К этому устройству также есть другие инструкции:
Фрагмент инструкции
T TTTTo oooo c cccca aaaanc ncncncncel a pri el a priel a priel a priel a prin nnnnt j t jt jt jt jo oooob bbbb fr frfrfrfrom omomomom the BJ the BJthe BJthe BJthe BJ St StStStStat atatatatus usususus Mo MoMoMoMon nnnni iiiito totototor: r:r:r:r: The BJ Status Monitor launches automatically when data is sent to the printer and will appear as an icon on the taskbar. 1. To cancel a multi-page print job from the Status Monitor, click the BJ Status Monitor icon on the taskbar and the dialog box will open. C CCCan naaanc cce eel ll Printing gg. The print job will be canceled and the paper ejected. 2. Click Canc ncncel P Pelel PPr rrri iiin nnnt ttti iiing ngngn T TTTTo oooo c cccca aaaanc ncncncncel elelelel a aaaa p ppppr rrrrin inininint job t jobt jobt jobt job fr frfrfrfrom omomomom the S the Sthe Sthe Sthe S750 p 750 p750 p750 p750 pr rrrrin inininint dial t dialt dialt dialt dialog ogogogog bo bobobobox: x:x:x:x: When a job is printing on the S750, a print status dialog box displays on your screen. Click Ca CaCaCa Can nnnnc cccce eeeel llll at any time while this dialog box is open to cancel the current print job. The print job will be canceled and the paper ejected. Basic Printing Basic Printing T TTTTo oooo c cccca aaaanc ncncncnce eeeel llll a aaaa p ppppr rrrrin inininint tttt job jobjobjobjob fro frofrofrofrom mmmm Win WinWinWinWindows dowsdowsdowsdows: :::: 1. Click Start tStarStartt Se SeSeSetti ttittittings ngsngsngs, then Printers Pri PriPriPrin nnnt ttte eeers. S SSt tta aar rrt, then Settingsrs rsrsFor Windows XP, click StarC CCCCo oooont ntntntrol rolrolrol Pa aPaPPaane nenenel, then Prinntrol P Pr PrPrPrint tintinintte eeeer rrrs sssrs Start tStartStarStartt, then nel llland O and Oand Oand O r rrr Hardwar HardwarHardwarHardwarPri PriPriPrin nnnt ttter rereerrs ssss a aaaan nnnnd ddd Fa aFaFFaax xxxxe eeees ssss. and Ot tttthe heheheher Hardware eeee, then Printe d F 2. Double-click C CCCCa aaaan nno oon nn S75 S75S750, click the print job, then press the De DeDeDeDelete leteleteletelete key. non S non Snon S7 7750 05500The print job will be canceled and the paper ejected. T TTTTo oooo c cccca aaaanc ncncncnce eeeel llll a aaaa p ppppr rrrrin inininint tttt job jobjobjobjob in inininin M MMMMa aaaac cccc O OOOOS SSSS wh whwhwhwhe eeeen nnnn us ususususi iiiin nnnng gggg fo fofofofore rerereregro grogrogrogrou uuuun nnnnd dddd pr prprprpri iiiin nnnnt tttti iiiing: ng:ng:ng:ng: On your keyboard, press the Apple® Command key ( ) and the period key ( . .... ) at the same time. The print job will be canceled and the paper ejected. T TTTTo oooo c cccca aaaanc ncncncnce eeeel llll a aaaa p ppppr rrrrin inininint tttt job jobjobjobjob in inininin M MMMMa aaaac cccc O OOOOS SSSS i iiiif ffff using usingusingusingusing bac bacbacbacback kkkkgr grgrgrground oundoundoundound p ppppr rrrrin inininint tttti iiiing: ng:ng:ng:ng: 1. While a job is printing, go to the BJ Print Monitor window (click Fi FiFiFiFin nnnnd dddde eeeer rrrr, then tor tortortor B BBBBJ JJJJ P PPPPr rrrrin inininint Mon t Mont Mont Mont Moni iiiitor). 2. Highlight the job to be canceled. 3. Click the S SSt tto oop pp P PPPPr rrrrint tti iing icon in theSt StStop i iopop iin nnntin ntitinng gggPrint Queue dialog box. The print job will be canceled and the paper ejected. Ch ChChChChapt aptaptaptapte eeeer 2: r 2:r 2:r 2:r 2: Adv AdvAdvAdvAdva aaaanc ncncncnced Print ed Printed Printed Printed Print Fea FeaFeaFeaFeat ttttu uuuur rrrre eeees ssss Impr ImprImprImprImpro oooov vvvving P ing Ping Ping Ping Pr rrrrint intintintinte eeeed dddd Im ImImImImag agagagages eseseses Two important factors control the quality and output of your printed images: Pa PaPaPaPap ppppe eeeer rrrr a aaaan nnnnd dddd In InInInInk kkkkUsing recommended Canon paper, specialty media and inks for printing photographs or graphic images can significantly improve the quality of your printouts. See the inside back cover for a list of Canon media and inks for this printer. P PPPPr rrrrin ininininter terterterter D DDDDr rrrrive iveiveiveiver rrrrThe printer driver has a variety of settings that can be used to Se SeSeSeSetti ttittittittings ngsngsngsngscreatively enhance the colors and output of your documents and graphic presentations. Many of these features are covered in this chapter. For more detailed information, see the S750 User’s Guide on the Setup Software & User’s Guide CD-ROM. You can also access the online help in one of the following ways while in the printer driver interface: • Press the F1 F1 F1F1F1 key. • Click in the upper right corner, then click the feature you want to know more about. • Click the button when displayed. B BBBBa aaaalloon Help by clicking Help lloon HHelp ppp, then Sh ShShShSho oooow wwww B BBBBa aaaal lllll lllloon oonoonoonoons ssss. • Turn on lloon He elloon Hlloon Heel lllp pppHel HelHel Adjus AdjusAdjusAdjusAdjust tttting P ing Ping Ping Ping Pr rrrrint Quality int Qualityint Qualityint Qualityint Quality Features that affect the ...