Фрагмент инструкции
The base is divided into two (2) individually managed heat zones with each zone controlled by a separate thermostat with a rangeof 1 through 10 and heat-on indicator light. Overhead lights are controlled by ON/OFF switches in two (2) light zones. Two (2) 125V plug outlets are available as an option on 120/208-240V units only. Counter-top display cases include one set of 6" (152mm) legs. ¦ HN2-72 -72" (1829mm) length ¦ HN2SYS-72 -72" (1829mm) length, with base ¦ HN2-72/P -72" (1829mm) length, 71-5/16" (1811mm) self-service opening across full length of case front ¦ HN2SYS-72/P -72" (1829mm) length, with base, 71-5/16" (1811mm) self-service opening across full length of case front ¦ HN2-72/PL -72" (1829mm) length, 23-3/4" (603mm) self-service opening on left side of case front ¦ HN2SYS-72/PL -72" (1829mm) length, with base, 23-3/4" (603mm) self-service opening on left side of case front ¦ HN2-72/PR -72" (1829mm) length, 23-3/4" (603mm) self-service opening on right side of case front ¦ HN2SYS-72/PR -72" (1829mm) length, with base, 23-3/4" (603mm) self-service opening on right side of case front FACTORY INSTALLED OPTIONS . Panel Color Choices . The system base is not sold as a separate Specify color choice: item. Order the full HN2SYS model to ¦ Black, standard receive the base. ¦ Stainless Steel ANSI/NSF 4 ¦ Custom Color W164 N9221 Water Street • P.O. Box 450 • Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin 53052-0450 • U.S.A. PHONE: 262.251.3800 800.558.8744 U.S.A./CANADA FAX: 262.251.7067 800.329.8744 U.S.A. ONLY PRINTED IN U .S.A. DUE TO ONGOING PRODUCT IMPROVEMENT, SPECIFICATIONS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE . #95 -10/08 HN2-72 HN2-72 SERIES DIMENSIONS(HXWXD) EXTERIOR,COUNTER-TOPMODELWITHLEGS: 37-3/4"x72"x51-3/4"(958mmx1829mmx1312mm) EXTERIOR,WITHBASE: 52-3/8"x72"x51-3/4"(1328mmx1829mmx1312mm) WELLDIMENSIONS(WXLXD): 27-3/16"x69-5/16"x4-1/2"(690mmx1760mmx114mm) INSTALLATIONREQUIREMENTSDisplaycasemustbeinstalledlevel.Thedisplaycasemustnotbeinstalledinanyareawhereitmaybeaffectedbysteam,grease,drippingwater,hightemperatures,oranyotherseverelyadverseconditions. Donotinstallaheateddisplaycasenearacoldairsourcesuchasafreezer,airconditioningvents,orinanyareawhereoutsideairfluctuationcanaffectperformance. WEIGHT(EST.) MODELNETSHIPHN2-72440lb(200kg)540lb(245kg) HN2SYS-72511lb(232kg)611lb(277kg) HN2-72/P440lb(200kg)540lb(245kg) HN2SYS-72/P511lb(232kg)611lb(277kg) HN2-72/PL/PR453lb(205kg)553lb(251kg) HN2SYS-72/PL/PR515lb(234kg)615lb(279kg) CRATEDDIMENSIONS(EST.):HXWXDHN2-72:45"x85"x55"(1143mmx2159mmx1397mm) HN2SYS-72:60"x108"x66"(1524mmx2743mmx1664mm) SPECIFICATIONS Ten(10)overheadlightswithtwo(2)lightzones. Two(2)baseheatzoneswithtwo(2)adjustablethermostatswitharangeof1through10,andtwo(2)heat-onindicatorlights. Three(3)tinted,reflective,temperedglassslidingdoorsonoperatorside. One(1)10"x60"(254mmx1524mm)operator-sideworkshelf. Self-servemodelHN2-72/Phasaself-servepaninsert26-7/16"x69-3/16"x2"(672mmx1757mmx51mm)andincludesthree(3)WirePanGrids. Self-...
Эта инструкция также подходит к моделям:Прочая кухонная техника - HN2-72 (181.76 kb)
Прочая кухонная техника - HN2SYS-72 (181.76 kb)
Прочая кухонная техника - HN2SYS-72 (181.76 kb)