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A segment can be part of only one logical drive. When a logical drive is deleted, the segments that comprised it revert to available space (or free segments). A logical drive can include redundancy, depending on the RAID level assigned to it. (See Selecting the Best RAID Level on page 157 for more information.) Once a logical drive has been created, you can change its RAID level or increase its capacity to meet changing requirements. You can also protect your logical drives by assigning one or more hot spares to them. (See page 81 for more information.) Chapter 6: Managing Logical Drives and Hot Spares . 68 Creating Logical Drives For basic instructions for creating logical drives, see Building Your Storage Space on page 45. This section describes three additional scenarios for creating logical drives: . Setting the size of a new logical drive (see the following section) . Including different-sized disk drives in a logical drive (see page 69) . Creating a logical drive using available segments of disk drives (see page 70) Setting the Size of a Logical Drive As described in Step 6 on page 50, Adaptec Storage Manager automatically sets the size of a new logical drive to maximize the capacity of the disk drives that it comprises. However, you can choose to set the size for a new logical drive. You may want to do this to maximize your available disk drive space, or allocate available space to more than one logical drive. To set the size of a logical drive: 1 Complete Steps 1 through 6 in Custom Configuration (Advanced) on page 49. 2 Click Advanced Settings. The maximum size of the logical drive appears in the Size (GB) box. 3 Enter the new size for the logical drive. The size you enter must be less than or equal to the maximum size. 4 Click Next. 5 Review the logical drive settings, click Apply, then click Yes. Adaptec Storage Manager builds the logical drive. The configuration is saved in the Adaptec controller and in the physical drives. If the disk drives you used to create this logical drive have available space left over, you can use them to create a new logical drive (see page 70), or to expand an existing logical drive (see page 77). Chapter 6: Managing Logical Drives and Hot Spares . 69 Including Different-sized Disk Drives in a Logical Drive You can combine disk drives of different sizes in the same logical drive. If the logical drive includes redundancy, however, the size of each segment can be no larger than the size of the smallest disk drive. (See Selecting the Best RAID Level on page 157 for more information about redundancy.) Note: Adaptec recommends that you not combine SAS and SATA disk drives within the same logical drive. Adaptec Storage Manager generates a warning if you try to create a logical drive using a combination of SAS and SATA disk drives. To create a logical drive with disk drives of different siz...
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