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Companies, names, and data used in examples herein are fictitious unless otherwise noted. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of Kloudian Systems Inc. Orbweb is copyright of Kloudian Systems Inc. All rights reserved. Version – Last updated 2011/08/27 .Kloudian Systems Inc. All rights reserved. Tabl e of Contents System Requirements Chapter 1. General Setup Chapter 2. Activatio n Chapter 3. Changing Administrator Password Chapter 4. Creating Orbweb Users Chapter 5. Installing Applications Chapter 6 Using PC Browser as Client 6 .1 Browser Login 6 .2 Browser Logout 6 .3 Password Change Chapter 7 . Using Tablet Client Application 7 .1 Enter Orbweb login page from Dashboard 7 .2 Enter Orbweb login page from Native Client 7 .3 Tablet Login 7 .4 Tablet Settings 7 .5 Tablet Quick link Creation 7 .6 Tablet Virtual Keyboard 7 .7 Tablet language input methods Chapter 8 . Setting Up Internet Access to Home Server 8 .1 Setup 8 .2 Identify Home Server DHCP IP 8 .3 Forward Port (on network router/access point) 8 .4 Setup Domain Name 8 .5 Associate Home Server to Orbweb Virtual Desktop 8 .6 Access Orbweb Virtual Desktop using Domain Name Chapter 9 . Administrator Orbweb Management Tool 9 .1 Terminating Sessions 9 .2 User Account Settings 9 .3 Managing Users Group(s) 9 .4 Managing Applications Group(s) 9 .5 Linking Users Group(s) and App lications Group(s) 9 .6 Uninstalling Applications System Requirements . Supported PC Browser Clients (JRE 1.6.x Dependent): Internet Explorer v9.x Firefox v13.x Chrome v20.x Safari v5.x Windows v v v v Mac v v v . Supported Android Tablet Client: . Android v2.x or above . Supported iPad Tablet Client: . iOS v5.x or above Chapter 1. General Setup . Make sure unit powers up normally . Make sure unit is connected to your local network . Identify Home Server IP *If you want to access Windows Home Server 2011 or Orbweb Virtual Desktop through internet, please refer to the Users Manual on Recovery CD Chapter 2.Activation . Enter Home Server IP . For SSL warning message, Click on “Continue to this website” . Enter default account name and password and click on “Right arrow” User Name: “homeadmin”, Password: “123456” . Click “Orbweb Management Console” icon Enter “Activation Code”(please refer to User’s Manual) . Click “active” button . Activation passed, when you see this page If you see “active fail” error message, Please double-check the entered activation code or internet connection . Enter default login name and password Login: admin, Password: admin . Click on “Log in” button . Click “Accept” button Chapter 3. Changing Administrator Password . Go to Orbweb Management Console Home Page . Click “ Users” button on main menu . Select “ Users” on side button . Select “Change Administrator Password” on side menu . Enter “Current Password” . Type “New Password” . Retype “New Password” . Click “Change” button . Confirmation page for Reset Password Chapter 4. Creating Orbweb Users . Enter Home Server IP For SSL warning message, Click on “Continue to this website” . Enter default account name and password and click on “Right arrow” User Name: “homeadmin”, Password: “123456” . Click on “For PC Client” link For JAVA security warning message . Click "Yes" button If prompted, JRE has not been installed or updated in the system, . Click on “JRE” link to start downloading JAVA . Select “Yes” or “No” for optional full screen settings . Click on “Language” drop-down menu for optional language settings . Click on “Connect" button . Double-click on “Dashboard” icon . Select "Users" . Click on “Add a user account” . First name: Enter first name . User account name: Enter desired account name . Password: Enter desired password . Confirm password: Retype password . Click “Next” button Select “Read/Write” Access level for all shared folders . Click “Next” button Select Remote Web Access options . Click “Create account” button Waiting for the process to complete . Click “Close” button Under dashboard . Check current users list to see if new user has been created Chapter 5. Installing Applications . Go to Orbweb Virtual Desktop log in page . Select “Yes” or “No” for optional full screen settings . Click on “Language” drop-down menu for optional language settings . Click on “Connect" button . Click on “Start” . Click on “homeadmin” Locate the Installation file . Double-click In this example, installing MS office . Click on “Yes” button in Alert Warning Window Waiting for installation preparation . Check “I accept the terms of agreement” . Click “Continue” button . Click “Install Now” button Waiting for the process to complete . Click “Close” button to complete the installation Chapter 6. Publishing Application . Go to Orbweb Management Console Home Page . Click on “Servers” button on main menu . Click “ Manage” button . Click “Stop_service” button . Click “Start_service” button . ...