten you ar* *x-|x:r¡tmin:> Scmo ronpte cNck$ ly з mnor M|U3lmert СО yOUf pao. írtay eliniivik: Ihe ::п>::1рт ;irirt festere P'OPar operailcn. If ycu g-« n dwK 3ßout &:me у tte сПеск colo«, or il the (eniixaes ii>:hn;ilir: л ГПп chart rtn rot sclve thr-probem, reler :o t^e dreclory ul Authorized Service Centers lercceea with tnls jnitj Io ocale a согмеШни si>r.-riî;rjccorts. For detailed instructions, contact an authorized servlcvntw 1-800-211-7262 or и«i» Site (http ://w ww.panas on/с. com). Operation Button To stop [•AM/FM/OFF] When selecting the band Press [♦AM/FIWOFFJ and release the button wlhm 2 seconds % The LAP function Can also эе used when the unit is ofi LAP keeps irack of time when you are jogging ard listening to music 1 Press |LApi. (LAP row on siandby : You v/il sou 'C0:00" or lhc fast condition on Uio display. 2. Within Ю seuurxJs press one ol l*ie LAP START] ([11, -2¡, [3]. [4]. [5]) to choose the LAP '-ode. iLAP is row on.) • A tone sounds at the time set for each mode. Morte 1 Fvn.fy miriulo beep Mode 2 Every 5 minutes beep Mode 3 Even/ 10 r-nutes beep Mode A Every 15 r> nutes beep Mode 5 Every 30 r-nu les beep beep When LAP is on TVr-e разам Selectee ivade Whichever mode you choose, "beep beep' sounds every 30 minutes and 'beep see .p" every 60 minutes. ■ To pause Press [LAP!, The selecteo mode number Hashes. • ' ne display clears after about 10 seennds. To restart 1 Press I lap | ¡1 the display has cleared 2. <£ To continue using the same mode Press the [LAP START) corresponding lo the LAP mode number that is flashing, @ To change modes Press the [LAP START] ol your choc©. ■ To reset the time display l. Press [LAP] if the display has cleared. Press and hold [LAP]. The Cisolay changes back ;c '00 00f‘. \i AP is now on siandby i When LAP Is on standby; •Pressing any :LAP START- starts on. • Pressing [LAP] turns the function oft. • LAP automatically switches off alter about 10 seconds if eft on standby. ! Radio operates but tape doesn’t._____ (no radio operations. Checkpoint Is the battery worn? Jx/* Ijs tho unit in the hold state? ) No operations. Has the battery been installed with its polarities (®, Q) reversed? •No sounds. •A gritty noise is heard. •Cannot hear music - too noisy. • Is the headphones plug firmly connected to the Q jack? • Is the plug dirty? •Separate the unit from mobile phone. Before connecting, operating or ad|u$tuig this prodUCl. please 'ead these instructions completely. Please keep this manua 'or future reference. • En 1 Panasonic Consumer Electronics Compan^;- ' Division of Matsushita Electric Corporation of America One Panasonic Way So^aucus. Ne/* Jersey 07094 Panasonic Sales Company, Division of Matsushita Electric of Puerto Rico. Inc. (“PSC”) Ave. 65 de Infantería, Km. 9 5 San Gabriel Industrial Park. Carolina. Puerto Rico00985 ©1999 Matsushita Electric Inoustrial Co.. Ltd. Printed m Taiwan. RQTT0379-P Fl 199KB0 (0) INSTALL A BATTERY. N One R6/LR6, AA, UM-3{included) battery CONNECT THE HEADPHONES. Plug type: 3.5 mm stereo A J L 1 CHANGING THE BASS Л ” “XBS" TAPE Q INSERTA CASSETTE. TAPE Auto reverse Play will continue, looping forward and reverse sides, until [■] is pressed. Notes: •Betore playback, be sure to set [*AM/FM/ OFF] to “OFF". •When closing the cassette holder, be sure to push the cassette holder firmly against the unit, and turn [OPEN LOCK] until it locks. •Do not open the cassette compartment cover during tape operation. • Between functions {during play, fast forward or rewind), always press [■] first to avoid jamming the tape. •When the tape reaches the end alter...
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