Фрагмент инструкции
page 4 Francais ................................. page 10 Espanol ............................... pagina 16 Deutsch ................................ Seite 22 Nederlands ....................... pagina 28 Italiano ............................... pagina 34 Portugues .......................... pagina 40 ........ ..................... ...... 46 Svenska ................................... sida 52 Dansk ..................................... side 58 Norsk ..................................... side 64 Suomi ...................................... sivu 70 GB F E D NL I P GR S DK N FIN English .................................... page 4 Francais ................................. page 10 Espanol ............................... pagina 16 Deutsch ................................ Seite 22 Nederlands ....................... pagina 28 Italiano ............................... pagina 34 Portugues .......................... pagina 40 ........ ..................... ...... 46 Svenska ................................... sida 52 Dansk ..................................... side 58 Norsk ..................................... side 64 Suomi ...................................... sivu 70 thermosetEURbk.p65 1 03/04/2001, 20:33 Baby thermometer set The Philips baby thermometer set allows you to accurately and conveniently measure your baby’s temperature. The baby thermometer set is designed for your baby’s safety, comfort, well-being and, therefore, your own peace of mind. It is part of a complete range of Philips Baby Care products. Please read this guide carefully before using the thermometer kit, and keep it for future reference. The storage box contains three items: - A soother thermometer to reliably measure baby’s temperature. It is very convenient to use both for you and your baby. - An ordinary soother to let your baby get used to the shape. You can use this soother as a regular soother. - A digital flexible-tip thermometer that measures baby’s body temperature rectally if you want added reassurance. Make sure you follow the safety guidelines when using these items so that you don’t expose your child to any risk. W WWWWWays to use the ther ays to use the therays to use the therays to use the therays to use the therays to use the thermometers mometersmometersmometersmometersmometers The most convenient way to measure your baby’s temperature is to use the soother thermometer in accordance with these guidelines. This method gives a reliable indication. If you need added reassurance (for example, if the first measured temperature is above 38°C) then use the digital flexible-tip thermometer to take a measurement in the anus (rectal). Note that oral measurements are usually 0.5 to 1°C lower than the actual body temperature. Childr ChildrChildrChildrChildrChildren’ en’en’en’en’en’s temperatur s temperaturs temperaturs temperaturs temperaturs temperature eeeee The temperature of a child is normally between 36.5 and 37.5°C. Remember though that a child’s temperature can vary depending on age, activity, time of day, etc. Please also remember that some illnesses do not have high temperature as a symptom. Temperature measurement should not act as a substitution for consulting your physician. When reporting your child’s temperature to a professional state the measurement method. 4 thermosetEURbk.p65 2 Tekniske spesifikasjoner Digitalt ter Digitalt terDigitalt terDigitalt terDigitalt terDigitalt termometer mometermometermometermometermometer Nar NarNarNarNarNarr rrrrresmokk esmokkesmokkesmokkesmokkesmokk med fleksibel tupp med fleksibel tuppmed fleksibel tuppmed fleksibel tuppmed fleksibel tuppmed fleksibel tupp ter tertertertertermometer mometermometermometermometermometer Mal : 133(L) x 21(B) x 12(H) mm 48(L) x 55(B) x 36(H) mm Vekt : 9.5 gram 15 gram Stromforbruk : 0.2 mW Batteri : 1.55 VDC (LR41) Batteriets levetid : > 100 driftstimer Maleomrade : 32°C til 44°C Noyaktighet : ±0.1°C for omradet 35°C til 38°C; ±0.2°C for det ovrige omradet. Smokkstorrelse : 1 (egnet for nyfodte babyer) I overensstemmelse med MDD93/42/EEC. Tekniset tiedot Digitaalinen joustavakarkinen Digitaalinen joustavakarkinenDigitaalinen joustavakarkinenDigitaalinen joustavakarkinenDigitaalinen joustavakarkinenDigitaalinen joustavakarkinen T TTTTTuttimallinen uttimallinenuttimallinenuttimallinenuttimallinenuttimallinen kuumemittari kuumemittarikuumemittarikuumemittarikuumemittarikuumemittari kuumemittari kuumemittarikuumemittarikuumemittarikuumemittarikuumemittari Mitat : 133(p) x 21(l) x 12(k) mm 48(p) x 55(l) x 36(k) mm Paino : 9,5 g 15 g Tehonkulutus : 0,2 mW Paristo : 1,55 VDC (LR41) Pariston kesto : > 100 kayttotuntia Mittausalue : 32°C...44°C Tarkkuus : valilla 35 °C...38 °C: ±0,1 °C ; muualla ±0,2 °C. Tutin koko : 1 (sopii vastasyntyneille) Tayttaa laakinnallisia laitteita koskevan direktiivin 93/42/ETY vaatimukset. 03/04/2001, 20:33 Tekniska specifikationer Digital ter Digital terDigital terDigital terDigital terDigital termometer mometermometermometermometermomet...
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