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Please “Read Carefully.” Manual “Built To A Standard Not A Price” Thank You . . . THANK YOU FOR PURCHASING A HARMAN STOVE AND FOR READING THIS OWNER’S MANUAL. It is our desire to provide as much data as needed to allow you to install and operate your Harman Stove in the safest manner possible. If you have any questions regarding your Harman Stove which were not covered in this manual, contact your local dealer or factory direct. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Safety Notice: IF THIS STOVE IS NOT PROPERLY INSTALLED, A HOUSE FIRE MAY RESULT. FOR YOUR SAFETY, FOLLOW INSTALLATION DIRECTIONS. CONTACT LOCAL BUILDING OR FIRE OFFICIALS ABOUT RESTRICTIONS AND INSTALLATION INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS IN YOUR AREA. Index INTRODUCTION READ ALL INFORMATION “PRIOR” TO PROCEEDING WITH INSTALLATION, AND CHECK WITH YOUR LOCAL AUTHORITIES FOR PREVAILING FIRE ORDINANCES AND RECOMMENDATIONS. 1. SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS - Warnings to owner/operator of possible dangers, fire hazards and cautions. 1.1 Keep children away -- may cause serious burns. 1.2 Fuel/Firing Warnings 1.3 Curing Paint 1.4 Mobile Homes 2. ASSEMBLY 3. CHIMNEY - Proper draft/venting 3.1 Types of Chimneys 3.2 Common Chimney Problems 3.3 What To Do When You Have A Problem 3.4 Chimney Details 4. ELECTRICAL 4.1 Electrical Warnings 5. GRATES 5.1 Grate System and Controls 6. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 6.1 Unpacking and Inspection of Parts 6.2 Warnings 6.3 Locating the Stove 6.4 General Information 7. PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS 7.1 Periodic and Normal Everyday 8. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS 8.1 Starting A Coal Fire 8.2 Loading 8.3 Increase Heat From A Low Fire 8.4 Shaking 8.5 Draft Controls 8.6 Ashes 8.7 Safety 9. WARRANTY 9.1 Terms - Warranty 10. WARRANTY ACTIVATION COUPON AND LIABILITY STATEMENT 11. OPTIONAL HOT WATER COIL 1 1. Safety Considerations 1.1 KEEP CHILDREN AWAY -MAY CAUSE SERIOUS BURNS C A U T I O N : A L L S U R FACES OF STOVE ARE HOT. DO NOT TOUCH. K E E P CHILDREN AWAY. SERIOUS BURNS WILL RESULT IF TOUCHED. THIS IS A HEAT PRODUCING APPLIANCE. SERIOUS BURNS MAY RESULT IF THE STOVE IS TOUCHED DURING FIRING. 1.2 FUEL/FIRING WARNINGS DANGER! FIRE HAZARD! DO NOT USE CHEMICALS OR FLUIDS TO START OR “FRESHEN UP” A FIRE. SEVERE BODY BURNS OR A FIRE IN YOUR HOME COULD RESULT. DO NOT BURN GARBAGE, GASOLINE, THINNERS, DRAIN OR ENGINE OIL, KEROSENE, OR FUEL OIL, ETC. AN EXPLOSION, A HOUSE FIRE OR PERSONAL INJURY COULD RESULT. K E E P A L L SUCH LIQUIDS WELL AWAY FROM THE STOVE WHILE IN USE. This heater is for burning coalonly. Use of any other fuel except forcoal ignition is a violation of federallaw. When and if the chimney pipes orconnectors reach 500 degrees fahrenheit (maximum temperature), the stoveis being over fired. We recommend thepurchase of a Harman Magnetic Temperature Gauge to monitor the stove and stack temperatures relativeto the amount of draft the customer permits the stove to operate. It has been verified that creosote will ignite at 650 degrees fahrenheit. It is the owner’s responsibility to followthese recommendations. This stove consumes air when it is burning. It is advisable that a window inthe vicinity be opened slightly whilestove is burning if your house is tightlysealed and insulated. (Information contained in this manual is manufacturer’s recommendations and if there is anydifference between our recommendations and local code requirements, wesuggest following local code requirements.) 1.3 Curing Paint During the first few hours of burning, a blue smoke will be observed rising from the painted surface of thestove. It is advisable to increase the amount of fresh air in the room duringthis breaking-in period. This may beachieved by opening doors, windows, etc. Don’t be alarmed, this is normal. 1.4 Mobile Homes Harman Stoves are not approvedor recommended for mobile homes. 2. Assembly Slide blower into slots as shown. Blower will rest at bottom of slot. Firebrick Diagram 3. Chimney 3.1 Types of Chimneys The chimney is one of the mostimportant, yet most neglected and misunderstood portion of any solid fuel burning installation. We do not recommend that the stove be connected to a chimney with other heating devices. THE STOVE MUST BE CONNECTED TO ITS OWN TILE-LINED FLUE. A MINIMUM FLUE SIZE OF 8" X 8" IS NECESSARY FOR PROPER OPERATION AND APPROVED FOR ALL FUELS. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTA N C E S SHOULD A MANUAL FLUE DAMPER BE INSTALLED IN THE SMOKE PIPE BETWEEN STOVE AND CHIMNEY! 2 No damper, heat saver, or automatic vent damper device should be installed in or on the smoke pipe. NO OTHER A P P L I A N C E S SHOULD BE VENTED TO THIS FLUE! CAUTION: THE CHIMNEY MUST BE A CLASS “A” CHIMNEY IN GOOD OPERATION CONDITION. NOTE: THE USE OF ALUMINUM TYPE “B” GAS VENT FOR SOLID FUELS IS UNSAFE AND PROHIBITED BY THE NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION CODE. There are three types of Class “A” chimneys: A. Masonry with tile liner to include brick or stone. It must be supported on grade level foundation. B. Insulated Class “A” manufactured chimney, listed or certified ...
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