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Инструкция по эксплуатации Brother, модель 4000CN

Производитель: Brother
Размер: 2.39 mb
Название файла: 629fee2f-3960-414b-b963-bd35e49e2d21.pdf
Язык инструкции:en
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Фрагмент инструкции

Ready to Print (The print screen. The printer is ready to print.) v 1. Press the

button. The menu screen appears. Menu (The Menu screen) 1:System v 2. Press the < > button 3 times. Menu 4:Report/List v 3. Press the
or < > button once. 4:Report/List Printer Settings v 4. Press the button once. Printer Settings Ready to Print v 5. Press the button once. Printer Settings Printing Tray1 When printing is finished, the print screen reappears. 8-16 8 88. ..4 44. ..2 22 C CCh hhe eec cck kki iin nng gg t tth hhe ee P PPr rri iin nnt tt L LLo oog gg Use the control panel to print the print log. The print log is a report of the last 22 print jobs received by the printer. Use it to check whether the jobs were printed normally or not. . Note When ‘Auto Log Print’ in the ‘1 System’ menu is set to ‘ON’, the print log is printed automatically every 22 print jobs (Default: ‘OFF’). For more details, refer to 5.3 “List of Menu Items”. This section describes how to print the print log. See For details about control panel operations, refer to 5.2 “Basic Menu Operation”. Look The print log is printed on A4 paper. Set the A4 paper lengthwise into the paper tray. Ready to Print (The print screen. The printer is ready to print.) v 1. Press the button. The menu screen appears. Menu (The Menu screen) 1:System v 2. Press the < > button 3 times. Menu 4:Report/List v 3. Press the or < > button once. 4:Report/List Printer Settings v 4. Press the < > button 3 times. 4:Report/List Log Print v 5. Press the button once. Log Print Ready to Print v 6. Press the button once. Log Print Printing Tray1 When printing is finished, the print screen reappears. 8-17 8 88. ..5 55 C CCo oon nnf ffi iir rrm mmi iin nng gg P PPr rri iin nnt tte eer rr S SSt tta aat ttu uus ss f ffr rro oom mm Y YYo oou uur rr C CCo oom mmp ppu uut tte eer rr This printer features a variety of network tools that enable you to check the status of the printer from your computer through the network. Using these tools saves you from having to leave your computer to check if the printer is working properly or not. This section gives you a basic introduction of the network tools. 8 88. ..5 55. ..1 11C CCh hhe eec cck kki iin nng gg S SSt tta aat ttu uus ss a aan nnd dd R RRe eem mma aai iin nni iin nng gg A AAm mmo oou uun nnt tts ss o oof ff C CCo oon nns ssu uum mma aab bbl lle ees ss u uus ssi iin nng gg a aa W WWe eeb bb B BBr rro oow wws sse eer rr When using TCP/IP to communicate with the printer, you can check the printer status and look at and change printer settings through the network from a Web browser. 1. Turn the computer on and start your Web browser. 2. In the Address box of your Web browser, type the IP address or the Internet address of the printer and press the enter key. 3. The Web Based Management screen appears. 4. Click ‘Job Print Log’. The Status information about jobs requested from the control panel as well as each protocol is displayed. . Note Click ‘View Job Print Log’ in the tree on the left to view the print log of completed jobs. 5. Click the ‘Status’ tab. Printer information appears on the screen. Information about paper trays, the output tray, printer covers, remaining consumables and toner, and the number of sheets output appears in this area. 6. Click ‘Fault Status’. Event information appears on the screen. Use this to check for errors. The control panel status of the printer is also displayed. 8-18 8 88. ..6 66 C CCl lle eea aan nni iin nng gg t tth hhe ee P PPr rri iin nnt tte eer rr We recommend that you clean the printer at least once a month to keep it in good working condition and to maintain print quality. Turn off the printer and disconnect the power cord from the AC outlet before cleaning the printer. Failure to turn off the printer and disconnect the power cord may result in electric shock. .. Cleaning Precautions • Never spray anything directly onto the printer. Droplets can enter the printer and cause malfunctions. Never use detergents other than neutral detergents. • Never lubricate the printer with oil. The printer does not require lubrication. • Never use a vacuum cleaner to clean the printer. .. Cleaning the outside of the printer 1. On the printer's right side, press the side of the power switch marked [O] to turn off the printer. 2. Use a soft, damp, well-squeezed cloth to clean the outside of the printer. If some stains prove difficult to remove, use a cloth lightly moistened with neutral detergent. 3. Wipe any remaining water with a soft, dry cloth. 8-19 8 88. ..7 77 T TTr rra aan nns ssp ppo oor rrt tti iin nng gg t tth hhe ee P PPr rri iin nnt tte eer rr Before transporting the printer, follow the procedure below: • To prevent injuries, this printer should be lifted by at least two people. • To lift the printer, face the front of the printer and grip the recessed areas at the bottom left and right with both hands. ...

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