К этому устройству также есть другие инструкции:
Фрагмент инструкции
Upgrading VSS Provider for Microsoft Windows fails on
Run 3PARVSSProvider_2k3_x64.msi directly, or run
Windows 2003 x64 SP2 and Windows 2008 x64.
C:\windows\System32\msiexec.exe/ I
The virtual server environment uses the controller to distribute None.
the hardware resources, therefore snapshot LUNs may not
be surfaced to the Windows OS.
The exception message strings generated by the Windows
Installer use the default locale language of the host system.
Snapshot creation on a booted system drive might fail.
Windows operating system only supports up to 255 LUNs.
Any LUN ID greater than 254 will not be visible to the
Windows operating system since the Windows Operating
System supports a maximum of 255 LUN IDs.
Windows 2008 MPIO hangs with VSS operation.
Microsoft has released a patch to fix this problem. Refer to
Microsoft KB 957522 for more information.
If Remote Desktop is being used to install VSS Provider for
Microsoft Windows, you need to re-login to Remote Desktop
after the installation has completed.
Windows 2008 attempts to import snapshots and perform
Microsoft has released a patch to fix this problem. Refer to
auto-recovery on data during snapshot creation even though Microsoft KB 970770 for more information. Installation of
the requestor has explicitly indicated that the snapshot is
the patch is mandatory if HP 3PAR Recovery Manager for
transportable, and the hardware cannot do auto-recovery.
Exchange or HP 3PAR Recovery Manager for Microsoft SQL
is installed.
The maximum number of shadow copied volumes in a single None.
shadow copy set is 64. If any snapshot operation exceeds
this limit, the operation fails and the VSS framework requires
some time to perform the cleanup task.
Snapshot taking longer than 10 seconds will be discarded.
This is a Microsoft VSS framework restriction.
The following items have been addressed in this release.
Bug ID
VSS Provider for Microsoft Windows displayed an incorrect error message if the backup and production servers
were in different domains. This has been fixed.
VSS Provider for Microsoft Windows can now use the –noblock option of the creategroupsv command.
Event log issues have been corrected.
The 3PAR icon is now displayed on the Programs and Features window in the GUI.
Files now include the file version, product name, and product version.
LocateLuns no longer fails with autonomic groups.
In the VSS Provider for Microsoft Windows command line interface, complete WWNs (or 9 hexes) are now used
for volumes.
The tab button functionality has been fixed in the HP 3PAR Storage System registration wizard to move to the
Use SSL for… field instead of the OK button.
The appropriate error message now appears for volumes exported to hosts using the domainset command.
...Эта инструкция также подходит к моделям:
Программное обеспечение - HP 3PAR F200 VSS Provider/Microsoft Windows LTU and Media Kit (141.52 kb)
Программное обеспечение - HP 3PAR F400 VSS Provider/Microsoft Window LTU and Media Kit (141.52 kb)
Программное обеспечение - HP 3PAR S400 VSS Provider/Microsoft Windows LTU and Media Kit (141.52 kb)
Программное обеспечение - HP 3PAR S800 VSS Provider/Microsoft Windows LTU and Media Kit (141.52 kb)