Фрагмент инструкции
Original instructions: English
9) During charging, the charger may
Translation of the original instructions:
become slightly warm. This is normal.
Other languages
Do NOT charge the battery for a long
10) When storing or carrying the tool,
set the Forward/Reverse lever to the
These tools can be used to tighten
center position (switch lock).
screws in clutch mode and to drill holes
11) Do not strain the tool by holding the
in wood and metal in drill mode.
speed control trigger halfway (speed
Read the Safety Instructions booklet
control mode) so that the motor stops.
and the following before using.
12) Do not operate the speed selector
switch (LOW-HIGH) while pulling on
the speed control trigger. This can
cause the rechargeable battery to
wear quickly or damage the in-ternal
1) Wear ear protectors.
mechanism of the motor.
Exposure to noise can cause hearing loss.
2) Use auxiliary handle supplied with
the tool.
• Do not use other than the Panasonic bat-
Loss of control can cause personal injury.
tery packs that are designed for use with
3) Hold power tools by insulated
this rechargeable tool.
gripping surfaces when per-forming
• Panasonic is not responsible for any dam-
an operation where the cutting tool
age or accident caused by the use of recy-
may contact hidden wiring; contact
cled or counterfeit battery pack.
with a “live” wire will make exposed
• Do not dispose of the battery pack in a fi re,
metal parts of the tool “live” and shock
or expose it to excessive heat.
the operator.
• Do not drive the likes of nails into the bat-
4) Wear a dust mask, if the work causes dust.
tery pack, subject it to shocks, dismantle it,
5) Be aware that this tool is always in an
or attempt to modify it.
operating condition, since it does not have
• Do not allow metal objects to touch the bat-
to be plugged into an electrical outlet.
tery pack terminals.
6) When drilling or driving into walls,
fl oors, etc., “live” electrical wires may
• Do not carry or store the battery pack in the
be encountered. DO NOT TOUCH
same container as nails or similar metal
PARTS OF THE TOOL! Hold the tool
• Do not charge the battery pack in a high-
only by the plastic handle to prevent
temperature location, such as next to a fi re
electric shock in case you drill or drive
or in direct sunlight. Otherwise, the battery
into a “live” wire.
may overheat, catch fi re, or explode.
7) If the bit becomes jammed, im-mediately
• Never use other than the dedicated charg-
turn the trigger switch off to prevent an
er to charge the battery pack. Otherwise,
overload, which can damage the battery
the battery may leak, overheat, or explode.
pack or motor. Use reverse motion to
• After removing the battery pack from the
loosen jammed bits.
tool or the charger, always reattach the
8) Do NOT operate the For-ward/Reverse
pack cover. Otherwise, the battery contacts
lever when the trigger switch is on. The
could be shorted, leading to a risk of fi re.
battery will discharge rapidly and dam-
• When the Battery Pack Has Deteriorated,
age to the unit may occur.
Replace It with a New One. Continued use
of a damaged battery pack may result in
heat generation, ignition or battery rupture.
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02_EY7420_Eng_004-012.indd 1
2013/01/28 18:49:33