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Инструкция по эксплуатации Jenn-Air, модель AR141

Производитель: Jenn-Air
Размер: 323.26 kb
Название файла: A12221.pdf

Язык инструкции:en

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CRC122UB 5/96 Printed in U.S,A. @1995 Jenn-Air part No. 8111P185-60 Readbeforeoperatingyour cooktop Allappliances-regardlessofthemanufacturer-havethepotential through improper or careless use to create safety problems. Thereforethe following safety precautionsshould be observed: 1. Neveruseyour appliancefor warmingor heatingtheroom. 2. Childrenshouldnotbeleftaloneorunattendedinareawhere applianceisinuse. Theyshouldneverbeallowedtositor stand on any part of the appliance. 3. Wear proper apparel. Loose-fitting or hanging garments should never be worn while using the appliance. 4. Do not repair or replace any part of the appliance unless specificallyrecommendedin this manual. All other servicing shouldbereferredtoan authorizedJenn-AirServiceContractor. 5. Flammablematerialsshouldnotbestorednearsurfaceunits. 6. Donotusewaterongreasefires. Smotherfireorflameoruse dry chemical or foam-type extinguisher. 7. Useonlydry potholders.Moistordamppotholdersonhot surfacesmayresultinburnsfromsteam. Donotletpotholder touchhotheatingelements. Donotuseatowelorotherbulky cloth. 8. Useproperpan size. Manyappliancesare equippedwithone or more surface units of different size. Select cookware having flatbottoms large enough to cover the surface unit heating element. The use of undersized cookware will exposeaportionoftheheatingelementto directcontactand may result in ignition of clothing. Proper relationship of cookwareto heatingelementwillalsoimproveefficiencyand performance. 9. Neverleavesurfaceunitsunattendedathighheatsettings. Boi_over causes smoking and greasy spillovers that may ignite. 10. Glazedcookware-onlycertaintypesofglass,glass-ceramic, ceramic,earthenware,or otherglazed cookwareare suitable for cooktop surface without breaking due to the sudden changein temperature.Use onlysuch cookwareasyou know has beenapprovedfor this purpose. 11. Cookwarehandlesshould beturned inward and notextend over adjacentsurface heatingelementstoavoid burns,ignition of flammablematerialsandspillagedueto unintentional contact with the cookware. 12. Do not soak or immerse removable heating elements in water. 13. CAUTION -Do not store items of interest to children in cabinetsabovecooktop-childrenclimbingon thecooktopto reachitemscouldbe seriouslyinjured. 14. Donottouchsurfaceunitsorareasnearunits. Surfaceunits or heatingelementsmaybe hoteventhoughtheyaredark in color. Areasnearsurfaceunitsmaybecomehotenoughto causeburns. Duringandafteruse,donottouchorletclothing or other flammable materials contact these areas until they havehadsufficienttimeto cool. Othersurfacesmaybecome hot enough to cause burns -among these surfaces is the cooktop. 15. Donotcookonglass-ceramiccookingsurfaceifthecooktop is broken. Cleaningsolutions and spillovers may penetrate the broken cooktop and create a shock hazard. Contact an authorizedJenn-Air ServiceContractor. 16. Clean glass-ceramiccooktopswith caution. Ifwetsponge or clothisusedtowipespillsona hotcookingarea,becareful toavoidsteamburns. Somecleanserscanproducenoxious fumes if appliedto a hot surface. 17. Do not operate with damaged cooking element after any productmalfunctionuntilproperrepairhas beenmade. 18. Keep all switches "OFF" when unit is not in use. Congratulationsonyour choiceofaJenn-Airradiantcooktopcartridge. Thetwo cooking areasare identifiedbycirclesontheglass-ceramiccooktop. When anelementisturned ON,the cooktopwill heatupandthe redglowof the heatingelementcan beseenthrough theglass-ceramictop. Itisnormaltoseetheredglowoftheelementwheneverit cycles on. Theelementwill cycleonandoffforallcontrolsettingsexceptHi. However,it may alsocycle on Hi if impropercookware is used. • BEFOREFIRSTUSE CLEAN COOKTOPCARTRIDGE(See p.7) • Forbestresults,alwaysuserecommendedcookware. • Differentcookpotsanddifferentamountsoffoodbeingpreparedwill influencethe controlsettingsneededforbestresults.(Seecooktopor rangeuse&caremanual for typical control settings.) Forfastest cooking, startwiththe surfacecontrolon Hifor oneminute;thenturn thecontrolto the lowerdesiredsetting.Coveringpans, wheneverpossible, speedscooking andis more energy efficient. • Theglass-ceramiccookingarearetainsheatfor aperiodoftimeaftertheelements have beenturned off. Put this retainedheat to good use. Turn the elementsoff a few minutes before food is completely cooked and use the retained heat to completethe cooking. Becauseofthis heat retentioncharacteristic,the elements will not respondto changes in heat settings as quickly as coil elements. In the event of a potentialboil over, removethe cookpotfrom the cookingarea. • Whenpreparingfoodswhichcanbeeasilyscorchedor over-cooked,startcooking at alowertemperaturesetting andgraduallyincreasetemperatureasneeded, • Ahighersettingthannormalmay benecessarywhen using eookpotsmade with materialthat is slow to conductheat, such ascast iron. • A lowersettingcan be usedwhencookingsmallquantitiesof foodsorwhen using acookpotthatconductsheat quickly. IMPORTANT • Do notuse wiretrivets,fire rings,pads orany suchitembetw...

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