Фото и характеристики LG V-K8801HTU![]() |
Фрагмент инструкции
• eU.A„UIE.UEUA IO.IOOU. ‚O‡O.‚‡IEfl O OOIO... OOIAUII‡, .A„UIE.U..A„O IO.IOOU. ‚O‡O.‚‡IEfl, .‡OOOIOEAIIO„O I‡ .U.IA .I‡I„‡. • OOIE O.IAO·O.IEI OO.UE A‡OOIIAI EIE A‡·EU UEI.U., A‡„O.EUOfl OOOU‚AUOU‚U..EE EI‰EI‡UO.. i‰‡IEUA O.I. EA O.IAO·O.IEI‡ E O.O.EOUEUA UEI.U. O.A‰‚‡.EUAI.IOE O.EOUIE. • aI‰EI‡UO. IOEAU O‚AUEU.Ofl O.E ‚O‡O.‚‡IEE IAIIO‰EOOA.OIOE O.IE. C .UOI OIU.‡A OO.EOUEUA ‚OA‰U.I.E UEI.U.. Park System eEOUAI‡ OO‰OU‡‚OI: • To store after vacuuming and pause while vacuuming. • For deposit after vacuuming, for example to move a small piece of furniture or a rug, use the Park system to support the flexible hose and cleaning head. - Slide the hook on the nozzle into the slot on the side of the dust tank. • e.EIAIflAUOfl ‰Ifl ..‡IAIEfl O.IAOOO‡ OOOIA EOOOI.AO‚‡IE E ‚ OA.A..‚‡. IAE‰U EOOOI.AO‚‡IEAI. • oUO·. .‡AIAOUEU. EA‰AIEA OOOIA .EOUIE, I‡ IA·OI..OI O.A‰IAUA IA·AIE EIE IO‚.EIA, EOOOI.AUEUA OEOUAIU OO‰OU‡‚OI, O·AOOA.E‚‡..U. OOO.U ‰Ifl „E·IO„O .I‡I„‡ E .EOUfl.AE I‡O‡‰IE. - COU‡‚.UA ‚.OUUO I‡ .EOUfl.AE I‡O‡‰IA ‚ O‡A, .‡OOOIOEAII.E OO OUO.OI. O.IAO·O.IEI‡. Storage i.‡IAIEA • When you have switched off and unplugged the appliance, press the cord reel button to automatically rewind the cord. • You can store your appliance in a vertical position by sliding the hook on the nozzle head into the clip on the underside of the appliance. • eOOIA UO„O, I‡I ‚. ‚.II..EIE O.IAOOO E OUII..EIE A„O OU OAUE OEU‡IEfl, I‡EIEUA IIOOIU OI‡U.‚‡IEfl OAUA‚O„O I‡·AIfl, OOOIA .A„O OAUA‚OE I‡·AI. ·U‰AU ‡‚UOI‡UE.AOIE OIOU‡I. • i.‡IEU. EA‰AIEA IOEIO ‚ ‚A.UEI‡I.IOI OOIOEAIEE, ‚OU‡‚E‚ I..I ‚ ‚A..IAE .‡OUE I‡O‡‰IE ‚ A‡EEI, .‡OOOIOEAII.E I‡ IEEIAE .‡OUE EA‰AIEfl. 1 Carpet aO‚A. Floor eOI • Cleaning carpet and floor nozzle Pedal • c‡O‡‰I‡ ‰Ifl .EOUIE IO‚.O‚ E OOIO‚ eA‰‡I. 11 How to Use Using the Carpet and floor nozzle aOOOI.AO‚‡IEA EA‰AIEfl aOOOI.AO‚‡IEA I‡O‡‰IE ‰Ifl .EOUIE IO‚.O‚ E OOIO‚ Carpet and floor nozzle c‡O‡‰I‡ ‰Ifl .EOUIE IO‚.O‚ E OOIO‚ • The 2 position cleaning head equipped with a pedal which allows you to alter its position according to the type of floor to be cleaned. • Carpet or rug position Press the pedal to lower brush. • Hard floor position (tiles, parquets floor) Carpet mode and Floor mode are available • OA‰‡I.., IOUO.‡fl OOA‚OIflAU IAIflU. AA OOIOEAIEA ‚ A‡‚EOEIOOUE OU UEO‡ OOI‡, OO‰IAE‡.A„O .EOUIA. • eOIOEAIEA ‰Ifl .EOUIE IO‚.O‚O„O OOI..UEfl. oUO·. OOUOUEU. .AUIU, I‡EIEUA I‡ OA‰‡I.. • eOIOEAIEA ‰Ifl .EOUIE U‚A.‰.. OO‚A..IOOUAE (OOI. EA OIEUIE E O‡.IAU‡) eAEEI «aO‚A.» E .AEEI «eOI» O.A‰UOIOU.AI. • Open the cover by pulling the hook. • Divide the nozzle into two parts • Clean the hole of the nozzle. • eUI.OEUA I...IU, OOUflIU‚ A‡ I..I. • e‡A‰AIEUA I‡O‡‰IU I‡ ‰‚A .‡OUE. • e.O.EOUEUA OU‚A.OUEA ‚ I‡O‡‰IA. Чиcтящaя гoлoвкa нa 2 пoлoжeния ocнaщeнa 2 Cleaning Carpet master a‡OUA. OO .EOUIA IO‚.O‚ Bottom cEA Open eUI..U. Long Carpet aO‚.O‚OA OOI..UEA O ‰IEII.I ‚O.OOI Air regulator eA„UIflUO. ‚OA‰U.‡ Short Carpet aO‚.O‚OA OOI..UEA O IO.OUIEI ‚O.OOI Carpet master(depending on model) c‡O‡‰I‡ ‰Ifl .EOUIE IO‚.O‚O„O OOI..UEfl(IA ‚O ‚OA. IO‰AIfl.) 3 c‡EIEUA Press 12 Mini turbine nozzle(depending on model) iU.·EII‡fl IEIE-I‡O‡‰I‡(IA ‚O ‚OA. IO‰AIfl.) • To remove Mini turbine nozzle cover: Remove 2 screws on the bottom and take Mini turbine nozzle cover off as shown. • Frequently check and remove hair, string, and lint buildup the brush area. Failure to do so could damage to Mini turbine nozzle. • NIfl UO„O .UO·. OIflU. I...IU UU.·EIIOE I‡O‡‰IE: eUI.UUEUA OIEAU ‰‚‡ ‚EIU‡ E OIEIEUA I...IU I‡O‡‰IE U‡I, I‡I .UO OOI‡A‡IO I‡ .EOUIIA. • C.AIfl OU ‚.AIAIE O.O‚A.flEUA E U‰‡IflEUA ‚OIOO., IEUIE E O.O.EE IUOO., I‡IOOE‚.EEOfl I‡ .AUIA. cA‚.OOIIAIEA .UO„O U.A·O‚‡IEfl IOEAU O.E‚AOUE I OO‚.AE‰AIE. UU.·EIIOE I‡O‡‰IE O.IAOOO‡. • Cleaning turbine brush nozzle. • Press the button on the rear side of the nozzle to separate the air cover. • Use the dusting brush & crevice tool to vacuum clean the brush and fan. • Чиcткa тypбиннoй щeтoчнoй нacaдки. • Haжaть кнoпкy в зaднeй чacти нacaдки, чтoбы oтдeлить выпycкнyю кpышкy. • Иcпoльзyя щeлeвyю нacaдкy и щeткy дляyдaлeния пыли, выпoлнить вaкyyмнyю чиcткy щeтки и вeнтилятopa. How to Use Using the Carpet master and Mini turbine nozzle.(depending on model) aOOOI.AO‚‡IEA EA‰AIEfl aOOOI.AO‚‡IEA I‡O‡‰IE “carpet master” E UU.·EIIOE I‡O‡‰IE O.IAOOO‡.(IA ‚O ‚OA. IO‰AIfl.) How to Use Using the Corner free nozzle and Elbow tube(depending on model) aOOOI.AO‚‡IEA EA‰AIEfl aOOOI.AO‚‡IEA I‡O‡‰IE ‰Ifl U·O.IE U„IO‚ E IOIAI.‡UOE U.U·IE(IA ‚O ‚OA. IO‰AIfl.) 5 Spring latch e.UEEII‡fl A‡.AII‡ Spring latch e.UEEII‡fl A‡.AII‡ 4 Suction Hole for Device Protection CO‡O.‚‡..AA OU‚A.OUEA ‰Ifl A‡.EU. UOU.OEOU‚‡ Extension Pipe for Length Adjustment i ‰IEIEUAI.I‡fl U.U·I‡ ‰Ifl .A„UIE.O‚IE ‰IEI. You can perform cleaning at any place like corner or crevice since revolution of the suction hole is free. C. IOEAUA OOU.AOU‚IflU. .EOUIU ‚ I.·OI IAOUA, I‡O.EIA., ‚ U„I‡. EIE U.U‰IO‰OOUUOI.. IAOU‡., U. I. ‚O‡O.‚‡..‡fl I‡O‡‰I‡ O‚O·O‰IO ‚.‡.‡AUOfl. Corner...
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