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The Hardware Accelerator monitors the graphical demands of displays and automatically offloads the PCoIP encoding tasks of the most demanding displays from the vCPUs to the Hardware Accelerator. To support multiple server types, the Hardware Accelerator is available in the form factors shown below. For all cards, the features and functionality are the same. • Full height: Standard full height, half length card that can fit into a PCIe x8 or x16 slot (supports PCIe Gen 1.1 and 2.0) • Low profile (LP): Half height, half length card that can fit into a PCIe x4 slot (supports PCIe Gen 2.0 only) • MXM: An MXM card for HP Gen8 blade servers • DXM-A by Amulet HotKey: A DXM-A card for Dell "M" series blade servers As demands change, the card seamlessly and automatically shifts between hardware encoding on the Hardware Accelerator and software encoding on the vCPU(s) of the virtual desktops. This lets the Hardware Accelerator support a large number of desktops while providing optimal use of resources. The Teradici PCoIP Hardware Accelerator offloads up to 100 displays, depending on the maximum display resolution configuration and the display topology (i.e., whether landscape or portrait mode is enabled). The maximum number of offloaded displays for various scenarios is shown in the table below. Note: Each virtual machine display is monitored separately. The number of displays offloaded may vary based on screen resolution and display activity. Table 1-1: Maximum Number of Offloaded Displays MaximumWidthMaximumHeightMaximumNo. OffloadedDisplaysPortraitmodeenabled: 25601600251920120040 TER1109003 Issue 8 Teradici PCoIP® Hardware Accelerator (APEX 2800) Administrator's Guide MaximumWidthMaximumHeightMaximumNo. OffloadedDisplays168010505012801024100Portraitmodedisabled: 25601600401920120064168010508512801024100 Note: Please see for more information about hardware accelerator solutions. 1.1.1 Benefits The Teradici PCoIP Hardware Accelerator delivers the following benefits: • Consistent user experience: The Hardware Accelerator constantly monitors the graphic encoding demands of each display and dynamically offloads up to 100 of the most active displays. This reduces peaks in server CPU utilization, ensuring a consistently optimal experience across all users, regardless of task or activity level. • Enhanced application performance: Increased virtual CPU headroom results in more dependable application performance, enabling intensive applications to run more smoothly. • Improved VDI consolidation ratio: The increased virtual CPU headroom also improves VDI consolidation ratio (i.e., the number of virtual servers required on each physical host). These gains occur for typical office workloads as well as scenarios with high leve...