Фрагмент инструкции
COM Modular Tabletop Lectem, Media Cart Base The Ultimate in Portability and Functionality S260 Media Cart Base - 11 kill Quick Look: Wired or Wireless Audience Size: Up to 1,000 Room Size: 10,000 sq. ft. SPL101dB UL & CE Listing Made in USA 6 Year Warranty Jensen Speaker Cardioid Dynamic Wired Mic Scratch Resistant Laminate Medium Oak Walnut S250/S260 Full Lectern SW250/S260 Wireless Full Lectern W250 Non Sound Tabletop + S260 Base Model # Shp. Wt MSRP TABLETop LEcTERN - Use separately or set on Media Cart Base S260 to make a full-size lectern; 50-watt multimedia stereo amplifier, one 6-in. x 8-in. oval, Jensen designed speaker; professional cardioid dynamic handheld mic with 15-ft. cord. RTA. 24-in.W x 14-in.H x 20-in.D, Specify Medium Oak or Walnut. S250 49 lbs. 799.00 Wireless TABLETop LEcTERN - As above with SW805A amplifier with built-in wireless receiver PLUS your Choice of Wireless Mic with Transmitter - Choose either Lapel/Headset, Handheld, or Collar Mic SW250 51 lbs. 1,222.00 Media cART Base - For use with 250 Tabletop Lectern and 272 EZ Speak Folding Lectern for a full size lectern or use separately as an AV cart; 4 easy-rolling casters; 2 lock. RTA, 21-in.H x 33-in.W x 17-in.D, Specify Medium Oak or Walnut. S260 56 lbs. 251.00 non SoUND TABLETop LEcTERN - You can use this tabletop lectern with base/AV cart combo or separately. This lectern includes a generous paper stop and the cart includes a storage shelf and 4 casters (2 locking). Lectern: 14-in. H x 24-in. W x 20-in. D, Specify Medium Oak or Walnut. W250 42 lbs. 167.00 AMpLiFiER power SOURCE NOT iNCLUDED: powered by 10 D-cell alkaline batteries for up to 200 hours talk time; S1460 international AC Adapter/ Recharger; S1465 Rechargeable NiCad Battery pack for up to 20 hours before recharging (requires S1460). All sold separately. INTERNATIoNAL Ac ADApTER/REcHARGER - 110/240 volt, 50/60Hz. 15-volt center positive, 2 amps, 7.5-ft cord. For S805A/ S1460 2 lbs. 131.00 SW805A amplifiers only._ NIcAD Battery pack - Heavy duty rechargeable; for S805A/SW805A amps - requires S1460 AC Adapter/Recharger. S1465 4 lbs. 200.00 250/260/272 Updated 3.16.12 Extend Your Voice With Æ^ÂmpliVox ^ ^v Portable Sound Systems Made in the USA Lecterns and Podiums EZ SPEAK FOLDING LECTERN S272, SW272, W272 650 Anthony Trail, Northbrook, IL 60062 PHONE: (8GG) 267-5486 FAX: (8GG) 267-5489 Folding Tabletop Lectern The Ultimate in Portability and Functionality ^- FROM THIS... ...TO THIS Folds Up for Easy Portability and Storage Rolling case included with S272 and SW272 W272 - Non Sound Folding Lectern WWW.AMPLI.COM INFO@AMPLI.COM Quick Look: Wired or Wireless Audience Size: 1,000 Room Size: 10,000 sq. ft. SPL 101 dB UL & CE Listing Made in USA 6 Year Warranty Jensen Speakers Cardioid Dynamic Wired Mic Scratch Resistant Laminate Medium Oak Walnut EZ Speak Folding lectern fits on S260 Media cart base for a complete lectern Model # Shp. Wt MSRP EZ SPEAK FOLDING...
Эта инструкция также подходит к моделям:Прочие аксессуары для дома - Modular Lectern SW250 (437.59 kb)