Инструкция по эксплуатации Panasonic, модель RQCR15V
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RQ-CR15V Before connecting, operatng o» adjuring tm» product, please read these instructions complexly Р»д|* калр ttva тапиаНогЧльге reference. ГЕ чСл, Panasonic Consumer Electronic* Company. Division of Matsushita Elactrtc Corporation of America One Panasonic Way Secaucut Ne» J*'»eу 0709« Mtp :/www psnMtonic.com Panasonic Sales Company. Division ot Matsushita Electric of Puerto Rico, Inc. (' PSC‘ ) Ava. 6bdeln*amar a Km 9 5 San Gatxollndustriai Hjrtk Caiut'tw. Риа-ю R-co ООЭЙЬ 0*999 Mj-vuí-Hu Elactnc induttnal Co, IW Pnntad m Cnms RQTT0369P F12B9KY0 Basic Operation TAPE PLAYBACK Fjpcüon Operator To slop tXrrg playback press To Us* 'or*arú or re*-to i 1 to* atop moo» pras* ] If At You ear use rermal type -.apes or#/ Ths jnfl w* iKit Da abo э F 1 NOTE: Press [■) to slop fhe tope Pe»or* oo*'»*ng re rad« Wh + playng a tape 1ю «аоо n* not ■ъ'п on ovtr H you prws • AM/F M/OFF Supplied Accessories CAUTION: ■V: Stereo headphones i£ Beit clip ..... RTEVTOeP-KY . RKQTOOOB-H To order accessories contact 1-800-332S368 or wab site (http J/com}. •Use numtxrs «xbcated **W" auog for replacement parti Attaching the belt clip Ш 17 Bet do ¡ndjaedi Ф De:acl-«g *>e bei fifcp b« *pmcnun» -Ut mud and luu"d to crrrth *«r Г* ШЛ ЬУ « Сам В 3g*«l Or»« M*'-»-»" « PM I» 01 ** rcc •MM I’m* mu »■* J(vy«l о p*-v*to чмочм protector *э*г«1 h»nli r •«~Mrniy «, fji «nd. * no* »*41 я*5г acoDâ'v* e-ei » Mrwr I«. "»» ыии 'лтм .-lrtv+4.4 IQ -Mlu conrt«IC4W4 |<1ни-кп> H.n n nr ?й<мм tui nmwu we w nov n а рапалм nf«uw • tie aquer»*»* aom uvm п» тг*м m-torture» to 'Me O' Wrinui -m-mran mhrs can м •Jr#'-, nr«e tv rjmng n* wjv»«rt c/l ana (yi ja* la *Х«Х-аО*3 ‘C tff to urwcl ■* г ггШепг* oy 0** Of to* Ы*нг Up 1ЧМОЦ •«•o'.#"* о» iteiT tor reriMnnq anto'na NmMhafMi' MMt* toe aQwpnvN am ■■mw •Cwnrd tor линпст Me an OUST » a enu« rtlanK »OT n.< « «nrft na rtr»vw я oonnaca«] •Cnr*.# *4* -*i« у I* UpltkniRj -Jdolv 1КЛПСМП 10» h** Aftr rMol»; j.mijn or пммаа»*! to I« .»i.*r»<*a *юич w*J«* iae « to осе« re ** Jmt Tin* dr.cr cnfc*e* «en ИЦ ’5 of «*■ ГСС Ru4e* Operator it Mjtyirt to toe toio«Mr>: *eo ссгчМнг'к (I) Т*м» iov<« me» iw< яии hafntji ir*-i«iaice arc | in* doviee tj»1 *xao< any и ir-nrrora (Keiv*d. ir«Vjdri0 i<4rWЫ« Cftuie 01 the problem you ure experiencing Sum« »imp-e checks or a minor adjustment on youf oo r1 may a iminata ife problem and restore proper operation If you a*e m dooW about *ome of t* checx poir'fc» or il the retried»! nocafed m lha chart do not io»ve the problem. reter to the directory of Aijttwy>7*fl Serve* Center« / , a . . . . , __ Have tho battonos been installed with their polarities v(&. ©) reversed? •No sounds. ' sis the headphone piug firmly connected to the [Q] jack? •A gritty noise is heard, rv *ls fho phtg dirty9 Cannot hear music - too noisy. ' ^ | Separate the unit from mobile phone. j Press in and down towards the © end. Two R6/LR6, AA, UM-3 batteries (not included) CONNECT THE HEADPHONES. R L o \ Plug in firmly. T c: Plug type:3.5mm (1/s in.) stereo Concerning the hold function This function prevents the unit from operating even il any of the front panel buttons are pressed in error. To obtain better reception FM Extend the earphone cord. ■ How to receive an FM broadcast clearly Set [FM RECEPTION) to [NOR], When the FM reception is impaired, or there is ii from a powerful station, set it to [CITY]. AM Preset tuning_ A total ol 20 stations can be stored as follows: MODE 1: FM1-5, AM1-5 MODE 2: FM1-5, AMI-5 it is recommended thal you use MODE 1 for daily use, and MODE 2 for travel. ■ Mode selecting Press and hold [ » MODE MIMJ ] lor more than 2 seconds, " (MODE 1 ) or“aO" (MODE 2) Is shown on thBdisplay. ■ Memory presetting 1. Press [+] and [-] to tune the station. 2. Press [PRESET]. 3. While the ' QJ ' Is flashing, press and hold one of the memory buttons (¡1], [2], [3], [4], [5]). Three beeps can be heard. Memory channel TUNING HOLD To recall a preset station 1. Press [PRESET). 2. While the “ BJ" is flashing, press one of the memory buttons |[1], [2], [3], [4], [5]). When using overseas Allocations need to be...
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